Just A Joke

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The next few weeks of the program have been intense and Uncle Harry still laid in the coma in the medical ward. My grandfather wasn't aware of what was going on with me as Merlin told me he told him that I was assisting him in the selection process and he believed it. So for now I was in the clear and Eggsy didn't question my reasoning for being with my Uncle but I hated that I had to lie to him. I was rubbing Ragna's belly trying to drift off to sleep when I heard the sounds of footsteps coming from behind me forced me to whip my head backwards. Before I could react I saw Charlie and his buddies dumping a bucket of water onto a sleeping Eggsy as he jumped to his feet soaking wet with J.B, his puppy, barking. Charlie and his friends laughed at Eggsy who thought we were being drowned again.

"Oh, what's wrong, mate? You can't take a joke?" Charlie snickered I swung my legs off the bed stopping Eggsy from moving towards Charlie. He stopped as my hands touched the wet material of his pajamas.

"Eggsy...forget them!" I warned watching Roxy move up next to the three as they continued to laugh at Eggsy.

"Seriously, you'll get thrown out and it's just not worth it." Roxy added I saw Eggsy looked at her trying to move towards Charlie again but I pushed him back again.

"Maybe I don't give a fuck if I get kicked out!" Eggsy hissed as I stood completely in front of him forcing him to look at me.

"You might not but I do. You don't deserve to be kicked out of this program Eggsy...he does." I pointed to Charlie who was behind me as I heard him scoff from behind me when I turned to look at him. His dark eyes narrowed into me taking a step towards me when Ragna sat up growling at him.

"Just you wait Kinghart...your next." Charlie hissed as I commanded Ragna to stop while she sat on the bed near me.

"Oooo I'm shaking Charlie..." I snickered watching Charlie rolled his eyes and moved away alongside with his friends.

"Yeah, go on, walk away Dickhead." Eggsy yelled from behind me as I closed my eyes with annoyance before turning to see Eggsy sit on his now wet bed and cradle J.B. in his hands. "Good boy J.B." I leaned onto his bed seeing him lock eyes with me I gave him a small apologetic look.

"I'm sorry Eggsy but I didn't want you to screw up this opportunity you have. Charlie is a prat and you know that. Don't let him get to you okay?" I smiled scratching J.B.'s head as he licked my fingers before nestling up with Eggsy's neck.

"I'll try...thanks for stopping me Gwen." he answered I nodded moving to my bed next to him sitting letting Ragna curl onto my lap.

"Now...get changed out of those wet clothes and come get some sleep. We have a combat training tomorrow." I smiled tapping to the spot next to me earning a look from Eggsy as I rolled my eyes laughing. I snapped my fingers letting Ragna drop to the floor and curl up to sleep. "You want to sleep on the wet bed?"

"Oh...okay..." he stuttered placing J.B. down who scurried over to Ragna and curled up next to her snuggling with her. I turned to my side letting Eggsy change not aware he just removed his top and had a bare chest now. "You think this will be okay? Don't want you to get in trouble because of me."

"Don't worry...you're fine. Goodnight Eggsy." I answered adjusting my neck onto the pillow as he plopped next to me and I could feel him adjust himself too.

"Goodnight Gwen." he whispered flicking off the light and in a few minutes I felt my eyes slip close and I drifted off to sleep.

~~Oooo sharing a bed? What are you doing there Gwen?~~

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