"Ms. Monroe"

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"Hey, you ready to go?" Mikayla said peering her head through my office door.

"Um yeahh about that I have some work to finish from Mr. Anderson and I think I want to get it done before doing anything else. Plus I actually don't like coffee." I said to her, hoping not to crush her spirits.

"Aww come on!! Pleasee keep me some company while the she devil lurks around waiting to prey on my innocent soul! " She said every word smiling and laughing through it.

I couldn't help but laugh with her and simply shake my head at her.

"Okay fine. As long as you explain to me why it is you decided to give Cristina a nick name too." I said, continuing to laugh as I got up from my desk.

I'll simply say I don't want anything.

"Yay!!" She said, very elated to hear my news. "Of course! In fact I'll give you all the juicy details on her." She said laughing maniacally.

"Haha come on, and no you don't have to I really don't care for gossip." I said, walking out my office door with her.

"Oh come on! Aren't you dying to know why the she devil was so intrigued on why Ms. Forbes was here to see Mr. Anderson?" She said wiggling her eyebrows up and down.

I couldn't help but notice how flawless her skin was, and that she had warm brown eyes which complemented her very cute pixy cut hair. She was no taller than 5'5" but she had a very slim petite body which only complemented her olive skin. I hadn't noticed how pretty Mikayla was, she seemed so genuine and I loved that in a person... and more importantly in a friend.

I hadn't spoken, which shows I didn't encourage her but then again nor did I attempt to stop her, and she took that as her cue.

"Exactly." She laughed.

We pressed the button on the elevator to head downstairs and not having to wait long before it arrived. We stepped into the elevator cart and she pressed the 1st floor button. As it began to descend she turned to me and gave me wide eyes. As if she were a kid who'd just won the lottery of candy.

" Well for starters please tell me you've already noticed how all of the women fawn over Mr. Anderson from our office?" She asks.

"Ohh umm I don't... I haven't really payed attention to anyone else other than you or Mr. Anderson." I said, furrowing my brows since I realized I actually haven't payed much attention to anyone else.

"No worries, you'll notice soon enough." She says while stepping out of the elevator cart. "But to keep it simple Mr. Anderson doesn't really like to coerce with his employees because you know he tries to keep it strictly professional. Although the women in our office still fawn over him some are still bold enough to flirt here and there but he knows they mean no harm since they really are good employees. So he shrugs it off, and just simply stays strict with them but it still doesn't stop them from being jealous because of what happened with Cristi-" She started to finish when I hear someone call my name.

I won't lie, I actually was extremely intrigued with everything she was telling me but of course I couldn't let her know that.

I turned around to see who was calling me and I noticed it was Elizabeth, the front desk receptionist. She was waving at me to head over towards her.

"Hmm, I'm going to head over to see what it is Elizabeth needs. You can stay in line and get your coffee once you're down we'll meet by the elevators, okay?" I say to her while beginning to walk away.

"Thats sounds good." She said.

I head over towards Elizabeth and when I finally reach her she looks up to greet me with a smile.

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