Number One Problem

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   "I'm sorry Amy, I just cannot afford to keep you. Believe me I want to keep you, you're one of the hardest workers I know but I have to make budget cuts. The store isn't doing so well anymore." Brian said, with an exasperated look on his face, which begin to show the tired look in his eyes. As if all he's had lately, is nothing but restless nights. (Brian happens to be my boss, at this electronic store I work at, whom is now currently trying to let me go.)

      "I need this job Brian, you have to at least  take that into consideration." I pleaded with my eyes.

       "I really am sorry. I hope you can understand. Now if you'll excuse me I have to get back to the front." Brian said with a pained expression on his face.

       And with that, I mentally resigned fighting for this job anymore. I headed for the exit, and as I opened the door Brian said, " Good Luck Amy, I hope you can understand." I replied with "Yeah sure, whatever helps you sleep at night." You could hear the hurt laced within my words. I walked out the door and never looked back......

        As I jiggled the lock to my apartment, I walked in and immediately smelled the scent of     chicken and my mouth began to water. I was so happy that I at least had food to look forward to, considering the day I had. I place my bag on the coat rack (purse hanger since its literally what we use it mostly for) and head towards the kitchen and I begin to hear Mia muffling some words through the phone to someone.

        Mia Patterson is my roommate, we've been best friends now for almost 10 years now. We are practically sisters, our moms are super close. We have been so close ever since we met in High School. Mia is taller than me ( of course because everyone is taller than me) her height is about 5'6". She has a gorgeous island girl tan that is not too dark but tan enough that it makes her skin glow in the sun. She has these   deep cocoa brown eyes, short naturally curly black hair (this week for the most part) which almost reaches her shoulders. She definitely has curves like an hour glass, well then again we are Dominican so we do have that luxury.

        The closer I get I try to make out what she is saying to the other person on the line, but I fail to comprehend. Once I finally reach the kitchen she quickly spots me and smiles but says "Okay, okay we'll talk about that later. I gotta go." She ends the call and turns to put the top on the chicken so it can continue to marinate and cook for a little longer. She then turns to me and smiles again, waiting for me to say something. So I decide to break the silence.

    "Hey, so who was that you were on the phone talking with just now?" I wait patiently leaning on the island in the middle between the kitchen and the living room. See the way our apartment is set up is pretty cool, well at least to me. You enter the apartment and to your left you see a mirror with a little stand with a vase full of flowers and it also has two frames with our pictures inside. One is from our trip to Disney World when we were seventeen and the other frame holds the picture of us when we graduated College. As you continue to walk straight you immediately see our dining room table the color of mahogany that seats up to six people which happens to be a little bit to the right of the wall. Which ends up being in front of the small little balcony, that has enough space to fit two chairs. Once done observing the right to your left you see the island in the middle of the kitchen and the kitchen extends from one wall to the other. The kitchen counters and the island are made of this beautiful marble stone color that compliment  the wonderful cabinets of the same mahogany color. Once done observing the kitchen area, just a few more feet and you'll hit the living room area. Which we have an L shaped couch. We have such a beautiful  kitchen because of the help from Mia's uncle who gave us a hookup, who works in specializing kitchen decor. I honestly love the kitchen as the best part of the apartment because of how modern and chic it looks as opposed to the rest of our apartment, but we don't dwell on it because we've never been rich anyways. So we've always known how to work for everything we've got. The floor plan of the kitchen, dining room, and the living room is basically a big open floor plan. Which I happen to love because of how spacious it is. And then once we reach the living room you make a short right and its Mia's room but then you make a left and its the hallway which leads to the right of the hallway a bathroom, and at the end of the hall is my room which has its own bathroom. Now our apartment is not huge but its not too too tiny, its cozy. Its what i like to call it. We pay a good amount of rent for how spacious it is but the price we pay for such a short amount of rent is us living in a bad neighborhood. At least that is what others consider it, but to us this is normal because we were born here so we know how to survive in a place like this. We live in Brooklyn, New York which I already mentioned is where we were born. But now back to Mia and her responding back to my question.

         "Oh, that don't worry about  it. It's nothing. So how was your day?" She asked, sweetly as if trying to make me forget about the topic.

        "Well..." I started, and before I could even finish the sentence, she began with:
      "Uh ohh, what's wrong? What happened"?"
     "Ugh, okay. Well when I walked in to work today Brian told me he had something to discuss with me after work. I honestly assumed it was going to be about the new electronics that were coming in and all the new procedures, you know yada yada. But then when I entered his office he began with; "Look Amy, you're a really great worker in fact one of the hardest workers I have but I have to make budget cuts.  I'm sorry Amy I just cannot afford to keep you..."
        "WHAT!!! Ughh what a loser!!!!! I cannot believe he did that to you!!! You out of all people??? " She almost shouted, correction she did shout.
       " I know, I know. What am I going to do now? I was honestly waiting to get promoted for that raise, and now it's all gone... Great." I stated, my words dripping with distaste and laced with anger all at once.

          "Look tomorrow is Saturday so how about we go to the library to try and search up jobs that are hiring. Sounds good?" She said.

          "Yes. Sounds great. Good Night Mia, i'm  going to bed." I stated feeling mentally and emotionally drained from this day.

          "But the food is almost ready?" She said, trying to sound a little bit hopeful.

           "It's too late, I lost my appetite." I said while walking away.

        Once i'm done showering and brushing my teeth, I lay down on my bed and stare at the ceiling. I lay there thinking, in fact hoping that there are multiple jobs hiring when I go check at the library in the morning. And with that as my last thought, I decide to not contain any longer the tiredness longing for sleep any longer. So I let it take me, and I sink into nothing but blissful sleep forgetting my number one problem.

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