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After a stern lecture from my grandfather for what I did he has forbidden me from leaving my room until the end of the program. He wouldn't let me talk to Roxy or Eggsy even if Eggsy was talking to me right now. Right now I was laying on my bed with my laptop on my lap and Ragna laying at my feet snoozing. My grandfather's words from before began replaying in my mind; 'After your nan was shot...' I decided that I needed to know what really happened to my grandmother and probably my parents. So I began to do what I did best, I snooped through my grandfather's files to search for answers. I was able to remote access his server without being detected thanks to Merlin's teachings in this field. I came across an encrypted file that had my parents and my grandmother's name in code. My finger hovered over the enter button as I took in a deep breath then hit enter watching all of the files appear on the screen. I saw pictures of my parents accident come across the screen and saw on the reports state that it was a bomb that killed them. Someone put it there deliberately and the only person who could know is my grandfather. My heart tugged as I clicked on my grandmother's file now seeing her picture of the autopsy seeing her dead corpse looking back at me. She had a hole in her chest where her heart was as I felt my eyes starting to tear up. The autopsy said she was murdered towards the middle of the night of my birthday but she was with me when that happened. I was studying in the room across from hers and never heard the gunfire strangely. The next morning my grandfather shielded me from going into the room because he didn't want me to see what happened to her. Tears dripped from my eyes as I felt the walls now crumble around me and pain hit me. I couldn't believe the lies my grandfather told me as I couldn't stay here anymore. I deleted the program closing my laptop startling Ragna. She saw I was upset so she stumbled over to me pressing her face onto my leg as I cradled her in my hands and she licked the tears on my face.

"I know Ragna...I gotta get out of here." I cried swinging my legs over the bed and packed a few clothes into my bag along with Ragna's stuff. I opened my bedroom door knowing that my grandfather was administering the final test for the final two recruits so it gave me time to go. With Ragna in tow I tiptoed passed the room as I heard a muffled conversation between my grandfather and Eggsy. My heart sunk hearing his voice but I didn't have time to waste so I walked out the front door. My grandfather's valet saw me and drove his car to my side as I tossed my bag into the car with Ragna jumping in too.

"Where to Miss King?" he asked beginning to drive from the manor as I let Ragna plop her head down onto my lap.

"To Harry Hart's place please." I answered sucking back my tears as he nodded driving me to the house, after a twenty minute drive we arrived and I got out without a word to the driver. Ragna followed me as I knocked onto the door waiting for Uncle Harry to answer which he did surprised to see me.

"Gwen...what is it my dear?" he asked I felt the tears started to fill my eyes again as I just collapsed into his arms and he held me close.

"He lied grandfather lied to me about everything." I cried feeling him hold my sobbing body into his arms as I just felt the tears continue to flow without my control. After a few minutes of tears I found myself sitting on his couch drinking some tea that he made for me and he took a seat next to me. "You think I could stay here for a little bit Uncle Harry...I don't think it's a good idea for me to be near him right now."

"Of course...stay as long as you want my dear." he smiled touching my thigh until his watch beeped and when he looked I heard a soft groan escaped from his lips. He pressed a button on the watch shaking his head in disappointment. "Eggsy failed the final test and he just tried to pick a fight with his stepfather. He's on his way here now so if you want to sit in my office you may."

"Thanks Uncle Harry...come on Ragna." I ordered feeling her rush up behind my heels as I left his living room and entered the office shutting the door behind me. I took a seat in the chair with my tea while Ragna curled up at my feet. I still couldn't process what my grandfather has done and all I wanted was the truth which I wouldn't get from him. But mainly I wanted to talk to Eggsy even though the thought of him has caused my heart to sink deeper into my stomach. Ragna looked up at me with her blue eyes almost like she was speaking to me mentally. "What do you think? Should I talk to him?" she whined softly as her way of saying yes as I nodded. Ragna was a smart girl but I hoped she was right.

~~Good girl Ragna get our babies talking again.~~

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