Chapter 24 // Not Ready

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Kyle wasn't ready. Not a single bit. He wasn't ready to be the CEO, but he had to. He was standing in the shower, thinking about it all. Both Carter and Lena weren't awake yet... but Kyle- Kyle still was nervous as hell. He sighed when he felt arms around him, he closed his eyes and said "Was it that bad for you on your first day?" Lena hummed in response, so Kyle nodded and turned in her arms. He kissed her tenderly and said "I'm glad you're here."

Lena looked amused and asked "Where were you last night then?"

Kyle smiled and explained "With Carter, he needed somebody. I will wake him up after my shower so I can drop him off before I go to work," Lena nodded and with that Kyle asked "Do you want to come with?" A bright smile formed on Lena's lips as she nodded again. "Good." With that he pulled Lena in for a kiss again, this time it was less sweet and more filled with lust and love.

Kyle was the one to pull back and glanced at his watch, who he forgot to take off, he only had one hour left until the car would pull up on the curb. So he said "As much as I want to do this, I also know that if we are going to shower together it's going to take a long time," Lena chuckled and let go of Kyle, putting her hands up in defence, she took a step back so Kyle quickly grabbed her by the ass and pulled her close, he lowered his head to her ear and said "Who said anything about you leaving me?" He knew from the shudder of Lena's body that she was aroused, but he couldn't take care of her now since he had to shower.

Twenty minutes later Kyle was completely dressed in a suit and tie, he was walking to Carter's room while Lena was cooking. Kyle knocked on the door and opened it when he didn't get a response. We stepped inside the room and said, while glancing at his watch "Hey buddy," Carter mumbled something "it's time to wake up," Carter opened his eyes rather sleepily. Kyle smiled and said "You have exactly forty minutes to do everything. Lena is cooking breakfast, do you need more from us?"

He shook his head at first but said sometime later "Lunch money, Kyle." Kyle nodded and grabbed his wallet from his pocket.

"How much does it cost?"

"$2.50." Kyle grabbed a ten and two one dollar bills from his wallet and gave it to Carter.

"The two extra dollars is for snacks or anything, but please buy something healthy," Carter nodded and with that Kyle walked away, he yelled over his shoulder "We're having pancakes, so be quick!" And with that he heard Carter rush out of bed. While chuckling he walked to the kitchen where Lena was making pancakes. He sat down on the kitchen island and watched Lena make them, while he did nothing, knowing he would be banned for the day if he ever did something.

Minutes later Lena was done making a gigantic stack of pancakes, Carter was done and out of the shower. And wit that they ate, when the time came for them to bring Carter to school Kyle was already finished with everything and waiting for them to put on their shoes and be ready. 

Lena was the first to arrive at the door, Kyle smiled at her and asked "Do you need anything from your house before we go to L-Corp?" Lena shook her head and held up her bag while she slipped on her heels. Kyle nodded and asked "Do you need me to hold it?"

Lena looked up from her difficult task and smiled, with a single nod Kyle grabbed the bag from her. He himself was already holding his new bag, which he got from Lena, in his other hand. But he couldn't care since he couldn't feel the weight. He stepped closer to Lena, who gratefully looked at him and used him to stand still.

Kyle glanced at the hall to Carter's room and saw the boy was walking to him, completely dressed in his school clothes. Kyle smiled at him and with that he turned back to Lena who was finished with her task of putting her shoes on. She grabbed her coat and with that she stepped outside, she probably knew that Carter was walking towards them.

Kyle had already his coat on so he waited for Carter to walk outside so he could lock the door. Without a problem the door was locked and they were ready to go.


Kyle stood in the elevator, which was going up to the top floor, nervously tapping his foot, trying to get some nervous energy out of him. He really wasn't ready for this, Cat might have learned him how to do everything but Kyle was going to get a problem with Snapper, that's for sure.

The bell dinged and the doors opened. Kyle stepped outside and felt attacked, since everybody was watching him. He just put on a smile and walked to his office, he got greeted by his assistant, Hannah, who talked to him about the day and when his meetings where. He knew it was going to happen soon, he had to face Snapper. But he could do it. Kyle sat down in his big chair after he hung his coat up. He sighed and looked around at the people in front of him- they were staring. 

Kyle bit the inside of his cheek, thinking about what to do, in the end he just stood up and walked to the doors to his office. The employees who had previously been staring at him lowered their heads quickly which made him almost chuckle. When he was at his door he spoke up. "People," Many heads snapped towards him "I expect not to have any people missing work because they are looking at me. Otherwise you can see the door and will not be expected to return, understood? We are not at a peep-show people. You need to work here, not watch." People nodded and murmured something but Kyle couldn't care, he was already walking back to his desk. Ready to start the day.


Kyle was completely done. Snapper was being a total doucebag. Kyle leaned back in his chair and looked at the people in front of him, thinking about what to do. His gaze fell on a slim figure walking towards him. He quickly focused his eyes again by blinking and saw that is was Lena. 

He grinned and stood up, walked over to his love and kissed her when she walked inside. He motioned for her to sit down on his new couches, thanks to Cat, and with that he walked outside and said to his assistant "Take your lunch, I'm going to take mine," The woman nodded and with that Kyle walked back inside and closed the doors. He turned to Lena, who was unpacking a bag, and smiled "Thank you for coming, today- just thanks." Lena looked up at him and patted the spot beside her.

Kyle sat down and looked at her, she raised an eyebrow and with that Kyle got the clue. "Oh- Uh, Snapper. He is being a douchebag. So- I'm trying to think about what to do, since he thinks he is better than me. Which in the end he isn't because he doesn't treat people with respect," Lena hummed in response "I'm going to make him shit in his pants. Just the thing that guy deserves." Lena stopped doing what she did and looked at Kyle, she nodded once and with that she continued unpacking the food. That was all Kyle needed. He was going to scare Snapper.


Lena just left, he had thanked her profusely for coming since he clearly needed it. Kyle sighed and stood up, making his way to Snappers office, without knocking he walked into it. The guy was eating, good he took him on surprise. Kyle leaned forward on the guys desk and said "Snapper Carter, I'm going to say this once and never again. If you ever walk in my path again, do the things I need to do. Or try to be the boss, I will make you regret it. Understood? I won't give you a second chance since this is already it." And with that Kyle strode out of the office, leaving a baffled Snapper Carter behind.

It was safe to say that Kyle's mood wasn't able to break. And the next morning, when he had another meeting with Snapper he could just do his job like he was meant to do it.

A/N I did something new! So I made an Instagram account named SupercorpMcGrath, it's easier to choose a new story that way since you can all vote and stuff. I hope to see you there! (And I rate fanfiction/promote it. So maybe you can find new and enjoyable fanfic there)

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