Because I Wanted To

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~~Oh snap what can the pic above mean?~~

It was late at night and I couldn't sleep, everyone was asleep around me including Ragna who was at the foot of my bed. My mind was racing with Uncle Harry going on a mission against Valentine and now my emerging feelings for Eggsy. I also knew that relationships between candidates wasn't really appropriate but lately I didn't care about the rules. Finally I sat up once Digby's snores became loud enough to irritate me, I sat on the edge of my bed looking over at Eggsy who was awake too. His eyes locked onto mine as he sat up and we locked knees for a moment.

"Can't sleep?" he whispered I gave him a look turning my gaze from him over to the snoring Digby then back to him.

"Is it that obvious?" I answered seeing him nod as I looked over at Ragna who was now cuddling up with J.B. making us both smile. Then I looked at Eggsy again knowing that I had to talk to him now or I would lose my nerve. "Come on..." I stood holding out my hand for him to take as a confused look lifted on his face.

"Where are we going?" he asked I pulled him to his feet as we silently moved to the door opening it slowly not to awake the others.

"Feel like breaking some rules Unwin?" I smirked evilly seeing him be surprised by this before following me out of the room. We silently crept down the hallway until we came to the corridors that lead to the entrance of the manor. I knew this place like the back of my hand and I knew every agent's schedule including my grandfather's. Pinning my back to the wall I peered over seeing the two agents that usually scope the building were turning in for the night. "Come on...stay quiet."

"Never pegged you for a rule breaker Kinghart." Eggsy whispered as we tiptoed to the front door and I opened it to peek to see any of the taxi's outside. It was clear of all of them as I pushed it open and we snuck out of the manor. We dashed down the stairs until the grass met our bare feet and the cool air hit our skins. " where to now?"

"I found this spot while walking Ragna. Come on." I smiled he nodded following me towards the hedge maze that Merlin used to train the agents puzzle skills. A few turns from the tall grass we came to the tall water fountain of King Arthur.

"They really love their King Arthur lore don't they?" Eggsy pointed out staring at the statute before turning to look at me and I just nodded at him. I saw a bench closeby as I moved towards and sat down until Eggsy followed me. We stared blankly for a few minutes until I heard Eggsy clears his throat. "So..." 

"So..." I answered seeing him literally sitting a few inches from one another as I held both of my hands to stop them from tapping on the bench. His hands were gripping the bench as Roxy's words began to echo in my head. "Okay...I didn't just bring you out here for the scenery..."

"I figured as much. I mean don't get me wrong, this statue is pretty cool but I doubted that you were willing to break the rules to just for the two of us to hang out by it." Eggsy pointed out letting out his usually cocky smile and I looked away from him for a moment then turned back to look at him again.

"You remember when I kissed you during that combat fight?" I asked twirling my thumbs together turning slightly to see him staring at me now.

"Yeah...not I could forget that." Eggsy answered his blue eyes were stabbing me as he was leaning on the bench with his one arm so he was fully facing me.

"Right...ummm well when I said I did it so I didn't have to have Charlie rub it in my face...I lied." I started closing my eyes for a moment then I turned to look at Eggsy whose eyes were now slightly widen by my words. I licked my lips slightly then cleared my throat from the lump that was forming. "I only said that because I was afraid to admit to myself the real reason on why I did it."

"So...what was the real reason then?" he asked moving slightly closer to me as it made every nerve inside me twitched.

"Because I wanted to do it." I gasped blurting it out faster than my mind could even process it. I closed my eyes again before hearing silence come from Eggsy when I pressed my hands to my face to hide the red shade that was beginning to form on my cheeks.

"Because you..." Eggsy started unable to even process the words I just unleashed as I found myself pushing away from the bench and moving towards the fountain. I embraced my body with my arms and kept my back to him.

"My whole life all I ever did was follow the rules. All I did was focus on my training and school never letting my emotions control my actions. I lost both of my parents in a car accident when I was nine and that is when I was taken in by my grandparents. I was raised by my grandmother since my grandfather was always obsessed with his work. After she died when I was sixteen my grandfather endowed me with his strict rules on emotion and after that I put up walls around my heart to protect me from the pain. Then I met you and everything changed..." I explained tightening my hands on my biceps picking the skin with my nails staring at the fountain in front of me. My heart ached in my chest as I turned to look at him now. "Every rule I gave myself you smashed, every wall I put up you plowed right through and that scared me. I was scared to let anyone get close including you."

"Why would that scare you?" Eggsy finally spoke sitting on the edge of the bench now as I tightened my grip even more on my arms.

"What if you become the next Lancelot? If we were together then I would become a weakness for you especially if anyone finds out about you. And what if I become Lancelot? I would be in the same position and I can't risk losing another person in my life. Not again." I exclaimed watching Eggsy now jump up moving towards me taking either of his hands and squeezed my shoulders.

"You won't lose me, Gwen and if I become Lancelot I will not let anything happen to you." Eggsy replied stroking his thumbs across my skin burning his eyes onto my face as I couldn't make eye contact with him.

"That's not the only thing I'm scared of." I whispered seeing him now closing the gap between us to the point where I could feel his chest touching my forearms. My eyes lifted to finally lock onto his as I licked my lips again. "I'm scared that I'll never have the chance to be with you."

"Then you don't have to be scared anymore." he replied softly taking my cheeks with his hands, lowering his face close to mine and soon his lips envelop mine. They were soft as my arms dropped from my chest allowing him to completely connect with mine.

~~Wham Bam Thank you Ma'am lol it was about time Gwen grew a pair hahahaha but yes they kissed finally for reals. Now all Gwen has to do is tell Eggsy the real reason she is there, that shouldn't be too hard, right?~~

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