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Amy's POV

"You sick bastard." Are the first words that come out of my mouth.

He chuckles. "Awe is that your small and insignificant way of telling me that you missed me?"

I scoff.

He takes that as permission to move in closer, like a predator moving in on it's prey; although instinctively I take a step back. Almost like a knee jerk reaction, at this he smiles.

He stops dead in his tracks to take a good look at me up and down. His eyes scan my body and immediately I feel sick to my stomach.

I take a look around trying to see if anyone was coming but then I remembered that everyone was gathered listening to Caroline and Mr. Anderson. I mentally curse at myself and focus my attention back to the sick bastard that almost had me raped, stand right in front of me with a sick smile plastered on his face.

"What's the matter? You hoping someone is coming to the rescue? Or are you hoping that it's that fancy wannabe of a boss you have?" He finishes the sentence with a chuckle seeming to enjoy this encounter between us.

"I don't need anyone coming to my rescue. I can defend myself against rapists like you." I spit back except this time his smile fades and something dark crosses his face, as if i've hit a nerve.

Quickly he asses that his facial expressions have changed and he masks it over with a sinister smile, although deep down we both know that he's angered by me calling him out for what he truly is.

"There you are!" Mikayla's voice comes from behind Julian. I feel a sense of relief wash over me knowing that i'm no longer alone.

"We've been looking for you everywhere!" Violet says just as her and Mikayla appear from behind Julian.

Julian's face flashes from anger to frustration quickly just before masking it and stepping aside knowing he can't do anything now that there are witnesses.

They both grab me and lead me away from Julian and towards the rest of the crowd.

When we're finally out of earshot Mikayla leans in close to tell me that the police and Mr. Anderson's security guards have been alerted.

A huge wave of relief washes over me as I feel the tension lessening the farther we step away from him, knowing the authorites will reach him at any minute.

As soon as we are far enough away from him I stop dead in my tracks to hug Mikayla, and when I do I feel the tension in her shoulders release.

"Thank you so much Mikaya, how did you even recognize him or find me?" I ask with curiosity considering I hadn't had the chance to show Mikayla a picture of Julian.

"You, Violet and myself, made sure that this event would turn out as best as possble, therefore there was no way that this bastard was going to get past security unless we allowed him too." She finished with a smirk.

I smiled back. "So you bated him?"

"Yes." She responded with a smirtk on her face. "I made sure that this bastard was aware of where our event was, and I personally briefed our security team of how dangerous this man is."

"You're a genius." Is all I can say without containing the excitment behind my voice due to the fact that this man, who terroized me years ago and now has terrorized my best friend and at any moment now he should be in custody.

As gala continues in full swing, Mikayla and I make our way towards the security office to get an update of what is going on. Before we can get there Mr. Anderson grabs me by the arm and pulls me aside.

I almost lose my balance at how abruptly he pulled me to the side, but he quickly places a hand on my lower back to adjust my unstable posture.

I thank him and immediatley take a step back.

"You will inform me right now on whatever is going on. No interruptions and no running away this time." He says in that stern way to let me know that he is not taking no for an answer.

"I understand you want answers but I need to go with Mikayla to confirm with the security detail that the mishap is being taken care of." I respond back with just as much sternness.

"Our security detail is not my current concern, Mikayla can handle that, but as of right now you will be coming with me and giving me an explanation." He says to me while motioninig for me to follow him.

Internally I roll my eyes but soon realize he won't let this go, so reluctantly I follow.

As I follow him into a room that looks similiarly to his office I make a mental note to ask Mikayla later on whether  or not this man must always have an office with him.

He closes the door behind him and suddenly I feel as if the room is slowly closing in on us. The room slightly getting smaller by the minute, you can't really notice the walls closing in but you can certainly feel it.

He walks to the desk and leans against it and places both hands on either side of him while he leans against the desk and he's slighlty holding on to the desk, this actions help protrude his muscles even more. Soon his eyes are on me, claiming the room, and myself included.

Suddenly my mouth is dry, his eyes are on me and I can't help but feel a surge of electricity coursing through me; maybe it's because of this dress, this makeup, this hair, or maybe it's just how i'm feeling but in this moment it's almost as if i can feel him yearning for me. But is he really interested in me? How could he be?

"Tell me." He says ever so calmly, while breaking my reverie; and so I do.

I tell him everything, from beginning to end, including what happened back in college. By the end of the story I no longer feel how I did when we first entered this room, with beauty, grace, confidence; instead I now feel shame.

Utter shame that this is my back story. I am not ashamed of  who I am but will he look at me differently?

Usually I am not affected by other's opinions but I am unaware of why it is different this time. By the end of it I can no longer look him in the eye, instead I am looking at the floor.

The silence is killing me and so I take that as a sign to exit.

I look up at him and say: "Anyways now you know. Look I'm gonna go find Mikayla so I can get an update on what's going on with Julian."

With that I start to walk away except this time he's in front of me in flash, I barely saw him move, and suddenly he's infront of me. His scent is so intoxicatingly addicting it makes my knees almost buckle with how close he is to me.

Still I stand my ground, clamoring how certain I am of myself despite what he may think of my past.

His chest is right in front of me but I'm still looking down and he reaches over to lift up my chin, ever so slightly, leaving me no choice to look into his eyes. I'm searching his eyes except this time I am in shock of what he's presenting me, not shame, disgust or pity instead it's compassion.

Hey Lovelies ✨

Almost two years later but here I am posting something in the hopes you will all still be there wanting to read this chapter. I'm sorry this one is a short one, I had this one saved for a long while now and haven't had the time to update. These past two years have been absolutely crazy haha, met the love of my life, joined the military, and am now in Grad School! But writing so many essays for school has reminded me again the passion I have for writing, therefore I want to return back to writing my book! Hope you all are willing to keep reading! I will do my absolute best to update, my goal for updates will be every Monday. So this Monday should be the upcoming update! (But I will try!) Thank for you for the 2.01k!

I'm back! Thank you 🙏🏻 in advance!

-Jennyfer 🍾

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