Chapter 12 // The Dive

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Kyle turned back around and took a deep breath, he wasn't ready for this. But he had to do it, Cat had delivered him a speech about diving quite some time ago. But Alex was right, he had to do this. So Kyle took a couple steps forward, towards the door in front of him and used his pass to enter the first door. He was greeted by a second door, a mechanical female voice said "Please put your eye in front of the eye-scanner so it can be added to the system, Mr. Danvers." 

Kyle quickly did as told and thirty seconds later the door opened. There he was greeted by another big door. He knew there were three doors in total, but on his way out he could just walk out. But this- this felt like a little too much. "If you could put your hand on the hand-scanner Mr. Danvers. That will be the last step for the completion of your entrance clearance." Kyle sighed and put his hand on the hand-scanner. Again after thirty seconds the door opened. Kyle looked at the flowers and stepped inside. 

He took one last deep breath before yelling out "Lena!"

He heard a "Kyle?" Back from one of the corners of the room. Kyle didn't respond. With a steady and strong step he walked to the corner Lena was working in. When Lena came into clear view he smiled. The woman smiled back and asked "What can I do for you, Kyle?"

Kyle held up the flowers and kinda spit out "Would you like to go on a date?" Lena looked taken back and after a minute of Kyle being nervous since it felt like he got rejected Lena nodded.

"Yes- Yes, of course!" With that Lena all but flew herself around Kyle and held him tight. Kyle chuckled and put his arms around the woman. Kyle glanced at his watch while he hugged Lena and saw it was a perfect time to get outside and go out for a date.

When Lena let go of Kyle, Kyle gave her the flowers and glanced at his watch again. "Is there something wrong?"

Kyle looked up from his watch and while smiling he shook his head. But he felt the need to explain so he said "If it is that you want to go on a date today I am thinking about which restaurants I can just walk into by using my mom's name."

"Do you really call Cat Grant your mom?"

Kyle shrugged and said "From time to time I do."

Lena nodded and said "It's great that you have her as a mother figure."

"Yeah, she's great. She is everything Eliza isn't and Eliza is everything Cat isn't. So I have two perfect mothers who make the best out of me," Lena nodded but Kyle could see that something was saddening her so he spoke up again "But- Having a dad would have been great. I only have Carter but he is a little too young." Lena nodded again "Enough talk about me, that's for the date," Kyle held out his hand and asked "Miss Luthor, could I take you to the best place in National City?"

Kyle came up with a plan, apparently he was great at multitasking. Lena grabbed his hand and said "Of course Mr. Danvers. It would be improper of me to decline."

Kyle chuckled and said "You're the first woman who doesn't act all crazy when I talk to them. Even your secretary had been fantasising about me. So Lena, if you would have said no I would have been the guy who would have tried a million times after it. So- Declining once is always possible. But twice? Twice is too much." 

Lena chuckled and slapped Kyle's bicep, probably hurting herself in the process. But she didn't show. "Stalker."

"I would put up my hands in defence if there wasn't a beautiful lady holding my hand, whom I really want to go on a date with, but for now. I am going to drag you out of here," Kyle started walking with Lena beside him to the door "I must say, I'm terrible at dates."

Lena smiled at Kyle "Well Mr. Danvers, how shocking. I must say I am pretty bad myself so we can be awful together." Kyle smiled and nodded. With that they went outside, Kyle had planned everything out. He would grab something Lena would like and take her to the roof of Catco, he already had a blanket on the roof so he had everything he needed.

With a content smile on his face he asked, while they were walking hand in hand through the city, "Normally I would take you to an restaurant. But I am not really one to be there," Lena looked at him with a raised eyebrow so she explained "Just not my type of place to be. But- I do order take-out 90% of the time. So miss Luthor, which cuisine is your favourite?" 

Lena chuckled and explained "I'm dying for some good sushi." Kyle scratched the back of his head and chuckled nervously. Lena looked up at him and asked "Not that great at sushi?"

Kyle quickly grabbed his phone with his free hand and said "Normally I only eat it when Cat wants it. The rest of my family isn't a big fan of it either." While texting Cat with his free hand for a good place to get sushi. Cat just send ordered for him saying that everything would be brought to him. Apparently she had an idea what he was going to do. With a grin on his face he looked at Lena and said "I don't have to worry anymore. Cat took care of it."

Lena chuckled and with that Kyle walked with Lena to Catco, ready to take the elevator to the highest floor, where he worked, and then to take the stairs to the roof. After a couple minutes they finally arrived at the building, so Kyle opened the door for Lena who smiled and thanked him. Together they walked past security without a problem, the security team greeted them appropriately and together they walked to Cat's private elevator, since Cat gave him the green light to use it.

With a nervous smile on his face he stepped inside the elevator once the doors opened. Lena stood next to him and said "Why Catco?"

His nervous smile got replaced by a grin as he said "Just wait and see."

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