Chapter 16 // Fight Club

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Kyle sat in Lena's apartment, hunched forward while the show they were watching stood on pause, because Lena was getting wine and beer for them. But he wasn't paying attention, he was thinking about everything that was happening. He didn't know what was happening, but the fact that an alien, a peaceful alien, got killed by another alien was- strange.

But- That wasn't all. How Alex and Maggie worked with each other- felt so wrong. It's great that Alex could work that great with her- but Kyle felt left out. And work- work was getting more and more difficult with Cat being on his case since he had to learn the ropes. 

Kyle dropped his head and sighed. It's- it was great being with Lena and all, but he was broken and he didn't know if Lena could handle it. But most importantly deserved it. He knew things were changing since he knew way more about this life than before, only deep inside he was still Kara. Not Kyle, the guy who can do everything and has a terrible disguise. No, Kara. Poor Kara. A girl who lost her planet, didn't have good connections with her real family or anything like that. But- Kyle, Kyle had it all. Kon-El, or Kal-El was there for him. Ready to help whenever he needed it.

But Kara, Kara was the broken little Kryptonian, one that had to act like an middle-aged librarian to not stand out. Kyle couldn't care less, if people knew it was okay. His life was filled with love, coming from all directions. Not just one or two...

He heard the sound of glass on marble, he quickly looked up and saw Lena placing his beer on the table. She sat down beside him and said, while she didn't even look at him "There is no need to stop thinking Kyle, you clearly needed to set some things straight."

Kyle sighed and looked down again, he needed to tell the truth. "Lena?"


Kyle didn't look up as he said, a lot less confident than before "I'm broken," He stayed silent for a moment before saying "I'm not half the man other men are. I-I fight with myself in my head. I have an appointment for tomorrow afternoon with a therapist," He looked up at Lena and said "I hope you can understand that I'm with problems, many in fact. And many things aren't clear for me. I-I understand if you want to call it quits because I'm not what you expecte-"

He didn't even got to finish his sentence since Lena practically yelled "No!" Kyle got confused and titled his head a little, in a much calmer voice Lena continued "I-You're not the only one who is broken in this relationship. I might not show it yet, but- we can be strong for each other if we want. So that when needed we can be weak- But Kyle, you might be an alien but you are still some bit human. You still have faults and with me, in this relationship, you should be allowed to show every side of you. From the perfect guy to the human." Kyle nodded and pulled Lena in a hug, making the woman yelp. But he couldn't care. He wanted that perfect woman as close as possible. 

Kyle moved a hand to Lena's hair and slowly caressed it, after a minute of it he whispered "You know you're perfect, right?" Lena chuckled, but she didn't deny it. So with a smile on his face he connected his lips to Lena's neck. 

The effect was almost immediate, the second he lifted his lips of Lena's neck a whine escaped Lena's lips. Kyle chuckled and said "No, no. My darling, we are going to take things slow. When we are going to do that- when I am, just like you, too touched starved, then is the moment I will give you what you want. But until then, my darling, we are going to take things slow. Because I don't want this to be a sex-relationship. I'm in this for the long run."

Lena nodded and yawned. Kyle chuckled and stood up, with Lena in his arms. The woman yelped again but Kyle couldn't care. He shifted her into the bridal-style position and walked to her bedroom. He laid her in bed and said "Change, I will be with you shortly." Lena nodded and did as told while Kyle walked back and cleaned everything up, he almost forgot to turn off the television but in the end he did. 

He walked to Lena's room while he looked at his phone, a text from Alex 'Maggie and I got attacked. Don't worry, I'm alright. Maggie needs to be checked if everything is alright. Tomorrow morning we will talk about this, okay? Don't worry little brother. Just have fun with your girlfriend.' Kyle sighed and put his phone away. He leaned against the doorpost of Lena's room. He looked at the back of the woman while she got in bed. A smile formed up his face as he looked at her. 

He sighed and decided that he would stay. He was still in the same clothes as the day before so he stepped inside the room, which got Lena's attention, and pulled off his tie. He shrugged of his jacked and slowly opened all the buttons of his shirt. He placed his clothes on a chair, he had his back to Lena so she couldn't see his body. 

Kyle kneeled down and pulled his shoes off, after that he pulled his socks off. And with a sigh he turned towards Lena. The woman gasped so Kyle immediately took a step back. Lena breathed out "Wow." So Kyle titled his head since he didn't know what she meant. Then he followed her line of sight, she was looking at his abs. So she chuckled and did the last thing he had to do. He pulled his pants down and walked to the empty side of the bed. He pulled the covers away and laid down beside Lena. When the woman seemed distant he did the only thing possible. He pulled her closer. And with that they fell asleep.


Kyle knew this had to be done. He went past security, but- He didn't want to let Lena feel like he used her. With a sigh the doors  opened and he stepped outside. He walked past Jess' desk without saying anything, making the woman scoff. But he couldn't care less, he would get her some food so maybe he would be on her good graces. He opened Lena's doors and saw the woman standing at her desk.

"Using your unlimited excess, I see?"

Kyle nodded and put his hands in his back pockets. He wasn't ready for this. "I-I just need to ask you something." Lena sat down and made the go on gesture. So Kyle said "Do you know of a woman named Veronica Sinclair?" Kyle slowly walked closer.

Lena leaned back in her chair and said "Tight dresses, tattoos like Lisbeth Salander?" Lena nodded and said "Yeah, I know Roulette. We went to boarding school together. I never liked her," Lena leaned forward and asked "But the question is, why are you asking me this?"

"I need your help saving a friend of mine."

"You need to find her, don't you?" Kyle nodded, he was lucky that Lena understood what he needed. Lena sighed and said "Luckily I'm a Luthor," Lena started to write something down on a post-it note "of course I'm invited to her little pop-up," Lena pulled the post-it note off and said while looking up "Not that I'm interested in her type of entertainment."

Lena stood up and walked around her desk towards Kyle, Kyle sighed when she gave him the post-it note and said "Thank you, I owe you."

Lena chuckled which made Kyle get his signature crinkle so Lena explained "Kyle- You don't owe me anything. If there is anything I can help you with I will, just like you probably will help me." Kyle nodded and kissed her cheek. 

"Thank you darling." Lena nodded and with that Kyle left, he had to thank Lena properly later. But for now- now he will just thank her a million times over text. 

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