Chapter 17 // Her

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Kyle was walking to Mon-El, to take him into his custody- to give him a life. He had asked the DEO to do this and Kyle knew this. He was almost in the training room Mon-El was in when suddenly somebody stood in front of him. Kyle quickly stopped walking, not wanting to hurt the other person. And that's when he felt it. He stumbled forward as he grabbed towards his head. He felt some liquid. When he looked at his hand it was drenched in blood. He looked forward and fell.


Kyle took a deep breath and opened his eyes, he really didn't want to wake up this morning. He sighed and pulled the woman beside him closer. He smiled, moved the woman's short hair and connected his lips with her neck. His hand moving to her hips. Suddenly the woman turned around- Lucy. Kyle flew out of his bed and stood there with his hands in front of him. 

Lucy sat up and asked "Kyle- What's wrong?"

"I-" He shook his head and said a bit calmer "I don't know," Lucy nodded and motioned for him to join her again in bed. Kyle nodded and smiled, she walked back to Lucy and laid down beside her, pulling her close. Kyle kissed her cheek and relaxed in bed "What do you have planned for breakfast?"

"I still have the pancakes from yesterday," Kyle nodded "Luckily it's Saturday so our free day. Dad's coming over tonight," Kyle nodded again "But until then- we are completely free." Kyle chuckled and looked down at Lucy's ring. He sighed happily when he saw the diamond engagement ring on her finger.

He kissed her and whispered "You know that I love you, right?" Lucy chuckled and kissed him back without saying anything. When they parted Kyle caressed her hand and asked "At what time is your dad coming tonight?"

"Seven, why?"

Kyle grinned and pulled Lucy in for a searing kiss, one that let the world see how much Kyle Danvers loved Lucy Lane, only daughter of Sam Lane. But what followed- that was a way better way of showing it.


Kyle closed his eyes and sighed deeply, he felt great. He looked at the woman beside him and pulled her closer. He grabbed his phone from his bedside table and saw that Alex had texted him "Hey brother,  we found Lena Luthor, she is locked away in the DEO. If you want to punish her you are more than welcome. If I may advise you, I would do it. That woman is just way too crazy. For now have fun with your fiance" Kyle chuckled and looked down at Lucy. He played a little with her hair and then removed himself from the bed. 

He quickly changed and walked out of the bedroom, texting Lucy where he would be in the meantime. He texted one of the drivers on duty and walked to the elevator. The driver texted him immediately back and just before Kyle walked outside he put his hair right. He stepped outside and was immediately 'attacked' by reporters. He chuckled and walked further to the car. He got inside and the driver took immediately off. 

Kyle sighed and grabbed his phone again. He texted Alex "Next time just make them say something to me than silently follow me or something like that. We both know I like to talk to people."

Alex' response didn't took long "Sorry brother, I will tell them to evaluate the situation and based on your mood they will talk to you or not. Okay?"

Kyle grinned and quickly texted back "Okay, I'm coming to the DEO. You're there, aren't you?"

"Yes, I am. I will wait for you outside.

Kyle didn't reply back since the car stopped and his door got opened a couple seconds later. Kyle smiled and thanked his driver. With that he stepped outside and went inside the DEO building, one of the largest buildings in the city. 

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