What Have You Done?

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I could see my Uncle in a church walking towards the entrance ignoring someone who was yelling at him from behind.

"Just leave this church! You just leave this church like the infidel you are. Satan cannot save you now! You will eat your babies! You will drown in the blood of the Lord! He will not save you!" the woman yelled just as he stopped then I watched him turn raising his gun pointing it to the woman's head then fires it causing both Eggsy and I to jump from where we sat.

"Holy fuck!" Eggsy yelled in my ears as a loud screeching nosie flooded into the church as all of the people inside went into a violent attack including Harry himself. We saw him shoot alot of people who charged at him until he was out of ammo. He then used other gadgets such as his taser, hand grenades and blades killing everyone around him.

"What the fuck?" I muttered watching the carnage unleash around him as Merlin's voice came through the feed.

"Galahad, can you hear me? Harry! Harry, what the heck is going on?" Merlin yelled but Harry didn't respond back just continued to kill the church goers in gruesome fashion. Blood was squirting from wounds as the camera footage was being jostled around as Harry moved swiftly around. I saw him take a cross necklace from one of the goers then plunged it deep into their eye earning a grimace from both of us.

"Holy shit..." Eggsy gasped his hands tightening onto the back of my chair as I twisted my face away for a moment to clear that disgusting image from my brain.

"Galaha...what the heck is going on?" Merlin yelled again into the feed but still Harry didn't respond to him.

"What the hell is happening?" Eggsy asked I was trying to pinpoint the reason on why Harry was killing all of these innocent people.

"I don't know but I have a feeling it has something to do with Valentine." I answered looking at Eggsy who nodded agreeing as my eyes returned to the screen. Explosions and bodies parts began flying passed the screen causing a little of vomit to lurch up my throat. I quickly swallowed it shaking my head at the horrible scene playing out before the both of us. "Do you think that this has something to do with that SIM card Valentine is pushing?"

"Maybe but I thought Harry didn't take one?" Eggsy pointed out I nodded because he was right, Harry never took a SIM card so what is going on. Eventually the carnage came to an end with the last church goer charging at Harry but swiftly he jumped the spear he made into his throat. It propped him up and he choked on his own blood dying where he was forced to stand. Harry stumbled to the entrance in shock of what happened looking all over at the dead around him.

"Uncle Harry...what have you done?" I whispered, watching him exit the church coming face to face with Valentine, his assistant and two armed gunman training there guns onto him.

"What did you do to me? I had no control. I killed all those people. I wanted to." Harry gasped looking at the blood that was on his hands before looking back at Valentine.

"Clever, isn't it? In simple terms, it's a neurological wave that triggers the centers of aggression and switches off inhibitors." Valentine explained I felt my hands close into tight fists as my eyes narrowed onto the screen.

"Transmitted through your nasty, free SIM cards, I assume." Harry asked watching Valentine smile taking a step towards Harry but Harry remained still.

"Do you know what this is like? It's like those old movies we both love. Now I'm gonna tell you my whole plan, and then I'm gonna come up with some absurd and convoluted way to kill you, and you'll find an equally convoluted way to escape." Valentine explained with his hands draped behind his back as a bad feeling began to creep up my skin.

"Sounds good to me." Harry replied I saw Valentine take another step towards him with a now serious look on his face.

"Well this ain't that kind of movie." Valentine answered pulling a gun and firing it straight at Harry's face causing the footage to go black.

"NOOOO!" Eggsy yelled in my ears as I went still with shock unable to move or even speak to what I just saw. My body started to tremble now with tears glazing over my eyes as I looked at Eggsy who turned to me with a similar look in his eyes.

"He's...he's..." I started but I couldn't muster the words as Eggsy's arms embraced me pulling me close to him with tears falling down my face. This wasn't happening...he was dead...Harry Hart was dead.

~~Noooooo Harry!!!~~

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