Chapter 9 // The Message

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'Could you come to my office please? - Lena'

That's all Kyle got after the story about the image inducer was written. But now Kyle was following Lena's assistant, a different one than Jessica Huang, to Lena's office. The woman opened the door with a sweet smile so Kyle smiled back and said "Thank you."

Kyle walked in, came directly in eye contact with the woman who was sitting on her couch and said "Hi, I got your message," With his hands shoved inside his pockets he looked at the flowers and said "Those flowers are really beautiful."

"They're called plumerias. They're pretty rare."

"They remind me of my mother."

Lena held up the copy of Catco magazine and said "Was your mother a writer, too?"

"No, she was, um, a sort of lawyer? I'm not really sure."

"Well, you've have a natural gift with words. The article's amazing," Kyle laughed and sat down beside Lena, placing his bag on the ground. "I knew you were a great reporter from your joint-work with Mr. Kent, but this- this was a masterpiece. I'm happy you pulled me into the right direction when I needed it."

Kyle smiled at Lena who was leaning on her hand "Always."

"You know, when I was first adopted by the Luthors, I adored Lex. When he showed his true colors, I was crushed. I tried everything to reach him, to bring him back to side of good. But it was no use- and I was so blinded by trying to be different then Lex that I almost ended up like him. But-I- I am still not getting some stuff about you Kyle, you helped me- and want me to make something when you can clearly make it yourself."

"Why would I make it myself?"

"You have seven PHD's, you have exactly two more than I have. So- Why are you not making things like that yourself?"

"Because I am not the person who needs it. I could- But I can also help other people." Kyle had been rummaging through his apartment the first day he landed and found many blueprints. For some reason he immediately knew what it was about. Kyle grabbed his bag and pulled a blueprint out of it. He gave it to Lena and said "You know what to do with it." Lena looked shocked while she studied the blueprint.

"I- Wow, why are you giving me this? You could earn millions because of this."

"I know, but I don't need millions. I have a family and that's what matters most. This is for you to find people out there who want to come closer again. But until now you will have me." Suddenly Kyle grabbed towards his head- something was happening and it didn't feel right. He screamed in agony and fell to the ground. Kyle closed his eyes and squeezed them shut, trying to make it less- But nothing helped. Kyle felt arms on his shoulders, a cry for help. But he couldn't hear what. 

He opened his eyes again but everything was unfocused, the blackness slowly taking over. The last thing he managed to get out before the world truly turned dark was "Help."


Kyle slowly opened his eyes, a hand immediately moved to his head. He had a killer headache. He quickly looked around and saw that he was in some sort of lab, it was clearly not a hospital room. Suddenly, through the throbbing pain, he heard footsteps, heels to be precise. He quickly looked to the side and saw Lena walking towards him. He felt strange, the feeling of that he forgot something. But he didn't, right?

He closed his eyes again, knowing she was there, and took a deep breath, suddenly he felt a hand on his head, slowly caressing it. While he had his eyes closed he asked "Would it be too cheesy if I asked: Am I dead?"

Lena chuckled and said "Yes- Yes it would, Superboy." Kyle's eyes flew open as he looked at Lena in full terror. The hand didn't stop moving as she said "You're okay Kyle, I am not going to do anything."

Kyle closed his eyes again, he didn't had the energy to keep them open and asked "Who knows?"

"Only me."

"What happened?"

"It appears some sort of attack on your mind," Lena's hand kept moving "I don't know what it was- but for now Kyle- I am going to write up a medical report and you are going to tell me every time this happens, understood," Kyle grimaced but nodded. "Sleep, I will be here when you wake up." Kyle nodded again and let the unconsciousness take over.


Kyle slowly opened his eyes and looked around, true to her word Lena was sitting in a chair next to Kyle's bed, working. Kyle smiled, his headache was gone. But for some reason it felt like he forgot something. Kyle slowly dangled his legs off the bed, which made Lena look at him "No!" Kyle ignored her and just put his feet on the ground, and lifted himself off the bed. Suddenly two hands where on his biceps, holding him tightly.

Kyle looked up at Lena and asked "What are you doing?"

"Making sure you are okay- your whole body was limp when I had you brought here. Maybe some nerves had been damaged. I need to keep you here for check up."

Kyle glanced at his Rolex, a gift from Cat, and said "I need to leave. The President is due to sign the Alien Amnesty Act in fifteen minutes and I need to be there."

"Okay- Uh- Can't you just skip?"

"That will tarnish the reputation of Superboy, which is an awful name, but- It will tarnish it. So I need to be there Lena, I really do."

"Okay- But at any sign of it happening again you call me, understood?" Kyle nodded and with that Lena let go of his biceps. 

"Thank you for everything."

Lena smiled and said "No problem, now follow me."

Kyle chuckled and followed the woman out of the building. Since he had the President to protect.

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