Chapter 7 // Corben

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Lena Luthor turned around and looked at Kyle, a smile playing on her lips the minute she looked at him. Kyle walked over and asked "I don't think you should go on with this."

"Why not?"

"They won't stop until you're dead."

Lena's voice grew colder "That's the thing, they won't stop. So must I hide at home all day? No, that isn't me."

They walked closer to the podium and Lena said "My brother is serving 32 consecutive life sentences. I guess I shouldn't be surprised there isn't a bigger turnout."

"But you're still taking an awful risk. Going ahead with the renaming ceremony with your life in danger."

"I won't have a life if I can't make this company into something positive." Lena took a deep breath and said "All it will be remembered for is Lex's madness." And with that Lena left. Kyle walked to the back of the group of people and listened to her speech. 

Of course it went wrong. Something blew up so Kyle quickly rushed away and changed, leaving his clothes in an alley. First he protected James who was helping a woman up and after that he looked at the L-Corp building and knew it needed to be held up. So he quickly rushed towards it and pushed it. 

"You're late."

"There was really bad traffic." Kyle would have laughed if he wasn't pushing a building to keep it up right. 


"Kyle, Corben took out the southwest retaining column. Basically, he targeted the building's one weak spot. Just like the perfectly placed shot to take out the Death Star."

He said a little out of breath, since it was quite difficult to keep the building up"I don't need a Star Wars reference right now, Winn. I need a plan."

"If you repair the column the building should hold."

"Repair it with what?" Kyle looked down and saw some sort of building material "I'm going to fix this building."

Clark said also out of breath "Go, go. I've got this."

Kyle quickly flew down and grabbed some steel beams, he went to the southwest retaining column and quickly fixed it using her laser-vision to mend it together. He grinned and flew out where he saw Corben and Alex fight. He quickly landed and that was the moment Corben decided to held Alex hostage. 

"Let her go!"

"You're gonna let me out of here." He said while he held Alex in a headlock.

"Lex Luthor hired you to kill his sister, didn't he?"

"Luthor still has resources and reach even rotting in maximum security lockdown. Now I'm leaving and there is nothing you can d-" Kyle heard two shots, Corben fell to the ground, making room for Lena Luthor standing there, gun in hand.

"Bullet went through-and-through. But he needs a hospital. Nice work, Superboy."

He looked from Lena to Clark up in the sky and with that he grabbed Corben of the ground and flew him to the hospital.


Kyle sat in his office on the guest chair while Clark worked on the story about the problems with the Venture launch and L-Corp. Minutes later, when Clark finally finished he turned the story around for Kyle to read. Kyle motioned for the mouse and keyboard which Clark slid towards him. Kyle quickly read through it and made it a bit more of a unbiased story. In the end he placed his name at the byline and said "Send it." Clark nodded and quickly send it to Perry who would make sure it was on the press for the next release of the next morning. 

With that Kyle and Clark went to Kyle's home where they slept blissfully.


The next morning Kyle woke up due to his phone chiming, he quickly grabbed it and saw it was due to a message from an unknown number. He quickly unlocked his phone and opened the conversation.

'Hello Mr. Danvers, I would like to ask you to come to my office as quickly as possible. I would like to thank you and Mr. Kent in person.
-Lena Luthor

Kyle smiled and nudged a drooling Clark awake, after some sleepy mumbling the other man was awake and with that they started the day and quickly got ready to go to Lena's office.

Kyle nervously stood in the elevator, for some reason the idea of Lena alone already made him nervous. When the door opened Clark walked past Kyle, who stood there waiting for something, Kyle followed him out and to Lena's secretary, Jessica Huang. Clark was the first to ask for Jessica's attention since the woman clearly was focused on something.

"We are here for miss Luthor, she invited us over."

Jessica Huang looked up and nodded, she buzzed them in by pushing a button and saying "Miss Luthor, Mr. Kent and Mr. Danvers are here for you, shall I send them in."

Kyle couldn't help but use his super hearing to hear what Lena said "Send Mr. Danvers inside alone please." He had to bite down a grin as he looked at Clark who was looking baffled. 

"Mr. Danvers," Kyle turned back towards the assistant "You are allowed to go in, alone."

He nodded, smiled and said "Thank you." She smiled back and with that Kyle walked to Lena's office, he politely knocked on the door, not wanting to be impolite.

"Come in."

Kyle smiled and opened the door, he was greeted by the sight of Lena leaning against her desk, her arms folded, but she was smiling brightly.

"So, ms. Luthor, why did you want to see me alone?"

Lena's smile didn't fall one bit "I-I must thank you, I can see that you made the interview unbiased. Since some parts were written differently."

Kyle nodded and put his hands up "I thought Clark was comparing you too much to Lex when he interviewed you- so I needed to make sure this was written right, Ms. Luthor."


Kyle was a bit taken back but said "Lena, but I think you made a believer out of Clark. I-It wasn't too bad what he wrote, he just had some little pieces comparing you to Lex." Lena nodded and with that she buzzed Clark in.

Kyle walked a bit more into the room and a couple seconds later Clark was standing beside him. Lena folded her hands in each other and said "Mr. Kent, Mr. Danvers, I must thank you for what you both wrote. I just heard from your cousin that I might have made a believer out of you Mr. Kent, is this true?"

"I must say that I was wrong at first. But Kyle helped me see everything the right way, from time to time you can see Cat Grant in him," Kyle looked at Clark and smiled. "But for now we must go, we still have work to do, and the wrath of Cat Grant is even terrible for his 'son'."

Lena nodded and said "Of course, Mr. Danvers, I hope this isn't the last time we spoke."

He grinned at her while Clark walked out of the room. "I hope not either, and it's Kyle for you." He winked and walked out of the room, when he looked back he saw Lena with a look he couldn't decipher while the woman stared at where he just stood. 

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