Chapter 6 // Oblivious

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"What was that Kyle!"

Kyle looked at the man beside him and asked, clearly confused "What? Oh you know I'm different, so- Maybe I reacted as Kara and not as Kyle, I really don't know."

"Why did you take over the interview?"

"Oh- she was clearly talking to me. Since I wasn't a person filled with steel, and she looked at me way more than at you. So- I thought to talk to her, make her feel a little bit more welcomed. I know you can only see her as Lex since you were one of the closest people to him. But- She wants a chance, so- I think she should have it."

"Okay, Kyle- or Kara, is it okay that I call you Kyle?" Kyle nodded "Good, I'm sorry I reacted that way. You were right, I was hostile and you being there too made you a safe place. But- In this world you helped me with Lex a couple of times, since you're way more Kryptonite-resistant, but the point is- I just don't trust a Luthor. And I'm sorry that I had to drag you into that mess."

Kyle nodded and said "Enough about that, I didn't see anything when I x-ray-visioned the room. Did you?"

Clark shook his head "Yeah, me neither. So what do you think?"

"I think that she is woman trying to get a new start and having you as an asshole there isn't going to help." Kyle didn't know why he felt the need to say asshole, but it just was there.

"Okay- Okay!" He put his hands up in defence "I get it, I should have been a bit nicer. But this is a Luthor we are talking about."

"Yes, and I am an El. Our family also isn't the best of the best." Clark sighed and then his phone went off.

"Hi sweetie," A short pause "Yeah, I'm with Kyle." Another short pause "Yes, I'm being careful." Kyle chuckled. "I miss you, too. I love you, bye." And with that Clark ended the call.

With a grin on his face Kyle said "I like it that she worries about you. Good to hear you found the right girl."

"Yeah, me too."

"Otherwise I should have thrown her into space of course."

"Kyle!" But Kyle was already running in human pace a couple feet in front of him, grinning mischievously back.

"You better come fast, old one!"

Clark chuckled and rushed after his cousin.


Kyle sat in her office at Catco, eating Chinese, when he heard it: Lena's distressed heartbeat. Ever since Alex warned her that Lena had been the target Kyle had been focusing on her voice and heartbeat. Kyle ripped his clothes off and rushed out of the window, not waiting until Clark could follow him. When he heard another person breaking the sound barrier he heard enough. 

At the exact moment the gun went off Kyle sprung in front of it. Luckily for him Clark got in front of the second gun blocking it's view of the helicopter. "I thought you two might show up," Kyle heard from the drone "You spoil all the fun."

"You know, if you were expecting us to show up you really should've brought something a little more powerful."

Kyle chuckled and waited for the response "I did. I brought my wits. I've drones planted throughout the city targeting civilian populations as we speak. Your choice, aliens. Innocent civilians or the chopper."

Kyle turned towards Clark and said "I got it, go save them." With that Clark was gone and Kyle quickly used his laser-vision on one of the drones. 

Kyle heard the lock-on of a rocket and quickly sprung in front of it. Getting hit by the thing and got blown a bit back. If he would have been Supergirl she might would have been pushed to the ground- but his stronger body could handle this. Only Kyle was a bit too late, another one appeared and hit the back of the chopper. Kyle quickly shot the last two out of the air and rushed towards the chopper. He grabbed it and slowly brought it back to the ground. When he opened the door he said "You're safe now," And inspected the pilot's injuries, just a concussion.

A very distraught Lena Luthor asked "What the hell was that?"

"Someone's trying to kill you," Lena looked around in disbelief as Kyle asked "I am going to bring him to the hospital- just stay here miss Luthor. I will be with you shortly." Kyle quickly unbuckled his seat-belt and rushed to the hospital. Not thirty seconds later he opened Lena's door and held his hand out. Lena gracefully grabbed it and stepped out, she looked better than before- but colder. 

Kyle all but carried her out of the chopper, since the woman was in clear shock. So Kyle pulled her into a hug and slowly started to rub her back, making sure she was known. "You're okay- everything is okay. Your pilot will be fine." The woman was just completely shaken up as Kyle tried to calm her down.

The first words the woman said was something he would never forget "It's dreadful isn't it? A Luthor seeking comfort from a Super."

Kyle shook his head and held the woman tighter "No it isn't. We all have emotions. And sometimes you need to be strong and sometimes you can be weak. With me you can be weak because I found my own people I can be weak with. You found me. So- Be weak, let it just all out and recharge for the next problem you have to faze." Lena nodded and stepped away from Kyle.

She said "Thanks, I will see you next time." Wiped her tears away and walked inside. Kyle sighed and flew up in the air. Where he met Clark.

"You okay?"

Kyle titled his head a little and looked confused at Clark "Yeah- sure."

"Okay- You can tell me if something is wrong, you know that right, you are family Kal-El." Kyle nodded and let the words sink in, Clark just said that he was named Kal-El, did that make Clark Kon-El? He had to try.

"Yes, thank you Kon-El." Clark smiled and nodded. Kyle flew into Catco and changed into a new set of clothes, groaning when he saw he had ripped his leather jacket. A minute later Clark flew in and together, in their civilian clothes, they walked to James who was standing in the bullpen.

They were talking about something when Kyle heard a loud "Ms. Morris!" Kyle quickly walked to the fishbowl, when being passed by a crying Hannah. "She cries more than Halle Berry at award shows."

"Well, if you hate her so much, why don't you fire her?" Kyle looked back at the bullpen and said "Normally you would ax an assistant the second they brought you a latte one degree off."

Cat came walking towards Kyle with two glasses in hand, both filled with some strong liquor. "Oh, Kyle. I don't even know what's normal anymore." She gave one to Kyle and sat down on the couch. Kyle sat down beside her and tried the drink, it didn't taste that wrong.

"Oh, okay-" Before he could speak further Cat spoke up.

"So, how did the interview go?"

"Great I think, for some reason Ms. Luthor only talked and looked at me- it was like Clark wasn't even there."

"Wow, that woman is daring."

Kyle looked confused at Cat who was taking another drink of her whiskey. "What do you mean?"

"Did you see her before you came to interview her?"

Kyle nodded and explained "We met in the elevator, she smiled at me and looked at me from head to toe, multiple times even. She also knew who I was- I don't mean the other guy but that I was your 'child'."

"Kyle, many people know that. We even did an interview about it. But what matters is that, that woman has the hots for you." Kyle spit out his drink, all over the floor in front of him.

"What!" His eyes were quite big as he said "No- No, that can't be true."

Cat placed an hand on Kyle's bicep "Kyle, you are a handsome young man. You are even better looking than Clark without glasses and that says a lot. Half the office is in love with you. Heck I think half National City is in love with your dazzling smile."

Kyle gulped and nodded "Okay- So she liked me- But about reporting, I think I like it."

"Good, Kyle. I am proud of you. It's good that you are taking a dive." Kyle nodded and took another swig of his whiskey. He was absolutely fucked.

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