Chapter 18 // Concerned

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Kyle sat on the DEO medical bed. It was safe to say that he felt terrible. But he was alive and Lucy was taken into custody. Something deep inside Kyle kept saying that this wasn't the end of Lucy's tries. But- he felt worse about his mindset in that world. He was their ruler, their better. But- Kyle wasn't anything like that. Lucy made him be. With a sigh Kyle put his head in his hands and tried to think clearly.

He felt arms around his neck, which made him look up. He came eye to eye with Lena and smiled. Lena shook her head, which clearly made Kyle confused so luckily she explained "There is no need to act like you're all okay." Kyle slowly nodded and looked down again.

 After minutes of silence between the two of them he spoke up "I was there God," He looked up "Their ruler. Their boss, and I-I was ruling. Together with Lucy, I have no idea why I got that power- But it felt great. And Lucy- Lucy was my obedient girlfriend. Everything I could ever want in a girl. But even then it felt wrong. I could have had everything, but again I lost it.

Lena's hand moved to his cheek as she removed a tear Kyle didn't know fell down. He sighed and rested his head against Lena's front. "I wanted to hurt you- So badly. Just because you hurt Lucy and mine's fake relationship." Lena nodded "But- When I looked at you, you had some pull. Like you were right. And then Alex- Alex asked me to thrust her. Which I did, only because I could see you," Kyle sighed and asked "What was I connected to?"

"Some new military machine. We don't know what it did, but all we know it is that you and Lucy were in a imaginary world. Not created by you, but by her."

Kyle nodded and looked out of the window, he had failed everybody. Including Mon-El since it wasn't safe enough to get him into his custody. Luckily for Kyle James had offered to do it. So now, in the days Kyle was going to learn how to be James' boss, James could look after Mon-El with some help from the DEO. Kyle sighed again "I have a feeling that this is going to happen again," He saw Lena nod "But- Until then, I'm yours. I will always be yours," He saw Lena nod again and with that he let himself fall down on the bed, he was exhausted. while he stared at the ceiling he said "I had sex with Lucy."

He looked at Lena for any kind of reaction but all he got was "Okay."

"Okay? You're not mad?" Lena shook her head. "Good- Good, I thought you would be mad- But I also get why you aren't. I wasn't myself since I clearly wanted to hurt you, and I-I could never hurt you."

Lena sighed and asked "Is that really it, you saying that you can never hurt me and I have to take your word for it?" Kyle looked at her confused and nodded "You know that everybody always leaves or hurts me?"

Kyle shook his head, he clearly didn't know that. He stood up and said, while holding his hand out of Lena "Then- Let me show you how much I care about you." Lena looked confused but grabbed his hand. With one perfect movement she was in his arms and they were in the air. He quickly flew to her apartment, wanting her to feel the best way possible. He landed on her balcony and put his hand on the scanner, letting the doors open immediately. He grinned when Lena yelped because of this, since he was only balancing her on one arm. When the doors finally opened he super sped to Lena's room and all but threw her on the bed, he quickly hovered above her. 

A grin formed on his lips as the woman looked quite excited of what's about to come. He kept hanging above her, waiting for her to break the unspoken rules. But she didn't, so Kyle smiled and leaned down. His lips slowly meeting hers in a kiss. They started off slow, trying to find the boundaries. But when Lena had to get some air Kyle said "You're on birth control?" Lena nodded "Good. Because I'm going to fuck you so hard, my pretty girl, that you won't even remember your own name." Lena gasped, her eyes widening. Kyle knew what it was, she wanted it. She wanted him. So with a grin he captured her lips again.

This time the kiss was rough, the boundaries were gone. The rules didn't exist anymore and all Kyle could think about was that his girl should be taken care of. Kyle pulled back, letting his little slut whine. Kyle chuckled and said "Yes, yes. We both know you are my little girl. So- To let you feel great we have a few rules. Rule 1," Kyle bit down Lena's neck, making her moan, hard. "Green is go, yellow is softer, red is stop, this goes both ways, just say if I hurt you," He licked the bite mark, and felt Lena shudder underneath him. "Rule 2," He sucked on Lena's skin, leaving a mark in the process. "In the time you are with me in this relationship every time you cum it's because of me. And nobody else, well... maybe when I want to see a show... You will be allowed to touch yourself," Lena nodded and whimpered since Kyle bit down again. "Rule 3," Kyle slowly licked the wound, no blood was drawn, making Lena moan, loudly. "You, my little girl, follow my orders. No punishment will come since we don't have that kind of relationship, but rewards... they will be great, understood?" Lena rapidly nodded and with that Kyle lifted himself up.

He was going to do this right. He was going to order Lena around, make her panties drenched since she was so aroused. He would do it all.

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