Chapter 31 // A Song To Sing Part 1

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A man walked into the waiting room, Kyle stood up, since Lena was already awake he could do it, he walked to the man and said "You need to leave, you aren't family."

The guy sighed and said "Oh, there you are." In the most dramatic way ever.

"Uh... uh... Who, me?"

"Yes, yes, you. Why else do you think I'd let myself be caught? Come on. He's funny. I've been looking for you." Kyle looked the man in the eyes and suddenly he felt weird. His vision became blurry. There was a knock, he gasped and quickly looked around.

"Kyle? We need our star Kyle." A door opened but Kyle was looking at himself, he was in some sort of fancy suit. His hair was perfect and his jaw- oh it made his jaw stand out. "You're on sir. I-I- we can't wait anymore for you. The King and Queen with the bloody Princesses are there for goodness sake!" Kyle quickly stood up.

Confused he looked at the man "Uh- What?"

"The show! If you weren't my boss I would have slapped you. But- Where is Barry?"

Kyle glanced at a paper where something was written on "Don't you remember the changes?" The young guy shook his head. Good- Kyle said the right thing. Kyle straightened his suit and said "Lead the way, I think I have a show to steal." The young man chuckled and with that he lead Kyle to a curtain. 

Kyle walked through it and was blinded by  yellow light. It almost felt like he had to put a hand up but in the end he didn't. He walked to the microphone and thought about all the karaoke nights with Carter and Alex. He took a deep breath before singing 'Moon River' from Breakfast At Tiffany's. His voice was made for it, he got all the lows and held all the highs perfectly. 

He got a standing ovation, with that he walked behind the curtain, waiting for whoever that Barry was... He smiled when he saw THE Barry standing in front of him "So bud, I see you are in the same situation. But- I think we must steal the show back there," He pointed over his shoulder to the "You have seen Les Misérables, right?" Barry nodded "The scene called the Confrontation. We will sing that. I will be Javert since- my voice is clearly lower." Barry nodded and with that they walked back on stage. 

It was safe to say, when they finished their performance, their song, people wanted more. So Kyle walked to Barry and whispered "Anything goes, you're the top. Okay?" Barry nodded "You are again the woman, sir." Barry smiled and with that they started to sing. This song might have been made for a woman and a man but in the end it turned out great.

Flowers where thrown towards them as they walked off the stage, Barry harshly whispered when he saw they were alone "How can you be this calm?!?" 

Kyle nodded and said "Just by playing along."

"That's," Kyle jumped up in surprise by hearing. "-No need to get scared now, Superboy." Kyle turned towards the man, who had captured him in whatever this was "But- You are right Kyle, just play along. And since you two already did such an amazing opening of the movie I would advise you that you two play along. And- of course... put a," The man started to fade away "little love in your heart..."

Kyle sat down on a couch in that room- for some reason he had the feeling of déjà vu, like an extreme feeling of it. The young man who had helped him before the show suddenly walked in and said "Sirs, the princesses would like to meet you two." Kyle looked confused but stood up he patted his clothes down and when he looked up he came eye to eye with Lena- who was looking absolutely gorgeous. Kyle's mouth slowly fell open as he tried to form words. 

The woman laughed and said "I see you lost your ability to speak, Mr. Danvers." Oh, Rao... The sound of his name from her mouth- it was just wow.

He shook his head and said "No, sorry miss. I just- you look breathtaking."

Lena, or whoever she was walked closer and said "Always the charmer, Mr. Danvers." With that her lips where on his. He smiled in the kiss and put his arms around her.

He rested his head against hers when they parted and said in a dreamy voice "You know I love you right?" Lena nodded and pulled him in for another kiss.

When they parted he said "And, did you like it?"

Lena hummed in response, suddenly somebody, Kyle thought it was Iris, said a name "Arietta." Lena-who apparently was named Arietta, looked at Iris.

"Marcia?" Oh, so Iris wasn't named Iris. Kyle looked at Barry who had the same expression, surprise.

"Father and mother won't be happy we will be away for this long."

"If you finally introduced Barry to them you could just have him over and stuff," Lena- Not-Lena grabbed Kyle's hand and said "I will see you outside with Barry." And with that not-Lena pulled Kyle out of the room to the gigantic hall Kyle couldn't see before. They walked through it, getting congratulated from time to time. Kyle just thanked every single person.

When they finally left the hall they went up a couple of stairs. Walked past some guards and entered one of the balconies. There two people sat, who looked like a real king and queen. Kyle sighed and felt not-Lena squeeze his hand. She smiled at him, Kyle just gave her a single nod and with that not-Lena spoke up.

"Father, mother?"

The two people turned in their seats "Arietta, Kyle," The man spoke "It's great to see you, son. Your performance was marvellous.

Kyle smiled and said "Thank you sir, it means the world to me." The man just nodded.

"So Kyle, where is your friend Barry and Marcia."

Kyle looked at not-Lena who gave him a small nod "He is a bit too scared about his relationship with her so their hiding." The door opened, in came not-Iris and Barry

"Hiding! Me? Never. No, father, mother. This is my boyfriend Barry Allen."

The king stood up and walked towards Barry with an outstretched hand. Barry quickly shook it and said "It's great to meet you, sir." The man nodded.

The door flew open, Kyle quickly turned towards it. And was greeted by a fist in his face. He stumbled backwards, both his hands going to his now bleeding face as he saw that not-Lena got grabbed by someone. She screamed, and Kyle wanted to do something. So he rushed forward, despite all his pain, but got knocked backwards within seconds. With that he fell to the ground, trying to fight the pain. But nothing helped. In the end he just laid there for some time... while not-Lena and not-Iris got taken away.

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