Tell Him

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Roxy and I were sitting side by side on the bed scratching the heads of our pups, Eggsy was in the shower and I was trying not to think about what happened today.

" you have feelings for Eggsy or not?" Roxy asked I turned to look at the brunette next to me seeing her brow lift waiting for my answer.

"I don't know what you are talking about." I answered now scratching Ragna's belly with my nails scraping across her black fur.

"You don't have to lie to me Gwen...I won't tell anyone." she began I kept my eyes away from her, keeping them locked onto Ragna who was panting with happiness from the belly rub she was given. "Come on, Gwen. I saw how you two fought today and I saw you kiss him."

"That was part of the combat. I make him think that I'm into him then when he drops his guard I break his grip and then I win." I explained watching her hand snatch mine from Ragna's stomach then turned my whole body to face her.

"Look...I get why you won't admit it. If you lose this competition or if he loses then you won't ever see one another again. And if you do then either one of you become a target against the terrorists out there that we are up against one day. But that shouldn't stop you from at least admitting how you really feel." Roxy exclaimed I closed my eyes sighing a small bit looking towards the bathroom for a moment then turned back to look at her.

"It's just...I never felt anything like this before. My whole life I only focused on my training and school. I never had a chance to ever feel...anything remotely like this. I don't even know what it is I am feeling anyway." I answered watching her other hand move from her pup onto mine encasing it together.

"Well maybe I can help you with that...tell me...what you feel." she smiled I took in a deep breath then turned fully towards her.

"He makes me feel free. Free from all of the responsibilities I had, they are just gone. When he's near I can feel my heart start to race, my body tenses up and my mind goes completely blank. When I look at him It's like I'm in a trance and if I don't snap out of my trance then he will notice and I don't want him too." I explained seeing Roxy pull a bigger grin then she had before.

"That's what love is girl." Roxy answered I bit my inner cheek before I felt her hands squeezed onto mine.

"Oh God what am I going to do?" I asked placing my free hand onto my forehead rubbing my temples before she touched my arm.

"Tell him..." she whispered I snapped my head back to look at her with a very wide expression pressed on my face.

"Are you kidding me? After lost my parents and my Nan I put up these walls to protect my heart because I am afraid feeling that pain again. What if I do tell him and he doesn't feel the same way then I just invited that pain back into my heart again. I can't handle that again." I reminded watching her rub my back with her free hand giving me a sincere smile.

"Trust me...if you think that you are the only one who feels this way, you aren't. You probably haven't noticed this but he stares at you too." she smiled my eyes went wide I was about to speak when I saw Eggsy appear at the corner of my eye. His chest and hair was drenched but he was wearing his sweats then looked at both of us confused.

"What are you two ladies talking about?" he asked I saw Roxy removed her hands from me to place them onto her pup again.

"When Ragna and Lady are going to have a playdate after this is all over." Roxy lied he nodded turning away from us to throw on a shirt, I couldn't keep my eyes off his bare chest and that is when Roxy nudged my arm to break my stare. I looked over at her as she leaned close so only I could hear what she had to say. "Tell him before you lose him." I nodded as she stood up moving to the showers for herself as I scratched a whiney Ragna's head with my hand. I gave her a small smile as I saw Eggsy cuddling with J.B. in his hands as a small smile is forming on my lips. Maybe Roxy was right, maybe I should tell him how I feel but then again if I told him this then I would have to tell him the truth. The real truth about who I really am and I don't know if I could do that, boy am I screwed.

~~Uh oh the walls are starting to shake...~~

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