Oxfords Not Brogues

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(A/n: Ahhhhh the wink)

Harry didn't say one word about the fight when he led me to his tailor shop again, I was waiting for him to unleash a lecture onto me but he didn't so I tried to change the subject before he could.

"So are you gonna teach me to talk proper, like in My Fair Lady?" I asked with a small chuckle seeing Harry look at me strangely.

"Don't be absurd. Being a gentleman has nothing to do with one's accent, it's about being at ease in one's own skin. As Hemingway said, 'There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man. True nobility is being superior to your former self.'" Harry recited opening the tailor shop door and I entered the room without a word. I moved passed through the mannequins until Harry moved in front of me. "Now the first thing every gentleman needs is a good suit. By which I mean, a bespoke suit. Never off the peg. And Kingsman suits are always bulletproof. So let's get you measured and then whether you get the job or not, you'll have a lasting and useful memento of your time at Kingsman."

"I'm so sorry, sir, but a gentleman is completing his fitting. Fitting room two is available." The tailor Kingaman apologized as HArry stopped to look at him with a confused look on his face.

"One does not using fitting room two when one is popping one's cherry." Harry exclaimed I felt a small chuckle fill my throat but I swallowed it before it escaped when he looked at me. "Perhaps I'll show you fitting room three while we wait." I followed him into the room seeing my reflection in the mirror again.

"So we going up or down?" I asked with a sly smile on my face just as Harry closed the door so we were alone.

"Neither...pull the hook on your left." Harry smiled I turned to the hooks and pulled the third one hearing something click. A door opened inside the wall as I saw weapons surrounding me.

"Ah, yes, very...very nice." I gasped admiring all of the tools around me when Harry shut the door in case someone entered the fitting room behind us.

"Now you're going to need a pair of shoes to go with your suit." he began moving towards a set of three pairs of shoes. His fingers ran across the first one then the second one and finally grabbed the third one off the rack. He handed it to me as I saw a bench behind me so I could try it on. "An Oxford is any formal shoe with open lacing. This additional decorative [piece is called broguing."

"Oxfords not brogues." I mimicked the words Is aid so long ago back to him seeing Harry nod to me.

"Words to live by, Eggsy. Words to live by." Harry smiled I undid my sneakers and tied the fancy ones onto my feet. Harry was moving towards all of the weapons that hung on the wall near the shoes. "These you're familiar with and this is our standard issue pistol. It's quite unique as you'll see, it also fires a shotgun cartridge for use in messy close range situations." He pointed at the umbrella and showed me the many functions of the umbrella from a bulletproof shield to a gun.

"Wow..." I answered standing up with the shoes on seeing Harry place the umbrella back on the rack then turned to look at me.

"How do they feel?" he asked I moved my feet a small bit stretching out the leather shoes with each flex of my foot.

"Yeah...there good." I smiled seeing Harry put both of his hands behind his back like he normally did.

"Now do your best impersonation of a German aristocrat's formal greeting." Harry ordered I cocked my brow then shrugged putting one finger to my upper lip and I do a Nazi salute. "No Eggsy..." I watched Harry stand at attention and clips the ends of his heels which extends a small blade from the top of the shoe.

"That is sick." I gasped mimicking his movement to see my own small blade appear from the top of my foot.

"In the old days, they had a phone in the heel as well." Harry added I was still amazed by the small knife that appeared from my shoe.

"How do I get it back in?" I asked watching Harry slap my hand from touching it earning a confused look from him.

"Well, it's coated in one of the fastest-acting neurotoxins known to man, so very carefully." he answered moving to the wall pressing the tip of the blade into the wall and the blade retracted into the tip of the foot. I mimicked him watching the blade vanish as I saw him take a fountain pen from the shelf and moved to me again. "Now I've had a lot of fun with this. One of our finest examples of chemical engineering. A poison harmless when ingested but at a time convenient to you, can be remotely activated. Primed, Lethal." I watched him extend the tip of the pen like a trigger to show me then he retracted it as my eyes fell onto the lighters.

"And what about these? What do these do?" I asked taking one of them in my hands scanning the whole thing for some sort of clue. The gold lighter just looked like a normal lighter. "Electrocute you?"

"Don't be ridiculous. It's a hand grenade." Harry answered I snapped my head to him with a shocked look on his face.

"Shut up!" I gasped seeing Harry take the lighter back and placed it back onto the rack with the rest of them.

"You want to electrocute someone, you'll need a signet ring. A gentleman traditionally wears the signet on his left hand but a Kingsman wears it on whichever hand happens to be dominant. Touch the contact behind the ring and it delivers fifty thousand volts." Harry explained I nodded watching him place it back onto the wall as my eyes fell onto the phones and tablets behind him.

"What about them? What makes them so special?" I asked pointing at them watching Harry turned to look at them as I take one of the lighters placing it into my jacket pocket before he looks back at me.

"Nothing. That technology caught up with the spy world." he answered unaware of what happened behind him as I moved to the bench to change back into my sneakers again. Harry took a step towards me after I handed them to him and hung them back onto the wall. "Now...we need to talk."

"About?" I asked tying my sneakers back onto my feet trying not to make my eye contact with him but it was hard not too.

"Gwen..." he answered as my stomach sank when I looked up at him seeing a serious look on his brow, I hoped that we could avoid this conversation but I was wrong.

~~Classic Harry...always killing the moment but at least this time it's for a good reason.~~

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