You Sure You Want To Mess With Me?

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The next day we were taking exams and I felt like I was back in school again especially since this was the same test I took a few years ago. I was the first to finish while Ragna was laying at my feet and I turned to see Eggsy scratching his head with his pencil confused. About two hours later we were now practicing with weapons as I earned a shocked look from Charlie at the perfect shots I made on the target. By perfect I mean the head and crotch shots I made on the paper. Moving passed him I leaned my head towards him so he could hear my comment.

"You sure you want to mess with me?" I asked moving passed not letting him answer as I high fived Roxy who was impressed while Eggsy was next to shoot. Surprising he was also a skilled marksman but I knew that was due to his prior military training. Merlin moved up to me while Roxy made her way up to the platform.

"Gwen...Harry is awake. Go see him!" he whispered I didn't even need to hear the whole sentence as I took off running into the building. Ragna was on my heels as we moved swiftly through the corridors until we came to the medical wing. I got to the door knocking onto the door waiting for a response from Harry.

"Come in." his voice ranged out I pushed open the door seeing him sitting on the chair near his bed and I entered shutting the door behind me.

"Uncle Harry...are you okay? What happened to you?" I asked colliding into him hugging him then moved away seeing Ragna pant happily.

"I'm fine, my dear. Who is this beauty?" he wondered patting the top of Ragna's head as she sat enjoying the touch.

"Oh pup for the program. You still didn't answer what happened to you?" I reminded watching him trying to avoid the question but he knew he couldn't get passed me.

"Nothing you need to worry about right now my dear. So Merlin has told me that you have gotten close with my candidate Eggsy. Did you do that because he's my candidate or is there something else?" Uncle Harry exclaimed I sighed seeing Ragna pacing as I just snapped my fingers to stop her. She obeyed then sat at attention before I turned to look at him again.

"He's a good friend...he saved my life after all." I reminded lowering my eyes as he tilted his head curious to my previous action.

"What's wrong my dear?" he asked taking a seat in the chair while I leaned onto the edge of the medical bed with my hands digging into the metal bars.

"I don't want to lie to him anymore...I know I have to do this but I feel like I am ruining the friendship I have been building with him with this lie. What if after this is over and he finds out the truth then he doesn't trust me again? Uncle Harry it took years for me to build up those walls to protect myself and with him he brings them down that scares me. I allowed him too and now if he learns the truth then it is going to destroy me to lose another person I care about." I explained seeing him touch my hand with his stroking his thumb onto my skin.

"I'll handle that when it comes to my dear but for now just keep doing what you are doing." he replied I nodded seeing Ragna come to attention staring at the door which told me that someone was coming.

"Shit..." I muttered moving towards the other bed taking the oxygen mask and flicked it on placing it onto my face with Ragna jumping onto the bed next to me. The door opened and Eggsy walked into the room with J.B. in tow.

"Ever heard of knocking?" Harry asked I saw him look at me as I waved at him seeing a look of concern on his face now.

"Only when I'm casing a place to rob. Everything okay there Gwen?" he wondered I gave him a thumbs up to tell him that I was okay before his eyes fell onto Harry.

"Yeah...the doctors want to check her lung pressure in a bit so she is preparing for that. What are you doing here Eggsy?" Harry wondered pulling on the cover for me which Eggsy believed without question.

"Merlin said you wanted to see me." Eggsy replied when J.B. began to bark earning Ragna's head to lift with confusion.

"I hope J.B.'s training is going as well as yours is." Harry pointed out using his eyes to look at the pup then back at the young man.

"Sit." Eggsy ordered and J.B. obeyed sitting down as I felt a smile on my lips while the air pushed on my teeth.

"I wanted to congratulate you on making it to the final seven. Your tests results were even better than I could've hoped." Harry explained when a knock on the door earned all of our eyes to move too and in walked Merlin. His eyes turned to me as I used my eyes to signal Merlin to help with this situation.

"Ah Gwen the doctor has cleared you, you are free to go." Merlin began I nodded removing the oxygen mask from my face placing it onto the table. I swung my legs off the bed with Ragna on my heels as I moved towards Eggsy, Uncle Harry and J.B. "Eggsy, I need a private conversation. You and Gwen are dismissed."

"Nonsense. Let them both observe might learn a thing or two." Uncle Harry suggested Merlin just nodded tapping onto his tablet to the main television screen behind me.

"As you wish...take a look at this." Merlin exclaimed activating the footage from my uncle's glasses footage showing him grabbing a hold of Professor Arnold and his head explodes. We all flinched by the explosion with a grimace look from both Eggsy and myself.

"Fucking hell! That is rank, Harry. You blew up his head? It's a bit much, ain't it?" Eggsy pointed out looking at him as I tilted my head at the footage.

"He didn't blow off his head...Merlin go back a few frames please." I answered watching Merlin flick back to the footage to the point Professor Arnold's head blew off. I saw on the back of his ear starts to glow and I pointed at the footage to stop Merlin. "There...the explosion looks like an implant that was embedded at the back of his neck. See the scar?"

"Gwen is right...Did my hardware pick up the signal that was triggered it?" Harry continued with me next to him as Merlin turned to look at us.

"Fortunately yes. Unfortunately, the IP address I traced it to is registered to the ' Valentine Corporation.'" Merlin answered I watched Merlin type onto the tablet showing pictures of an African American male and articles surrounding it.

"That's not much of a lead...he has millions of employees." Harry answered when I saw Eggsy through my peripheral vision take a step forward.

"Richmond Valentine is a genius..." Eggsy began earning all three of our heads to turn to look at him with confusion on our faces. He responded with a confused look on his soft blue eyes. "Did you no see his announcement today?" Eggsy took the tablet and pulled up the video of Valentine for us to see.

"We each spend on average two thousand dollars of the year on cell phone and internet usage. It gives me great pleasure to announce those days are over. As of tomorrow, every man, woman and child can claim a free SIM card, compatible with any cell phone, any computer and utilize my communications network for free. Free calls, free internet for everyone. Forever." Valentine's broadcast stated as Merlin snatched the tablet from Eggsy and Harry took it from him zooming in on the assistant seeing the same scar on her neck as Professor Arnold.

"Valentine's assistant has the same implant scar. I think Mr. Valentine and I should have a tete-a-tete." Harry answered when Merlin removed the tablet from his hands and tapped again onto it.

"He's having a gala dinner next week, I'll get you an invitation. You need to be careful, though. Since you've been out, hundreds of VIPs have gone missing. No ransom notes exactly like Professor Arnold." Merlin explained I saw Harry move to the bed taking his specs and placing them onto his face.

"Then I suggest you make my alias somebody worth kidnapping." Harry instructed I swallowed sharply because now I was a lot more nervous than ever.

~~Awwww Gwen is having a hard time with keeping up the facade.~~

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