Not This Kind Of Movie, Bruv

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Valentine's assistant swiped her bladed foot at me when I dodged it and sent my own kick into her abdomen. Eggsy was trying to figure out a way to get up onto the balcony as I blocked each swipe she did. The blade let a small cut on my suit but she managed to duck when she sent the blade at my face. I tackled her bringing her to the floor on top of her when she used the heel of her hand to hit my throat. That knocked the wind from my throat before she managed to push me off her sending me to my stomach. I didn't realize she was about to stab me in my back when Eggsy tackled her away from me sending her across the table. He grabbed my arm lifting me to my feet as I coughed rubbing my sore throat with my hand.

"I thought...I told go after Valentine..." I coughed seeing a cocky smile forms on his face while I adjusted my tie that was on my neck.

"You needed some help." Eggsy answered the assistant stood dusting off her clothes before charging at the both of us again. She sent a kick towards me hitting me in my face letting a small cut form on my cheek while Eggsy continued the fight.

"Merlin! You better have found that route." I yelled touching my cheek to see some blood on my fingertips and anger was fuming on my face.

"Working on it!" Merlin answered I groaned watching Eggsy try to block the assistants sword feet from hitting him with a pipe as it sliced into pieces.

"Well then work faster!" I yelled I could see the worry on his face now as I got back to my feet as she knocked Eggsy to the floor and I charged at her tackling her again. 

"Kick their asses, Gazy!" Valentine shouted from where he was as she pushed me off of her sending me to the floor again. Eggsy and her charge at one another jumping into the air as she swiped across his chest with her foot. I then saw Eggsy quickly click his heels sending out the blade in his toe and sweep against her. He landed and rolled next to me standing while she landed and stood in front of us. I saw Eggsy's tie be cut as he helped me to my feet as the assistant smiled evilly. She looked down seeing Eggsy's blade at his toe then at her arm seeing a cut on her forearm. We both smiled cockily at her as the green poison filled her until she collapsed dead. I rushed towards her as I pulled her leg free from the dead assistant's leg clicking the blade to enlarged. I took aim on Valentine then used it like a spear throwing it watching it impale him in the center of his backside.

"Bullseye!" I replied watching Valentine remove his hand from the desk, vomited all over and fell backwards to the floor close to us.

"Well done Eggsy...Gwen. Well done Lancelot." Merlin cheered with Roxy echoing behind as both Eggsy and I moved towards a dying Valentine. We stood before him seeing blood and vomit coming through his lips with the blade push deeper into his chest from the fall.

"What's up? Is this the part where you say some really bad pun?" Valentine choked looking at us in which I looked at Eggsy then back to Valentine.

"It's like you said to Harry." I started watching Eggsy take a step closer so we were shoulder to shoulder again looking down on Valentine.

"This ain't that kind of movie, bruv." Eggsy finished my sentence earning a big smile on Valentine's face from the comment.

"Perfect!" Valentine gasped before he slumped over dead on the floor as I turned to look at Eggsy in which he pulled me into a hug.

"It's over's over." he whispered holding my lower back with his hand as I buried my face into the crook of his neck.

"He would be proud of you both. Well done...get back to the plane." Merlin answered I broke away from eggsy and we both walked hand and hand back to the plane. We hiked up the stairs as Merlin shut the doors and gave me a brief hug to congratulate me. Eggsy and I took the seats as Merlin moved to the pilot seat and we took off away from Valentine's base leaving that carnage behind us.

"Merlin? How long until we get to Roxy?" I asked breaking the silence watching him look at his watch that was on his wrist.

"T minus an hour...why?" he wondered as I looked over at Eggsy who was rubbing his eyes and I looked back to Merlin.

"No reason..." I answered standing up moving towards Eggsy who looked back up at me strangely and confused. I held my hand out to him and signaled him to follow me again which he did. We entered the back of the plane as I shut the door watching Eggsy turn to look at me. "Did I ever mention that you look hot in a suit?"

"You think?" he asked I took a step forward draping my arms around his neck as he pressed his hands onto my waist.

"But I think you would look more attractive without it." I whispered seeing his eyes widen but he caught on what I said and we slammed our lips back onto one another's removing the suits from our bodies as quickly as they were put on. Time to join the mile high club.

~~Time for some bow chica wow wow lol~~

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