Chapter 2 // Mom?

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Before he could say anything the woman walked past him and into his apartment.

"Ms. Grant! What are you doing here?" Kyle said, confused as ever. Cat never did that when he was Kara, no- she never came close to the rent-side of town.

He was looking around for his glasses and saw that they were on the kitchen island. As to walk as nonchalantly as possible to the kitchen island and slid on his glasses as Cat spoke "I came looking where my assistant was."

"You came looking for me?"

Cat stopped inspecting the apartment and turned to Kyle "Yes of course, I get some sort of weird message from Winifred saying that you weren't here. Had some sort of family problem. But then I heard about what you did. I am proud of you." 

Kyle looked confused and asked "What did I do?"

"Kyle, we don't need to do this anymore. You are like a son to me- so, when you came clean with your secret I wasn't mad. So, just accept it that I am proud of what you did." Kyle gulped his saliva down and nodded.

He muttered "Thanks Ms. Grant," which made Cat stand with her arms folded over each other and glare at him. So he cleared his throat said "Sorry," and finally "Thanks Cat." The short woman smiled and held her arms open. Kyle nodded and and walked towards her and hugged her. 

"I'm really proud of you, and I will always be sorry for dubbing you Superboy."

Kyle let go of Cat and said, like it was normal "I don't feel bad about that Cat, it might be a little irritating from time to time. But if I get into a fight with him for the title I will win. So I let him enjoy his title for a couple months more before I take it." Kyle didn't know if he would actually win, but he hoped it. Maybe he was stronger with his new body.

Cat chuckled and walked to Kyle's couch and sat down, patting the spot beside her. Kyle looked at the door he completely forgot to close when he was searching for his glasses. So he rushed towards it and closed it, after that he took his time to walk to the couch. He sat down beside Cat and asked "What can I really do for you Cat?"

"I was just worried about you. I tried to call you a couple of times, but I never got a hold of you."

Kyle nodded along with the story and said "My phone is charging in my bedroom now and I only woke up today."

Cat looked shocked "You were in a coma all this time?" Kyle nodded "Wow, that- wow." Cat placed a hand on Kyle's knee and squeezed it "I'm happy you are alive, why were you all alone after all this?" Kyle shrugged "Okay, let me text Alex so you have somebody here. I have to pick up Carter, but we will come by when I picked him up." Kyle nodded again and with that Cat stood up and walked to the door, phone in hand. Kyle rushed to the door and opened the door for her. Cat smiled, kissed his cheek and said while walking out the door "Goodbye, son."

When Kyle closed the door he slid down it and sighed. He absolutely had no idea what was happening, and what just happened was just strange. Why was Cat thinking of him as a son? Minutes later when Kyle finally calmed down he stood up and walked to his bedroom. He grabbed his phone and turned it on. He saw that many people had called and texted him. 

He opened his texts app and looked at the first name 'Clark' With a grin on his face he read the text 'My hero.'

Kyle quickly texted back 'Clark!  How are you feeling?' He debated of he should use OMG but ended up with a negative answer to it.

'Ooof. Is this what a hangover feels like?'

Kyle chuckled and typed back 'You're asking the wrong man.'

'Clearly you're made of much stronger stuff.' Yes- Kyle indeed was.

He got a call from Cat and quickly typed 'Gtg, boss calling.'

He clicked answer and said "Yes, Ms Grant?"

"Don't get too cocky with me son. Find me a new assistant."

"Why? I- I t-"

"Enough stammering Kyle, I am promoting you. You will even get your own office, now you have to find out what you want to do."

"Thanks Cat."

"Yeah- yeah, no problem now your sister will be there shortly. Just hang on tight." And without saying goodbye Cat ended the call, not that Kyle found it bad since he heard the noises of a school in the background. And every child wants their parents undivided attention.

Kyle sat down on his couch and stared at his phone. He opened his texts with Winn as the guy was typing. Not fifteen seconds later he got 'For if Alex forgets to say anything, tonight celebratory dinner since you aren't dead, yay.'

Kyle chuckled and quickly texted back, not using his super speed since that could easily go wrong 'Sure Winn, who will be there?'

'Eliza, Cat, Carter, J'onn, James, Alex, you and me. We all know we can't invite Lucy anymore.'

Kyle smiled and texted back 'Thanks Winn.' Kyle did get confused why they couldn't invite Lucy, but maybe they had some sort of feud going on between some of the people and her.

Kyle got unexpected response, since he taught the conversation was over 'Ah man, am I downgraded from bro to Winn?'

Kyle tilted his head a little and texted 'Never, I just don't feel like myself yet. So plz no hard feelings.'

A quick response came within the second 'I'm sorry 1/2' Kyle smiled, and waited for the second text 'I didn't know. Tonight I will drink beer with you to make your day better, okay? 2/2'

Kyle's smile grew bigger. He heard the door open without somebody knocking. 'Always.'

With that Kyle looked up and gasped when he saw Lucy standing there. He quickly stood up and said "Lucy, what are you doing here?"

"I came to see if you were okay."

"Well, I'm okay, now you can go again." Kyle made a shoo-motion with his hands but Lucy didn't move.

"I came to warn you."

Clearly confused Kyle said "Okay?"

"Lena Luthor is coming into town."

Kyle slowly nodded and asked "What do I need to do with that information?"

"Nothing," Kyle was happy with the separation of the couch in between them. Since it was quite strange that she kissed him on the cheek. "I just came to warn you. But for now I must say goodbye, I will see you at work."

She walked back to the door as Kyle yelled "Which work?"

She opened the door and smirked "Catco." And with that she closed the door behind her.

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