I won't allow it

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Amy's POV:

I hate the fact that I have to leave this job but I cannot afford to put others in danger because of me.

I won't allow it.

With my head held high and my purpose on my shoulders I make towards the door, except his next words stop me.

"This conversation isn't over I'll see you in a few minutes." He says making sure I understand that his comment was not to be taken lightly in fact it was an order.

"Honey, I'm right here please pay attention to mua." Caroline says to him while giving me death stares while his back is to her.

"Understood?"  he says to me while staring deep into my eyes.

I nod my head in accordance in order for him to let me go.

I close the door behind me and head straight for my office which of course has Mikayla currently awaiting for me.

"Oh my gosh what happened tell me everything?" She says to me rather quickly.

"Nothing happened but I no longer work here." I comment as I begin to gather my things.

"What!" Mikayla yells pretty loudly.

I flinch at her sudden outburst.

"He didn't fire you? ... no he couldn't have!" She continues.

"No he didn't" I say to her while lowering my voice and finish my sentence. "But I cannot keep putting people in danger because of me, now please keep your voice down because I don't want the rest of the office to hear us."

"Amelia please do not worry about us, I understand you believe that you are putting us in danger but I can assure you that you are not. You should not make such a rash decision when you are still reeling over last nights event, which by the way we must talk about over lunch." Mikayla smiles at the end which I then feel a sense of calmness wash over me.

Her smiles very reassuring almost as if I know somehow everything will turn out okay.

"Oh please if this little sea urchin wants to leave, let her. She's only making things worse especially after last nights episode." Cristina says with pure hatred behind her voice.

Mikayla and I both jumped when she spoke because we expected our conversation to be held in private considering it's my office.

"Is there something we can help you with Cristina?" Mikayla spits back.

"Save it weirdo I'm not talking to you i'm talking to the freak who's been causing problems ever since she arrived." Cristina says while taking a step closer with an attitude that can be spotted from miles away.

"Whoa what's your problem Cristina? There's no need for you to talk to Mikayla like that." I spit back with just as much anger, being fed up with her constant attitude and multiple death glares for the past few days as I'm working.

"Ohh please what are you going to do run back to the boss man himself and tell him how you've caused yet another problem here, or are you going to have him defend your honor and fight me as if this was a princess fairy-tale." She says with a smirk on her face.

Her words struck me not because she hurt my feelings but instead her comment about last night.

How does she know what happe....

She chuckles as if she's read my mind.

She takes a step closer and we are now eye to eye.

"Yeah that's right. As soon as you were done playing the damsel in distress or whatever he came over to my place practically torn up about the fact that you embarrassed him in front of his own club for Christ sake." She chuckles once more and walks away with an evil smirk on her face.

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