Chapter 5 // Luthor

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Kyle nervously stood in the elevator next to Clark, suddenly he felt a hand on his shoulder so he quickly looked at Clark who shook his head once "There is no need Kyle, just be yourself." Kyle slowly nodded and looked in front of him with a bit more steel in his eyes. Suddenly the doors opened and in came a beautiful looking woman, that was something Kyle new, it felt like he was gay since he previously had been a woman. But- He decided to ignore that fact, he had to live with it that he was a man now. 

The woman looked at him from head to toe and smiled, so Kyle being the polite man he is smiled back at the woman. The woman, who was wearing this perfect red lipstick, just stood beside Kyle and it was Clark to speak up first by clearing his throat and saying "Miss Luthor," The woman's gaze went from looking at Kyle to looking at Clark "I'm Clark Kent, and this is my cousin Kyle Danvers. We would like to talk to you about the Venture launch."

The woman's whole demeanour changed from nice and interested to something of steel. She replied quite coldly "We will do it in my office."

And with that they awkwardly stood in the elevator, waiting for it to arrive at the highest floor. When it finally did Lena quickly walked out in a steady pace while Kyle and Clark followed her. The first thing Lena said was "There is a perfectly reasonable explanation for why I wasn't aboard the Venture yesterday."

"Well, that's why we are here."

While hanging her bag and jacket up Lena said "There was an emergency regarding the planning," Kyle heard some sort of accent, but he couldn't place what it was yet. "for a ceremony I'm holding tomorrow. I'm renaming my family's company and I had to cancel."

"Ah, lucky."

Lena chuckled, there was absolutely no emotion in it- but Kyle got it, maybe she was just mad at Clark for doing what he did to Lex, not the Superman side of him but the Clark Kent, journalist of the Daily Planet, side. "Lucky was Superman saving the day."

Clark chuckled, which almost sounded like a scoff "Not something one expects a Luthor to say." Kyle looked at Clark and glared at him for a second, Clark was being way too aggressive.

But Kyle finally turned back and said "Right, and Superboy was there, too." It sounded weird, saying Superboy and not Supergirl... but it had to be said.

Ms. Luthor looked at Kyle again, for the first time since the elevator and said "Kyle Danvers, refresh my mind why I know that name."

"Um... I was Cat Grant's assistant. Only she wants me to become a reporter- so here I am."

Lena filled a glass with water and said "But that's a publication not known for it's hard-hitting journalism," She walked to her desk, with this look Kyle couldn't decipher yet. But it was like she was teasing him. "More like 'High-waisted jeans Yes or No?'"

"I don't know why she wants it from me- but I am just tagging along today."

"Right, aren't you that golden boy that is more like Cat's son?"

Kyle gulped his saliva down and nodded "Okay," Lena sat down and leaned back in her chair. Her arms folded over each other, and again she had a weird look on her face. "Can we just speed this interview along? Just ask me what you want Mr. Danvers," Kyle got a bit confused why Lena only looked at him, and completely ignored Clark. "Did I have anything to do with the Venture explosion?"

Before Kyle could speak Clark said "Did you?"

Lena was looking down when he said that. So she looked up at him, clearly irritated and said "You wouldn't be asking me if my last name was Smith."

"Ah, but it's not. It's Luthor." Kyle had to keep himself from glaring daggers at Clark. So he quickly balled his hand in to a fist. 

Kyle saw Lena's eyes quickly glance at his hand before they moved up to Clark as she said while smirking "Some steel under that Kansas wheat," Lena paused and looked at Kyle "It wasn't always. I was adopted when I was four. And the first person who made me feel most welcome in the family was Lex," Lena looked down, this time Kyle could see that it was sadness. It was written over her whole face. Lena looked up at Kyle again "He made me proud to be a Luthor," Lena turned around and said "And then he went on his reign of terror in Metropolis,"

Since Lena was turned around Kyle quickly pushed his glasses down and looked around, nothing. "Declared war upon Superman. Committed unspeakable crimes," When Kyle turned around Lena was still staring outside. She turned around again and grabbed some sort of remote. She pushed the button and said "When Superman put Lex in jail, I vowed to take back my family's company. To rename it L-Corp," Lena looked Kyle directly in the eyes again "To make it a force of good," Kyle looked at Clark who looked neutral. "I'm just a woman trying to make a name for herself outside of her family. Can you understand that?" Those green eyes like kryptonite stared at him, almost like they were staring into his soul.

And he had to give in, Lena was right. And he could understand that so he nodded and said "Yeah." He completely ignored the glare from Clark, but it felt like it was worth it.

"I know why you are here. Because a subsidiary of my company," Lena stood up and walked to some shelf and grabbed some USB-stick out of a holder "made the part that exploded on the Venture."

Lena walked up to them but completely ignored Clark's outstretched hand and walked past him to Kyle. She held the stick up to him and said "This drive contains all the information we have on the oscillator. I hope it helps you in your investigation."

Kyle smiled, which earned a smile back from Lena and sincerely said "Thank you." 

"Give me a chance Mr. Danvers. I'm here for a fresh start. Let me have one."

Kyle smiled again, letting his shiny white teeth out and said "Always. Good day, Ms. Luthor." Before turning to the door and walking out, leaving a baffled Clark behind.

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