Chapter 1

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Today is the day. Today is my 18th birthday, the day I die. Ive been in the Sky Box for about a year for assaulting a guard when my best friend was being arrested. Laying on the floor of my cell that I share with Roma, I stare at the ceiling.

"Good luck today," Roma says from her bunk, knowing today is my death day.

Thanks, is all I have to say to her. I never really liked her from the moment she was put in my cell. She was just too stuck up for me. The door clanks open and I get up and put my back to the door. Roma follows in suit.

"Prisoners 295 and 320, against the wall. Hold out your right arm," the guards order.

Why both of us? It should just be me. Roma and I share a look when the guards clamp a bracelet on the both of us. Then the guards grab us by the arms and lead us out of the cell. Everyone else is being taken out of their cell as well. Are they floating us all today, I ask myself.

The prisoners and I are led to a docking station and ordered to get on an Exodus ship. Mostly everyone does what they are told, but some try to retaliate. If I get to survive today, I will do it. I get sat next to Roma and an unconscious boy who must have tried to retaliate but failed.

"Great, I thought Id live longer than you," Roma said, rolling her eyes.

God, I hate this bitch. Everyone must have been on the ship because the airlock closed, and was leaving the Ark. The boy next to me woke with a jolt, grabbing my arm. Ow, we both said at the same time. I looked over and it took me a second to realize who it was. It was Nathan Miller, a friend of mine from "work".

"Miller, what the hell happened to you," I ask.

"Minerva, where the hell are we going," he asks me.

"My guess, to the ground," I said looking at him.

Authors Note: I am so sorry if this is terrible, this is my first story on Wattpad. If there are any mistakes, grammar/spelling wise, please let me know and I will try to fix it. I hope you guys enjoyed chapter 1. Chapter 2 soon to come. And I promise it will get better

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