Close Call

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I rushed towards the medical ward with my puppy tight in my hands until I entered the room seeing my grandfather standing there looking at him.

"Guinevere?" he began I just ignored what he said as I moved towards Uncle Harry seeing him hooked up to wires and a steady heart rate beeping next to me.

"What happened?" I asked watching Merlin move up next to me touching my shoulder with his hand stroking it with his thumb.

"His MRI shows no signs of concussion. No direct brain trauma at all." Merlin explained to me and my grandfather who was at the foot of the bed.

"How much longer can he be out?" My grandfather asked Merlin as he moved passed me to check on Uncle Harry's vitals.

"That is the million dollar question...We don't know what he was exposed to while he was in there." Merlin exclaimed moving towards Arthur with his tablet in his left hand as I felt my puppy's face nestling against my chin to comfort me.

"What about Harry's footage? It didn't stream to his home terminal?" Arthur pointed out I felt my hand remove from the puppy and touch my Uncles stroking the skin with my thumb.

"Encrypted and uncrackable. If and when he comes around, you might want to have a word with him about sharing his password." Merlin answered I heard the door behind me open as I turned to see it was Eggsy entering the room. I snatched my hand away holding the puppy again as I wiped the tears from my eyes.

"Is he gonna be alright?" Eggsy asked not even noticing that I was sitting right next to him stroking the top of my puppy's head.

"We need to have patience, Eggsy. But there's hope, okay? If I were you, I'd concentrate on your training. Make it through all of the tests and make him proud." Merlin explained I felt my puppy giving me some kisses now on my chin as I saw Eggsy nod until his eyes turned meeting mine. I could see that he was about to speak and ask what I was doing here. "Gwen...thank you for your help. Why don't you and Eggsy head out for the night." I nodded standing not meeting my grandfather's curious eye with Eggsy following me out of the room.

"What were you doing there? Do you know Harry?" he asked me cradling his pug in his hands as I had mine sleeping in my arms.

"Not personally...I met him when I met Merlin during the selection process. Merlin knew of my expert hacking skills and thought I could crack Harry's password but even with my skills I couldn't." I lied watching Eggsy nod believing me so I was relieved that he took that because the truth would lead another conversation that I didn't want to have right now. "Let's get back to the rooms and pick names for these little guys."

"Alright let's go." he smiled leading the way as I took in a deep breath then exhaled sharply, I hoped that Uncle Harry was going to be okay and I hoped that my grandfather didn't just figure out what was going on.

~~Phew that was close lol. Two part update later so stay tuned.~~

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