Best Friends?

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After Eggsy released his grip from me I moved to the side of the table running my fingers through the scar feeling the SIM card under the skin.

"What are you doing? Eggsy asked I took the pen from my grandfather's hand, removed the cap to expose the tip and I stuck it just above where the SIM card started. I slid the pen down ripping the flesh until I saw the device. "What the fuck?"

"We need to get this to Merlin." I answered showing him a bloody SIM card in my fingers just as I tucked it in a handkerchief I saw my grandfather's phone blink on the table. Taking it I saw it looked like a countdown of some sorts and showed it to Eggsy who moved up next to me to see it. "We really need to get this to Merlin...right now." Eggsy nodded we both rushed out of the office heading to the training base, I was scanning the small device in my fingers during the small trip. Heading back to the transport pod where Merlin and Roxy were waiting pointing a gun at us. Word must've gotten around that Arthur was dead and we were the only two who saw him last.

"Gwen...what have you and Eggsy done?" Merlin asked showing disappointment in his stare as Roxy kept the gun trained on the both of us.

"Arthur was a traitor to Kingsman Merlin...we found this behind his ear." Eggsy answered signalling towards me as I showed the SIM card that was in my blood stained hand. He held out his hand for me as I took one step towards him and dropped the device into his hands while I remained where I was. While he was studying the device my eyes moved to Roxy who didn't want to hold the gun at us but she knew she had too.

"He also killed my parents and my nan. He almost killed me before I refused to let him keep his foot on my throat and he almost killed Eggsy in order to use him as a scapegoat." I added seeing Merlin look up at me surprised then he looked back down onto the SIM card.

"We also found this..." Eggsy added showing Merlin my grandfather's phone and showed the countdown Valentine sent him. Merlin took the phone into his hands as Eggsy stood shoulder to shoulder with me now.

"It's okay, Lancelot. Put it down. It's verified." Merlin ordered Roxy who nodded lowering the gun and we all relaxed from the tension. Merlin looked at the phone then the SIM card then back up at the three of us. "Arthur's phone is receiving texts about getting to safety. We don't have a lot of time."

"What are you gonna do?" Eggsy asked standing next to me as Merlin turned back around to look at the both of us.

"Question is, what are we gonna do? God knows who's in Valentine's pocket and who's not. We've no choice. We're gonna have to deal with this ourselves. Follow me." Merlin ordered Eggsy, Roxy and I took off after him as we headed to the part of the manor that held the vehicles. We followed Merlin onto the plane taking seats as Merlin took the driver seat. About ten minutes later we were in the air as I saw Eggsy fiddling with something Merlin brought with us.

"What the fuck is this?" Eggsy asked taking a piece of the device into his hand turning to look at me hoping I would know.

"I have no's a bit old school for me." I reminded seeing him now as Merlin emerged from the cockpit moving towards us.

"What you're playing with is a prototype trans-atmospherice vehicle. It was developed as part of Reagan's Star Wars project. It's pretty basic but it should still work. We're gonna take out one of Valentine's satellites. We're gonna break the chain, stop the signal. It'll take him a couple of hours to reroute it, which buys us enough time for you and Gwen to get me into Valentine's mainframe so I can shut it down." Merlin explained I saw Eggsy nod then put the device back onto the rest of the pieces. He looked at me giving me a small smile which I returned before he looked back to Merlin. "Lancelot, you're gonna be using it. Get into your Halo suit."

"I'll help you." I smiled standing up and following her to the back to change, she removed her clothing as I prepped the suit from the wall.

"So are you and Eggsy okay? I mean I heard what happened between you two." she started as I slipped the suit over her head then watched as she adjusted it.

"Yeah we are good. I'm sorry I lied to you Rox." I replied watching her touch my shoulder with her hand then gave me a soft smile.

"'s okay. Merlin told me everything about you and if I was in your position then I would've done the same thing." she smiled I lowered my eyes from hers until her fingers hooked under my chin and she lifted my face to look at her again. Her brown eyes hit mine and she smiled again. " pouting. I refuse to have my best friend be pouty right now."

"Best friend?" I asked seeing her nod removing her finger from my chin then zipped up the Halo suit that she had on. She tied her dark hair up into a ponytail then laced the gloves onto her hands. "Never had a best friend before."

"Well now you got one." she smiled I returned it taking the helmet from the side table then handed it to her.

"Let's get out there and finish this." I replied in which she nodded as we headed back to the front of the plane for the next part of our plan.

~~Awwww Roxy and Gwen made up and are best friends, so cute. Big fight is coming soon can't wait.~~

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