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The rest of the group made there way to me and Eggsy until I saw a man with sandy color hair and a cocky look on his brow take a step forward.

"Eggy? And where did they dig you up?" the cocky prick snickered with everyone behind him chuckled as I saw Eggsy turn to look at him.

"You know we're not allowed to discuss who proposed us?" Roxy imputed trying to divert the conversation but the other fellow stepped forward.

"No need to bite his head off. Charlie's only making conversation, right, Charlie?" the other boy replied my eyes locked onto the prick who was looking at me.

"Hey girly...I'm Charlie Hesketh. Maybe when this is all over you will let me buy you a drink?" he smirked giving me a small wink as I watched him look at his buddies almost like I was back in school dealing with the same dicks again.

"I think I rather die of thirst then drink with you." I replied crossing my arms against my chest hearing some snickering happen behind him as he snapped at them to shut them up. I saw Charlie take a step towards me with a hard stare almost like he wanted to be intimidating but I wasn't fazed.

"You better watch your mouth little girl or it's going to get you in trouble." He whispered holding up his fingers to point at my chest. I could see he wanted to touch me when Eggsy caught his hand taking a step in front of me like a shield now.

"And if you want to keep all 27 bones in that hand I suggest you keep your hands to yourself Charlie." He threatened with a hard stare just as Charlie was about to speak Merlin entered forcing Charlie to snap his hand out of Eggsy's grasp to look at him.

"Fall in recruits!" Merlin ordered we all lined up as I stood next to Roxy and Eggsy with my hands pressed behind my back like I usually did. Eggsy noticed this and mimicked me as I hid a small smile from forming on my lips. "Ladies and Gentlemen, my name is Merlin. You are about to embark on what is probably the most dangerous job interview in the world. For one of you, and only one of you, will become the next Lancelot. Can anybody tell me what this is?" I watched him hold up the green body bag in his one hand as I watched everyone except Eggsy and myself hold up there hands to answer.

"That is a body bag sir." Charlie replied confidently earning a nod from Merlin who placed it back on the bed he took it from.

"In a moment, you will each collect a body bag. You will write your name on that bag. You will write the details of your next of kin on that bag. This represents your acknowledgment of the risks that you're about to face as well as your agreement to strict confidentiality. Which, incidentally if you break will result in you and your next kin being in that bag. Is that understood?" Merlin explained in which we all responded with a nod yes to his question. I could see Merlin lock eyes with me for a second as his way to signal me to move along with the plan. "Excellent. Fall out." He left shortly afterwards as we all grabbed a body bag and marker from the pile. I sat crossed legged on my bed with Roxy across from me and Eggsy on the bed next to me. While everyone was filling out the bag I leaned slightly over to him seeing his eyes turn to me.

"Thanks for didn't have to do that for me you know." I whispered seeing him give me a small wink and a smile to match it.

"What are friends for?" he replied I nodded returning to my body bag as I let those words sink in; what are friends for but frankly he had no idea what he had in store for himself. Unfortunately being friends will be the last thing that happens during this recruitment process. About an hour later everyone decided to get an early night's sleep because they had no idea what was about to happen to them. While everyone was distracted I opened the small bag that Merlin gave me and quickly I popped two of the pills into my mouth and downed the water I had near my bed.

"What is that sleeping pills?" Roxy asked me I tucked the bag back in between my clothes as I looked back up at her.

" a headache." I smiled seeing her nod before getting comfortable in her bed not saying another word to me and I saw Eggsy moving to his bed. He was shirtless wearing pajama pants, he wasn't the only one shirtless but I couldn't take my eyes off his chest. His muscles flexed with each step until he plopped onto the bed as I snapped my eyes away from him.

"Hey Gwen? Are you okay? You look a little pale." he asked I was a bit flustered by what I saw his physique before I snapped out of it looking back up at him.

"Oh yeah I'm fine...just have a headache and I'm a little tired, that's all." I lied watching him nod as I fixed myself onto the bed so I was comfortable. I wore a pair of pajama pants with my white tank top and sports bra underneath. Sleeping with men in the room would not be smart to be braless especially with Charlie here. "Goodnight Eggsy."

"Goodnight Gwen." He replied I could feel my muscles starting to harden as I let my eyes slip closed. I knew in the next hour I would be paralyzed and ten minutes afterwards I will be drowning. I just prayed that someone saves me before it's too late.

~~Dun dun daaaa what's gonna happen and god damn Taron shirtless drives me crazy. ~~

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