Chapter 8 // The Nerd

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After one hell of a team up, defeating Metallo, later Clark was gone. Clark had left him with one advice, which was the sentence Kyle had used when describing what was happening: Just play along. So Kyle was going to do that, he was going to play along and act like Kyle, live like Kyle, and even breathe like Kyle.

Kyle just sat in his living room, feeling alone as heck again. He sighed and grabbed another beer, trying to do what humans normally do, drowning their sorrows in alcohol, but that can't ever work with him since he isn't human.

There was a knock on the door which made him just yell "It's open." While the door opened Kyle took another swig of his beer, really trying to drown his sorrows. Kyle looked back at whoever entered when he heard somebody clear his throat. A smile formed on his lips when he saw Carter and Cat, with many pizzas and a couple tubs of ice cream. He quickly put his beer down and asked while standing up "Hey, what are you two doing here?"

"Mom said you had a rough couple of days. And I wanted to see my brother, so what's better than a movie night with pizza and ice cream?" Kyle chuckled and walked toward Carter and pulled him into a hug, it was like second nature- even though he had never done something like that with them. While Carter was tucked into his arm he turned towards Cat and motioned with his free arm for her to join. She smiled and entered the hug.

About a minute later they part and Kyle is the first to speak up "So biggest nerd of the world, which awesome movie choice do you have in mind today."

Carter tried to shove Kyle, who dramatically stumbles back "You're the biggest nerd, with your way too many PHD's." Kyle looked confused, did he have PHD's in here? "But I do have the fine choice of the Edge Of Tomorrow." He said as he pulled a dvd from his school bag.

Kyle chuckled and walked to the kitchen, with that he asked "What would you two like two drink before we do an family movie night."

"Do you have come Coca Cola?"

"Carter! You can't have cola on schooldays."

"But mom, it's Friday!" It was indeed Friday, so Kyle grabbed a glass and filled it with whiskey for Cat, for some reason he knew she wanted that on if they were going to watch this movie and for Carter he filled up a glass with Coca Cola. 

With the glasses in hand he walked back to the couch and gave each their drinks. Cat looked at it amused and said in a low tone "Thanks." Kyle just smiled and nodded. Then he sat down on the couch beside Carter and grabbed his beer. Carter pushed the play button and with that their movie night started.


Late in the night, when Kyle had brought Carter to bed, Cat said "I'm going to leave soon."

"You're what?"

"I'm going to leave soon. But until then I'm going to train you to take my place, understood?" Kyle nodded, for some reason he remained calm while Cat said it "And- I know this is much to ask but- Could you watch Carter until I come back?" Kyle nodded again, he could. If Cat needed to do this than she should do it.

"I will. He is my little brother Cat, but-" Kyle looked around "I might need to live somewhere else if I want to do that."

"We still have your room ready at my home- so, if you want to live there it's perfectly fine." 

Kyle nodded "Okay- If that's how we are going to do it than when do I move in?"

"Two weeks from now?"

Kyle nodded and grabbed his beer, he took the last swing and said "It's bedtime then, tomorrow the president will be here and some rogue Kryptonian escaped custody."

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