I'm Sorry

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I heard an argument ensued between both Eggsy and Harry which told me that Harry was ripping him a new one. It lasted nearly an hour until I heard the office door open and in walked Harry with an apologetic face.

"I have to go...Valentine is about to activate his invention. Just stay here and I will help you when I return okay?" he replied I nodded feeling him press a soft kiss to my forehead before turning to leave. Once he left I saw Eggsy at the door now staring at me with an apologetic stare on his eyes.

"What do you want Eggsy? Come to yell at me again?" I wondered crossing my arms against my chest seeing a sad look on his face.

"No...I actually came to apologize for being a huge prat to you. I shouldn't have said those things to you not after I learned why you were really there." he began I watched him enter the office standing only a couple of feet from me. How did he know? Then I realized that Harry must've said something to him. "I never gave you a chance to explain so I'll listen to you now. Tell me everything...who you really are? Everything...I want to hear all of it."

"Are you sure?" I asked watching him move to the chair pointing to it as his way to ask to seat which I nodded and he took a seat. I leaned up against the desk slightly sitting on it as I saw he was waiting to hear everything I had to say. "My name is Guinevere King but I prefer to be called Gwen. I am the granddaughter of Chester King or Arthur who is the leader of the Kingsman. He is the worst man you can imagine...he is so controlling and I hate him for that."

"I know what you mean about that...he gave me a hard time with the final test." Eggsy answered I nodded knowing that final test all too well my eyes falling onto Ragna then back to him.

"For my whole life I trained to become like my parents...a Kingsman but he would never let me. So the day Uncle Harry and Merlin came to me asking for my help to find the next Lancelot in exchange for helping me convince my grandfather to let me become a Kingsman I took it. And at first that was the only thing I could think of until I met you." I began watching Eggsy's light brow cock up with confusion.

"What do you mean?" he asked petting Ragna's ears with his hands as she panted happily to the attention she was receiving.

"Before I met you I just wanted to focus on my goal but then I met you and it all changed. The day you saved me from drowning changed everything for me...I meant everything I said to you that night by the fountain. And I really wanted to kiss you and be with you. You make me feel like I was a normal girl who was in competition for a spot that wasn't even mine to begin with. You were my friend and I hated that I had to lie to you about everything. If I could go back to the beginning of the program I would've come straight out and tell you the truth about me." I explained digging my foot onto the carpet of Uncle Harry's office not making eye contact with Eggsy who had a look of shock plastered onto his face right now. "I always wanted to be an agent like my parents. To be a hero like they were but now I just want to be your friend again. At least start over..."

"Well then..." he started I snapped my head up looking at him with a confused look on my face as he stood up moving until he was standing in front of me now. He held out his hand in front of my face almost like he wanted me to shake his hand again. "Hi...I'm Eggsy Unwin. And you are?" I stood up uncrossed my one hand to connect with his with a small smile forming in my lips.

"Guinevere King but call me Gwen. It's a pleasure to meet you." I smiled seeing him pull me into a hug as I wrapped my arms around his body now. I laughed with a soft kiss from him was pressed on my lips again before hearing the sounds of beeping coming from behind me breaking us apart.        

"What the hell is that?" he asked, I turned to see my Uncle's laptop was blinking as I moved away from Eggy to the computer. I plopped into the seat opening the screen seeing the loading screen for my Uncle's glasses.

"It's Uncle Harry's glasses footage uploading to his server. This happens when he has activated the camera in his glasses." I exclaimed seeing Eggsy leaning on the back of my chair until he was hovering over me now.

"Then let's see what he is looking at shall we?" he asked I nodded typing a few keys to access the feed and once the footage opened my eyes went wide.

~~Yay my babies made up but now things are about to become really intense lol.~~

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