We're Fucked

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Eggsy and I both knew there were more guards coming to stop us but we were ready to take down any of them when they come at us. We took off running back to the main room again where Valentine was waiting for us to come.

"Eggsy...Gwen...Valentine is using someone else's satellite. He's going to reconnect the chain. It's going to take him no time at all. It's at twenty percent." Merlin announced as he and I looked at one another then began to pick up speed in the corridors. We jumped over the dead bodies we took care of earlier as we made our way to the main room. "Eggsy...Gwen. Looks like Valentine's got a present for you. Get a move on!" I skidded on my heel as Eggsy slid then we pushed to run even faster than before. I saw a huge amount of guards appear in front of us and started firing at us. Eggsy swiftly opened the umbrella as I jumped behind him as he used it to shield us from the bullets. Taking two daggers from my holster I tossed them at the two guards piercing two in the throat. Eggsy activated the shotgun part of the umbrella then blasted the next one back into the remainder of the group. He repeated this process as I continued throwing daggers at the ones who were targeting his backside. A loud gunshot caught my attention as a guard had a big gun who managed to pierce the shield repeatedly as I ready another dagger. I saw Eggsy pull a grenade as he tossed it the same time I threw my dagger into the horde before grabbing me and pulling me down. It blew up sending body parts flying around us as we both stood continuing our way to Valentine. Turning a corridor we saw more guards coming as they fired at us and I pulled Eggsy away from the line of fire. Turning to the other corridor we ran as I used my last few daggers on the other guards that were coming at us.

"I'm out!" I yelled to Eggsy as we ran another guard sent a hail of bullets at us in which Eggsy grabbed me throwing me into the doorframe and used his body to shield me again. We stood shoulder to shoulder against the door frame while gunfire came from both sides of us now. Heavy panting we were trapped as we both looked at one another for some idea but nothing came to mind.

"Merlin...we're fucked!" Eggsy replied we panted as the guards began to position themselves in case we tried anything.

"As am I." Merlin announced I looked to Eggsy who seemed very heartbroken by the turn of events before looking away from me again.

"They're coming at us from both sides and we are out of options." Eggsy began I tried to think of something, anything to help us but my mind was blank. My eyes turned to Eggsy again seeing the sadness in his eyes. "Rox, I need a favor. Call my mum. Tell her to lock herself away from Dean and form the baby. And tell her I love her."

"Oh for fuck sake." I heard Merlin curse in my ear as I moved my hand to Eggsy intertwined our fingers together and holding his hand tightly in mine. Looking into his eyes that is when it hit me as I remembered when Harry fought with Professor Arnold then the device in my grandfather's ear.

"Merlin...remember those implants you said were of no use to us? Any chance you can turn them on?" I asked seeing Eggsy look at me strangely before I gave him a nod to trust me which he did.

"Alright...my turn to play Valentine." Merlin muttered I tightened my hand on Eggsy's praying for this to work until I heard a muffled scream come from someone behind the wall. Then loud explosions began to ring out as Eggsy and I poked our heads out seeing the guards heads exploding like fireworks. "Oh my God, that is fucking spectacular!" Eggsy wrapped his arms around me pulling me into an aerial hug then pressed his lips onto mine. He broke away shortly after a hard kiss while lowering me back to the floor again.

"You are a fucking genius!" Eggsy smiled with a slight whisper in which I smiled confidently shrugging at him.

"Eh...I'm alright." I laughed feeling his lips press onto mine again then we broke away when the loud speaker static caught our attention.

"You mother fuckers. Did you really think I was stupid enough to implant one of those things in my own head? What are you, fucking crazy? All those innocent people killed and for what? You didn't stop shit!" Valentine yelled on the speaker as I looked at Eggsy the fight wasn't over yet. We both took off running towards the main room grabbing a gun on the floor along the way. Soon we entered we lifted our guns then started to fire at the glass when Valentine's assistant pushed him to the floor.

"Merlin. how do we get up there?" Eggsy asked reloading the gun that was in his hand when I saw his assistant stand and move to the glass.

"I'll find a route." Merlin answered I saw her aim the gun at Eggsy jumping through the glass and firing at him when I tackled him pushing us behind a table. She landed on the floor tossing her now empty gun to the floor as I saw blades at her feet and she was staring at me.

"I'll handle her...you get Valentine's hand off that desk." I ordered Eggsy who nodded while I moved towards the assistant keeping a hard stare at her. My eyes glanced at her feet then back to her smiling confidently at her. "Nice shoes...wanna dance?" She charged at me and I charged at her.

wanna dance?" She charged at me and I charged at her

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~~Phew that was a close one...epic showdown coming next week.~~

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