Chapter 20 // Gay

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Kyle sat in the chair in his office, he was looking at some marketing plans when he heard a knock on the door. He looked up, a smile on his face when he saw Lena walking in. "Lena! Surprise visit to Catco?"

Lena sat down on the chair in front of Kyle's desk "No, I'm here to see you, actually."

Kyle grinned and asked in a teasing tone "You are?"

Lena nodded and said "Yeah, L-Corp is hosting a party this weekend. It's a gala fundraiser for the Children's Hospital after that horrific attack on their new building," Lena took a deep breath and continued "I was hoping you'd come, as my boyfriend."

Kyle leaned back in his chair and said "If I have this correct will you tell me your plan?" Lena nodded "You're making a trap, aren't you?"

She chuckled and nodded again "I suspected you would know what I was doing within seconds. I-I Could use the man in blue for this one. But I would like to spend the night with you, it will probably be boring and all but- It would mean the world to me."

Kyle sighed and nodded "I will be there, now your plan?"

"A black-body field generator."

Kyle gasped, threw his hand in the air and said "Why didn't I come up with that!"

Lena chuckled and said "You're so extra."

Kyle smiled at her "And you like it."

Lena ducked her head "Yes- Yes I do."

There was a knock on the door making Kyle look up from Lena, Cat. "I need you to write an article about Cadmus," Kyle nodded, somebody had to do this. And his articles had been doing quite well. "Don't be objective, shape their form of thinking into the way you want it." Kyle nodded again, with that Cat left again. Grin formed on his face as he looked back at Lena who was clearly looking amused.


"I didn't know Catco did that."

"The wise words of Cat Grant while we were playing Settlers of Catan: Use your influence. Which was quite the thing since she had the best wood industry in the game."

Lena chuckled and suddenly there was another knock on the door, Kyle looked up, confused since he hadn't planned anything with anybody. He quickly changed his whole demeanour, his gaze became cold and his jaw was clenched. "Lucy."

"Hello Kyle," Lucy stepped inside, she glanced at Lena but didn't say anything. She walked further and leaned on his desk, her boobs clearly showing. But Kyle just looked at her face, he couldn't care how much she was going to flash him. That woman was placed on his not-nice list. "I'm here to take you out, just like we had planned."

Kyle leaned back in his chair and said "Lovely to ask me on a date, but I must decline. My lovely girlfriend is sitting here."

"Oh, that slut, she isn't worth anything. You saw it, didn't you? The real her."

Kyle chuckled, but there was no nice emotion behind it. It was actually scaring him that he could be this cold "Ah, the way you see her. Maybe you should have been in a world I created, then you would see the way I see her. And it's safe to say she is close to a Goddess."

Lucy clenched her jaw and walked out, but not before saying "I will get you Kyle. I will find a way to get you. You're mine."

Kyle looked back at Lena, who was looking at him with a look he couldn't decipher "What?"

"I-I- That was hot," Kyle chuckled and leaned back in his chair again "But I need to go, take care of some business- I mean work! Work!"

Kyle chuckled and said "You're going to wait until tonight. If you do anything before that you will be punished, like not hurt or anything- but I will be sad you didn't do it without me. Okay?" She nodded and hurried out of the room. Kyle knew that that evening was going to be eventful.


Kyle walked around the corner of the apartment complex, to his front door, when he saw Alex standing there a donut in hand. "A donut? You never eat sugar in the middle of the day. What's wrong?" 

"I'm feeling confused about something."

"Okay..." He opened his door and walked inside, letting the door stay open so Alex could come in. He hung up his coat and walked to his fridge, taking a beer out of it. "You want one?" Alex sat on the stools at the kitchen island. She nodded, so he grabbed another beer and pulled the crown caps off it. He took a long swig from his drink and placed Alex' in front of her.

"You okay?"

"I had the weirdest day ever, Alex. First Lena came to me asking to go to her Gala, then Cat ordered me to write a biased piece about Cadmus, which I finished, and then Lucy came and threatened me or something," Kyle sighed, took another swig of his beer and said "So, Alex. Where do you need me for, because you can tell me anything, alright?" Alex sighed and nodded "Is there something wrong?"

"No, no. I, um..." She cleared her throat "Just, uh... I wanted to talk to you about something. Something about me," Kyle nodded and made a go-on gesture. "It's about Maggie."

"Your cop friend?" Alex nodded

"She and I started working on a couple of cases together. And, you know, we started hanging out after work. And you know, I... I started, um..." Alex sighed "Thinking about her."

"What does that mean?"

"I mean... Um..." Alex cleared her throat again and nervously played with her hands "I started to... Develop feelings... for her."

Kyle looked at her and said "Like romantically?" Alex nodded, Kyle took a swig from his beer and asked "So she is gay?" Alex nodded again. "And are you saying you're gay too?"

Alex sighed and said "I-I- I don't know. I'm just trying to make sense of it all. It's so- complicated."

"Alex," he placed a hand on hers and squeezed is softly "It kind of sounds like you're coming out to me. Have you felt like this before?"

Alex shook her head "Not like this."

"Have you ever been with a girl?"

"No. Never."

"And are you telling the full truth right now?"

Alex shook her head "I've been up all night, thinking about it. Maybe I've had thoughts like this before." Kyle nodded.

"So, you're gay," He stood up, he saw Alex tense as he walked around the kitchen island. He pulled her into a hug and said "I'm proud of you for saying this. I will always be there for you. Okay?" Alex nodded against his shoulder, she was sobbing. Kyle sighed and slowly started to rub her back. "I'm so proud of you."

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