We're On

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Merlin landed the plane in a secluded location as Eggsy and he unloaded the vehicle from the plane onto the snowy ground. The chilled air surged up my arms as I embraced myself to keep any warmth inside. Merlin then attached two giant balloons onto the device before I saw Roxy moving over to be strapped in. Eggsy moved up to me with his hands stuffed into his pockets due to the cold.

"Are you cold?" he asked I nodded watching him remove his one hand from the pocket and wrapped it around my body pulling me close to his. Together our body heat kept us warm enough until we were going back onto the jet.

"The higher you go, the more the balloons expand. When you reach the edge of the atmosphere, they'll explode. You'll need to deploy your missle just before that, okay?" Merlin explained to Roxy as she looked a bit apprehensive where both Eggsy and I moved up to her.

"The edge of the atmosphere." Roxy asked nervously in her tone looking at the both of us then back to Merlin.

"Once you've deployed, you'll need to release for descent fast. Good luck." Merlin answered turning back to the plane leaving just the three of us. Eggsy removed his arm from me to take either of her hands giving her a reassuring smile.

"You can do this, okay?" Eggsy smiled she nodded as I took a step towards the both of them watching the device began to inflate behind her.

"Just breathe Rox...you got this." I replied watching her nod before she began to lift off the ground with Eggsy still holding her hands.

"Eggsy...Gwen...let's go. Time is not our friend." Merlin reminded Eggsy released Roxy's hands moving towards me draping his arm over my shoulder again. We watched Roxy drift higher and higher into the air before we moved back onto the plane where the warm air hit us again. My cold skin was now warm again as Eggsy and I took a seat while Merlin began flying us to the next location. "You and Gwen will be taking Arthur's invitation. You both need to blend in."

"I'm supposed to be Arthur?" Eggsy asked Merlin reemerged from the cockpit holding a briefcase in his hand and the phone in the other.

"Yes...and Gwen will be playing her grandmother, Florence. Valentine has no idea that Arthur's wife is dead so there won't be any suspicion. His invitation is in his phone. Then give him Arthur's real name." Merlin answered handing Eggsy the phone that was in his hand as Eggsy looked down at it then looked back up at him.

"What was his real name?" Eggsy asked looking over at me as I lowered my eyes for a moment then back to Eggsy's.

"Chester King." I replied swallowing a small lump that lurched up my throat and it settled in my stomach again.

"What about you?" Eggsy pointed out to Merlin as shifted his stance a small bit then he stood tall by us.

"I'm going to be yours and Gwen's pilot. I'm gonna stay here. I will be here to hook up onto Valentine's mainframe." Merlin answered placing the briefcase near Eggsy which he looked down then back up to him.

"Is that gonna fit me?" Eggsy wondered pointing at the briefcase that was on the floor and Merlin nodded handing it to him.

"A bespoke suit, always fits. Just be grateful that Harry had it made for you. Get dressed. Gwen I have your dress hanging up in the bathroom." Merlin smiled I nodded leading Eggsy to a bathroom and I entered my own. I saw the dress hanging near the mirror; it was a golden embroidered dress that had a slit on the upper left thigh. I stripped my clothes from my body then slipped the dress onto my body. I let my brown hair fall to my shoulders in a wave and I quickly did a makeup job on my face. I applied my glasses onto my face, a Kingsman ring on my right pinky and a small grenade made necklace across my neck. After I finished I stepped out of the bathroom I saw Eggsy fiddling with his tie on his neck.

"Hey Eggsy? Mind helping me with something?" I asked seeing him nod then look up at me with a gaped expression on his face now. His mouth opened and his blue eyes were wide by the sight he was seeing. "I can't reach the zipper...you mind?" I turned moving my hair from my back feeling his fingers on the zipper. He slowly pulled it up until it closed the dress then I felt his face by my ear.

"You know...you wearing that is going to make it really hard to focus on the mission at hand." he whispered with his lips on my ear forcing a small smile to lift onto my face then a soft giggle escaped from my lips before I turned to look at him.

"Keep it in your pants Unwin...we got work to do." I smiled moving away seeing Merlin looking shocked at the both of us.

"Looking good Eggsy...and as beautiful as ever Gwen." Merlin complimented seeing Eggsy moved up to me adjusting his suit.

"Feeling good, Merlin." Eggsy smiled big as we followed Merlin to the cockpit to see that we have arrived at Valentine's base of operations. Eggsy's cocky smile was now filled with surprise again. "Fuck me." Merlin lowered the plane until it came to a stop and led us back out of the room.

"Okay...Eggsy, Gwen we're on." Merlin replied where both Eggsy and I nodded before looking at one another, it was game time.

~~This was supposed to be posted before the other one so double update today, sorry.~~

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