To Galahad

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We were both in shock from what we witnessed; my eyes were stained with tears and my cheeks were puffy from all the crying. Eggsy literally had to pull me out of the office room and away from the laptop screen in order to bring me into Uncle Harry's dining room table. I sat in the one chair holding my hands tightly together while Eggsy was pacing in the room next to me. Eggsy then moved towards the scotch bottle Uncle Harry had on a table near the wall from the entrance to the kitchen. He opened the bottle pouring two glasses then handed one to me. I stared blankly at the glass before taking it into my hands sloshed the brown liquid around and then saluted in the air to honor Uncle Harry. I downed it without a second glance feeling the burning liquid rush down my throat then stung in my stomach. Eggsy took a seat next to me, I turned to see his blue eyes looking in a daze while he tapped on the glass in his hand. His knee was bobbing up and down on the floor until I saw him down the glass himself.

"We have to go see Arthur..." he finally spoke I felt my body lock up as my eyes traveled to him as his eyes were pleading with me. His hand removed from the glass to capture mine, his thumb rubbed across my skin and his warm skin was trying to reassure me that everything is going to be alright. "You don't have to say anything...I'll do all of the talking, okay?"

"Okay..." I whispered seeing him give a small weak smile before we both stood up and headed to the front door. Ragna was staring at the both of us strangely as I patted the top of her head seeing her lick my wet face. "I'll be back girl..." Eggsy and I then left Uncle Harry's flat heading to the taxi that was parked out front of the house. Eggsy opened the door for me as I slid in then he headed to the driver seat. We drove in silence for a little bit until we pulled up to Kingsman Tailor. Walking into the room we passed the Tailor who didn't get a chance to speak when we entered the dressing room that held the elevator within. Eggsy pressed his hand to the mirror as it scanned him but strangely he wasn't accepted. I rolled my eyes placing my hand on the mirror which was accepted my print then the elevator activated.

"Well then." he mumbled the elevator lowered to the transporting pod, we took either seat on opposite sides of the pod. It whipped us to the manor's basement which we were to arrive in a few minutes. My eyes were lowered away from him as my hands tightened on the arm rest feeling the fabric squeak on my grip. "I know you really don't want to see your grandfather right now but we need to inform him what happened."

"I know...that's not what I'm thinking about." I answered seeing his brow raised slightly with a questioning look but the pod came to a screeching halt preventing him from asking the question he had. The door opened as we both headed to the stairs taking two at a time then moved through the corridors and hallways. Finally we came to my grandfather's office as I let Eggsy step forward first but I froze. He turned seeing my pained expression he placed both of his hands on either arm and gave me a sincere smile.

"Everything is okay...just breathe." he whispered I nodded as he broke his grip then opened the door and we both walked in. My grandfather was sitting at the head of the table whose eyes lifted and locked on the both of us. "Arthur...Harry's dead."

"Galahad is dead. Hence, we have just drank a toast to him." my grandfather replied my hands tightened into a fist hearing the way my grandfather commented.

"Well, then you know what that psycho's doing. How many people around the world have got those SIM cards? Valentine can send his signal to any of them, all of them. If they all go homicidal at the same time, then..." Eggsy began to explain moving up to the table with me behind him as my grandfather's eyes narrowed towards me.

"Indeed, and thanks to Galahad's recordings, we have Valentine's confession. The intelligence has been passed on to the relevant authorities. Our work is complete, and a most distinguished legacy for our fallen friend, it is, too." my grandfather exclaimed my stomach knotted up by this and I knew something was off now.

"And that's it?" Eggsy asked staring hard onto my grandfather who was trying to hide his obvious strange facial movements.

"Come...sit down boy. And my dear sweet Guinevere...come." my grandfather smiled I watched him shift three glasses onto the place mat in front of a bottle of brandy in front of him. Eggsy took a seat next to him as I took a seat next to Eggsy because I refused to sit next to my lying grandfather. Eggsy's hand slinked into mine under the table as he was trying to calm me down without my grandfather noticing. "This is an 1815 Napoleonic brandy and we only drink it when we lose a Kingsman. Galahad was very fond of you. Both of you." While my grandfather was rambling I felt Eggsy's hand squeeze mine firmly as I turned my eyes to look at him and saw he was staring at something that had him nervous. "And on this occasion, I think it's acceptable for us to bend the rules a little."

"Are these all Kingsmen?" Eggsy asked pointing to the paintings behind Arthur as he turned I saw what Eggsy saw, a faint scar on the back of my grandfather's ear and that just made me angrier. While my grandfather was distracted I saw Eggsy release my hand so he could switch the three glasses quickly before my grandfather could notice.

"Yes, they're, uh, founder members. The one right there is actually my son...Guinevere's father." my grandfather answered turning back as my stomach just knotted up while my grandfather handed off the glasses to us. If Eggsy's suspicion was right they were poisoned so I won't be touching it. "To Galahad."

"To Galahad." Eggsy and I both replied I watched my grandfather down his as I tipped mine to the side spilling it onto the floor and Eggsy did the same with his.

"Harry said you don't like to break rules, Arthur, Why now?" Eggsy asked suspiciously making it obvious to my grandfather that he was.

"You're very good, Eggsy. I can see why my granddaughter and Galahad has taken a liking to you. Perhaps I will make you my proposal for Galahad's position. Provided, of course, that we can see eye to eye on certain political matters." my grandfather explained taking a pen from the top of the tray then flicked it upwards as Eggsy's eyes lowered then lifted back to Arthur without fear in his eyes. "Can you guess what this is?"

"I don't have to, Harry showed me. You click it, I die. I thought that brandy tasted a bit shit." Eggsy replied seeing my grandfather chuckle slightly rubbing the pen tip with his fingers before shaking his head to him.

"Actually...I click this and you both die." my grandfather smiled evilly before lifting his gun and pointing it at Eggsy forcing both my eyes and Eggsy's to go completely wide.

~~Holy shit Arthur is working with Valentine and he believes he poisoned both Eggsy and his own granddaughter. WTF~~

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