Chapter 33 // Weird Vibe

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Kyle laid on bed, Lena was attached to him. A smile played on his lips, he was going to marry that woman. Suddenly his phone went off, Kyle groaned. He hadn't planned for that to happen- he was just home and finally relaxed. He grabbed his phone and answered "Kyle Danvers,"

"Kyle," Mon-El "Mother and father are asking where you are and I know you're back home- could you come."

Kyle rubbed his eyes tiredly and looked at Lena "Sure, I will be there in fifteen minutes- but where do we meet?"

"The DEO, their teleportation beam is still homed on the balcony, I will see you soon bro." And with that Mon-El ended the call. Kyle quickly stood up, it might have been in the middle of the night but if that's what was needed he was going to do it. He walked to his walk in closet and grabbed some normal clothes. He changed into his Superboy gear and walked out of the walk-in closet. He saw that the light was on and Lena was awake.

The woman was eyeing him, waiting for an explanation. So he spoke up: "Mon-El needs help with his parents. I won't be away for too long." Lena nodded and with that Kyle kissed her lips and flew out of the window. 

He landed at the front gate of the DEO since he couldn't use the balcony. He walked inside, got greeted by the usual team. He quickly went to the changing room and changed from his supersuit to just some jeans, a leather jacket and a white t-shirt. And like usual just some white converse. 

He walked out, to the main control room and saw Mon-El pacing around. "Mon-El!" Mon-El quickly looked at him. "You okay dude?" Mon-El quickly nodded. It was a bit too quick- so Kyle asked again "What happened." While placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Mother and father visited me, they were acting a bit strange. They kept asking where you where and all that."

Kyle slowly nodded, that was a bit strange. But- He just knew he had to not care. So he followed Mon-El to the balcony while he commented "I asked her."

Mon-El stopped in the middle of walking towards the balcony, turned towards Kyle and asked "And?"

Kyle grinned "She said yes." Mon-El pulled him into a hug.

"I'm proud of you."

Kyle patted Mon-El's back and said "Thank you, it means quite much to me." After the hug they just walked to the balcony and waited, within seconds they got teleported to the ship. They were greeted by Lar Gand and Rhea standing side by side. A smile playing on their lips.

Kyle got some weird creepy vibe and immediately took a step backwards. He looked at Mon-El and asked, in a hushed tone "Can we make this quick- I promised my fiancee to come home soon," Mon-El nodded a single nod. With that Kyle turned back to look at Rhea and Lar Gand. "So Queen Rhea, King Lar Gand. What can we do for you?"

"Kyle, is it right that you were attacked yesterday?" Rhea asked, she was right so Kyle slowly nodded "What happened?"

Kyle nervously looked around and said, after a couple seconds "I had to sing and stuff, my girlfriend, now fiancee, saved me by loving me. Which sounds strange- but it's the truth." Kyle just shrugged, he wasn't really sure if it was believable.

"So let me get this straight," Lar Gand started "Your girlfriend, now fiancee, had to love you in order to save you?" Kyle hesitantly nodded

"So she means the world to you, doesn't she?" Kyle got again a weird vibe out of what Rhea said, so again he hesitantly nodded. 

"Why am I here? It- is the middle of the night. My fiancee is waiting for me to return. So- why am I here?"

Lar Gand took a step forward and said "Kyle, son, we just want what is best for you," Kyle took another step backwards "So you get it that we were shocked to hear you being abducted or something like that," Lar Gand took another step forward, making Kyle take another step backwards, hitting a wall. "And you also get why we feel the urge to protect you?" Kyle hesitantly nodded.

Rhea walked up to stand beside Lar Gand. Kyle wanted to flee, because he got truly weird vibes from them- but he couldn't. So he just nervously stood there, waiting for what the hell was going to happen. He glanced at Mon-El who was looking at his parents with a confused expression on his face.

Kyle cleared his throat and said "With all due respect, Queen Rhea, King Lar Gand. I would like to return to my fiancee, I promised her to be home soon- and I didn't expect," He glanced at his watch "For it to take this long." Both Rhea and Lar Gand creepily nodded and with that Mon-El and Kyle walked to the teleportation device and got teleported back to the DEO.

Kyle let out a breath, he absolutely was holding, and said "I-That was scary," Mon-El looked dumbfounded in front of him and nodded. "I need to go." And with that he was gone, going home. 

He walked into the bedroom and exclaimed, he knew Lena was awake, "You never know what just happened to me!"

Lena looked up from her book at him and said "You're home pretty quickly, why?"

"I had to basically flee the scene. They were acting all crazy."

"Who, darling?"

"Mon-El's parents. Rhea and Lar Gand." Lena slowly nodded and with that Kyle threw himself on the bed and started to explain what happened to the smallest detail. Lena listened to him the whole time, looking shocked from the minute he started to tell her what happened. Luckily for him it gave him one heck of a massage later, they had used red-solar lamps, to get rid of his tension. 

But all in all Kyle was scared, because he didn't know what the Daxamites would do. 

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