Fuck You

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My grandfather was trying to poison me...I was lucky I didn't drink the brandy but I decided to play along with this situation. My eyes looked at the gun that was trained on Eggsy as my hand tightened on his.

"So you kill your whole family because they don't agree with you? Killed your son and daughter in law then blamed it on a car accident. Killed your own wife because she what? Burned your dinner?" Eggsy asked seeing my grandfather snap his eyes to him while I was waiting for an answer but he wasn't budging.

"And you're gonna kill me because I refused to let you have your boot on my neck? Grandfather of the year." I exclaimed watching my grandfather traced over the trigger button then swallowed sharply. I sat up straight moving close to the edge of the seat of my chair now. "If you are going to kill me at least tell me the fucking truth."

"Your parents were reckless...I warned them but they decided to leave." my grandfather started I scoffed to this answer feeling Eggsy move next to me.

"And the only way a Kingsman can leave is through death, right?" Eggsy asked I felt my heart slammed into my chest before my grandfather could speak I interrupted him.

"And Nana? What did she do to receive three bullets to the chest on my birthday?" I asked with anger in my voice seeing him look to me now.

"She found out what I did and she wanted to take you away from me. I could let that happen because you were the last piece of my son I had left." he yelled I felt my hand grips the seat with my hand shaking my head angrily towards him.

"You're a traitor to Kingsman...Valentine won you over somehow?" Eggsy added watching my grandfather turned to the cocky young man.

"Once he explained, I understood. The result is the same. The virus dies." my grandfather explained though his explanation was flawed in so many ways.

"So Valentine's gonna take care of the population himself." Eggsy continued I sat back in my chair feeling my foot dig into the ground.

"Well, if we don't do something, nature will. Sometimes a culling is the only way to ensure that this species survives. And history will see Valentine as the man who saved humanity from extinction.

"And he gets to pick and choose who gets culled, does he? All his rich mates, they get to live and anyone he thinks is worth saving, he's keeping them safe, whether they agree with him or not." I explained seeing my grandfather smiled then nodded yes to my reply forcing a bit of vomit to surge in my stomach.

"And I offer it to you both. In Harry's honor. I am inviting you two be part of a new world. A world where you both can be together without any restrictions. To be together and not have any consequences. It's time to make your decision." my grandfather explained caressing the pen again with his thumb as I turned to look at Eggsy for a moment then nodded to him to answer. Eggsy turned back to my grandfather taking our hand into his then places it onto the table in plain view now.

"We'd rather be with Harry. Thanks." Eggsy smirked cockily I saw my grandfather look at me which I nodded seeing anger and betrayal in his eyes. I saw him cocked the gun back aiming it to Eggsy who remained still.

"So be it...the last thing you are going to see is my dear Guinevere dying. I'll let you hold her as she takes her last breath and then I'll put a bullet in your head. A tragic love story is what I'll tell the others." my grandfather explained running his finger on the trigger of the gun as I swallowed sharply.

"Like Romeo and Juliet...classic to the end granddad." I replied watching him shrug before he pressed the button of the pen triggering the poison that was not inside me. After a moment, my grandfather was surprised to see nothing was happening until he felt it surge into his own heart. Realizing he was tricked he tries to fire at Eggsy who quickly disarmed him and we back away from him.

"The problem with us common types is that we're light fingered. Kingsman's has taught me alot but sleight of hand...I had that down already." Eggsy pointed at the two empty glasses in front of my dying grandfather as he was clutching his heart with his hand then looked to me. He held out his hand as he was begging me to save him when I took a step forward leaning close to him so he could hear.

"Fuck you." I replied watching my grandfather take his last breath then hit the desk dead before us as I turned colliding into Eggsy with a big hug. A weight was lifted from me as I was relieved to know that the tyrant was dead.

~~I love cocky Eggsy he's soooo badass~~

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