Puppy Time

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I was able to leave the medical ward the next day but was told by the medical crew that I needed to come back every day to be checked over just in case of any side effects from either then GHB or the near drowning. I entered the room where I nearly died seeing the recruits in the uniforms we were given to wear when I locked eyes with Roxy first.

"Oh my God Gwen...how are you feeling?" she asked moving towards me encasing me with one of her tight hugs. She didn't release me right away as her grip got tighter and tighter around my neck cutting off my airflow.

"I'm okay Rox but I won't be if you keep squeezing me like this." I gasped watching her drop her arms from my neck and touched my shoulders with her hands.

"I'm sorry...I was just so worried. I can't believe they did that to you." she reminded I nodded until I locked eyes with Eggsy who was standing behind her.

"Yeah well I guess it is all part of the program." I exclaimed seeing her nod as Eggsy was now standing next to Roxy.

"Hey Gwen...how are you?" he asked I saw Roxy excuse herself so we could talk without her standing in our way.

"I'm okay thanks to you. They just have to keep an eye on me for any side effects but I am clear to continue the program." I smiled seeing him smile back to me and I heard the door open behind me seeing Merlin enter the room.

"Fall in!" Merlin yelled everyone lined up and I stood in between Eggsy and Roxy right now as they kept their eyes forward. Merlin centered himself in front of us looking at everyone before staring through the middle. "I will be escorting you outside for the next part of the program. Let's go." Everyone followed suit as Eggsy pulled my arm to be in front of him as we walked down a long hallway that led to the mansion. I saw we came to my grandfather's office as his door was opened and I could feel my stomach tighten when we got closer. Quickly I tilted my head so my brown hair would cover my face and we passed the room without notice.

"Are you okay?" Eggsy whispered from behind me as I just looked at him then nodded yes that I was trying to play it off and he let it go. After we passed the room I tied my brown hair up into a ponytail and we exited the mansion as Merlin directed the leader of the group, Charlie to move down the stairs. We followed until we stood in a line in front of a stack of cages that held little puppies within them, I could hear Roxy mutter a small awww under her breath and I felt a smile forms on my lips.

"As some of you will have learned last night, teamwork is absolutely paramount here at Kingsman. Fortunately for all of you Miss. Kinghart is well and is able to continue the program but that is thanks to Mr. Unwin and Miss. Morton. We're here to enhance your skills, test you to the limit. Which is why you're gonna pick a puppy." Merlin explained my eyes scanned over every cage that was in front of me. I saw a variety of puppies from a German Shepard to a tiny little baby Pug. "Wherever you go, your dog goes. You will care for it, you will teach it, and by the time it's fully trained, so will you be. Those of you who are still here, that is. Do you understand?" Everyone nodded to Merlin's explanation as I saw Roxy leaned over to whisper something to me.

"They are so cute how are we going to pick?" she whispered I shrugged as my eyes were met by a pair of dark eyes of a beautiful little Border Collie.

"Choose your puppy!" Merlin ordered everyone moved towards the cages as I stepped towards the little black puppy and I opened the cage. She sniffed my hand then gave me a small lick and crawled into my arms.

"A poodle?" Eggsy asked from behind me as I turned to see Roxy holding a small white poodle in her hands.

"What? They're gun dogs...the oldest working breed." she explained I felt the little puppy in my arms nestle against my neck.

"Actually the Akita is the oldest breed but they are easy to train." I exclaimed earning a smile from Roxy who moved up next to me. Our dogs sniffed one another there way of saying hello.

"A pug?" Roxy asked Eggsy who was holding the tiny little pug in his hands as he looked down at the puppy then back at her with confusion on his face.

"It's a bulldog, ain't it?" Eggsy asked I felt a chuckle escape from my lips as Roxy gave him a concerned look. He just realized that he picked the wrong puppy as I scratched the ear of mine with my finger. "It'll get bigger though, won't it?"

"Not in height..." I mumbled watching Roxy shake her head no to him and he lowered his head in defeat. Merlin made his way towards the three of us as we all looked at him and I could read his facial expressions which told me he was in a panic.

"Very good selection you three...might I have a word with Miss. Kinghart alone for a moment?" he asked both Eggsy and Roxy nodded moving away from me to continue on about Eggsy's choice of puppy.

"Merlin? What is it?" I whispered so they couldn't hear us as I saw him remove his glasses and look at me sadly.

"It's Harry...he's in the medical ward. He's in a coma." Merlin exclaimed my heart sank into my stomach as I couldn't speak or even do anything.

~~Say hi to Gwen's little pup~~

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~~Say hi to Gwen's little pup~~

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