Chapter 30 // Safe And Sound

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It had been quite some time since Jeremiah was captured, they had found a device in his brain and knew it had to be removed. And today was the day, they were going to perform brain surgery on him. Kyle nervously waited in the waiting room, Alex was sitting to his left while Lena was sitting on her right. 

Maggie couldn't make it... but she had threatened Kyle that if he didn't help her she would find a way to kill him and hide his body so that nobody would miss him. That would have been a lie, but Kyle would always be there for Alex. Eliza was sitting opposite of them, nervously tapping her foot.

After an hour Kyle couldn't take it anymore, he stood up and said "I'm going for a walk, okay? I won't be longer than an hour." All the people in the room nodded and with that Kyle left. 

Which started as walking, ended up in watching terrible fitness videos with Mon-El while trying them out. They were laughing and having fun. Suddenly the television started doing weird things, like flickering.

"What's the..."

A distorted voice spoke up "To his captors... We demand  you turn over Mon-El of Daxam. We know where he is harboured. If you do not relinquish him by dawn we will take him with force." 

Kyle looked at Mon-El and said "So you're the frat boy prince..." Mon-El nodded, he was staring  "Okay."

Mon-El's head snapped towards him "Okay?"

"I got the know you, so I know that you aren't like what I thought you would be. And keeping a secret for your own sake is okay." Mon-El nodded and put his head in his hands.

"What am I going to do Kal-El?"

Kyle took a deep breath and said "Do you like earth?" Mon-El nodded "Do you want to stay here more than you would like to go back?"

"I-I-I would like to stay." Kal-El nodded, if that was what Mon-El wanted they were going to do it.

"Well, I think it would be smart to send them some sort of message that you want to stay here."

And with that they were off, in the mean time Kyle texted Lena saying he wasn't going to be there, that he needed to help Mon-El and she completely understood. About thirty minutes later they were standing together in a teleportation zone and got teleported. Kyle had changed his clothes into something more 'human' since he knew Daxamites didn't like the house of El.

Kyle quickly looked around when he arrived on the ship, people were bowing for Mon-El. Kyle smiled and nudged Mon-El's side. Whispering in his ear "Fancy, they need to bow for you."

"Mon-El?" They turned to a woman, who spoke up.

"Mother?" Said Mon-El in disbelief "Father?" Kal-El grinned, it was good to see something like this.

"My son," the man spoke "We finally found you." Kyle looked between the people and saw that Mon-El was tense. He quickly walked up to him and put a hand on his shoulder. Mon-El visibly relaxed.

"So," He woman started "I assume you are a friend of Mon-El?" 

Kyle smiled and nodded "Kinda like best friend, I helped him and he helped me."

"Mother, father," Mon-El turned towards Kyle and said "This is Kal-El, one of the last sons of Krypton. And as said, my best friend. He has helped me through a lot and helped me become a hero even though he couldn't get me in his custody. He is the hero of Earth."

"And Kyle, these are my parents. Queen Rhea and King Lar Gand of Daxam." Kyle nodded and knew he needed to show respect so he bowed.

"Our species might have hated each other before but I hope Mon-El and I can show you that it can be different." Kyle looked up and saw Rhea making a movement for him to stand up.

When Kyle stood up she took his hands in hers and said "Thank you for keeping our son safe. You might be Kryptonian but you are nothing like your family. I'm happy you are like this and not like all those others," Kyle nodded, it was good he hadn't kept a too big of grudge. "Would you like to join us for a feast Kal-El?"

Kyle smiled and said "I can't be here for too long, Mon-El and I need to return to our family, one that isn't made of blood and stuff like that. But my adoptive father is in the middle of a surgery as we speak. And my girlfriend and adoptive sister need a man."

Lar Gand chuckled and put his arm around Kal-El "I like your way of thinking young man." And with that they lead him to the banquet hall.


The whole dinner was tense, Mon-El hadn't said a word while Lar Gand was talking to Kyle. Suddenly Lar Gand turned to Mon-El and said "Son, where's that appetite of yours? Aren't you happy to see us?"

"Of course, of course I am." And with that Mon-El started eating.

"Kal-El?" Kyle turned to look at Rhea "You are from the house of El, correct?" He nodded "So a noble house." He nodded again "Good- good."

"So, how did you find me?" Mon-El said before he took a bite.

Kal-El took that as a sign to eat and slowly started to eat.

"We heard your beacon," Lar Gand started "The transmission was incomplete, it brought us to this galaxy. Then it was just a matter of gathering the bread crumbs."

"We had our greatest success at Slavers' Moon. We heard from one of our Dominator ambassadors that you've been freeing slaves."

"Yes, imagine our surprise at your heroics."

Kal-El spoke up "Mon-El has a good heart, and we protect all citizens of Earth. It was also safe to say it was a fun little adventure." Kyle was looking at Lar Gand who just nodded.

Rhea was the one to speak up "That's great Kal-El. I never suspected him to do it, but I must say- we are proud of you two." Kal-El nodded, it was good that he wasn't on that woman's bad side because she probably would be cold and bitter. "Even though slaves- normally get a better live at Daxam we know there are many worse planets out there." Kal-El nodded and with that his watch went off, he had put on a timer so he wouldn't stay too long. 

Kal-El stood up and said "I must excuse myself, my family needs me. If- If you would like to join us you're more than welcome."

Rhea shook her head "We can't, my apologies. But will we see you two tonight again?" Kal-El nodded and with that he and Mon-El went back to Earth.


Kyle sat in the waiting room with Lena, Alex and Mon-El. Eliza was cleared to go inside alone. But everybody else had to wait. Kyle sat leaned forward on his chair with a head on his lap. Lena was sleeping since she clearly needed it. In a hushed tone he spoke to Mon-El since Alex was also asleep.

"So, any idea how we are going to turn them down?" Mon-El shook his head. "Okay," Kyle sighed "Just say no, that's the way to go." Mon-El nodded. 

"I need you there." Kyle nodded.

"I will be there, I didn't say for nothing that you were my best friend. Maybe Winn is one step higher than you- but beside that. You are there for me, always. And that means that you can count on me. Just like with you, always."

Out of nowhere a Eliza rushed inside, she was out of breath as she said "He's awake! But- He doesn't remember anything after his kidnapping." Kyle nodded and with that he knew everything was okay. Everything would be alright.

A/N For fanfic (other people's stuff)/updates and other stuff (Like voting for a new story) check my Instagram SupercorpMcGrath. I will do other fanfic (Other ships) if asked.

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