That'll show him

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Amy's POV:

As I'm pacing back and forth the only thing on my mind is Mia.

My goodness what has happened to her? Could this be my fault? Should I have fought harder for her to stay away from him?

SO many thoughts are in my head floating around that I barely noticed when Mikayla appeared next to me.

"Hey" She says with a sympathetic smile.

I nod to her before quickly looking back at Mia who is still asleep on the hospital bed, while being hooked up to monitors.

I close my eyes for a second to look away but am interrupted through mental flashes imagining the pain she went through.

I shake my head and my eyes snap open and hatred is filled with them.

"I spoke to Mr. Anderson and he has sent a security team to care for Mia tonight." She mentions while quickly looking at her phone.

I look up at her in confusion.

"Why?" I question while turning to face her. "I'm staying with her."

Mikayla looks at me with a sad smile and takes a deep breath before she says the next words that come out of her mouth.

"Mr. Anderson says that he needs you to be there tonight." She finishes with another sad smile while quickly glancing back and forth between Mia and I.

I scoff.

"Is he out of his damn mind?!" My voice comes out a bit harsher and louder than intended towards Mikayla.

She continues to stare at me with an understanding look yet says nothing.

"He's definitely insane if he thinks i'm going to be leaving my best friend's side for a Gala!" My voice continues to get louder.

"You have to go."

The voice says, except it wasn't Mikayla who spoke.

Mikayla and I both snapped our heads towards the direction in which the voice came from and I was shocked to find out it was Mia.

My heart clenched to see her in pain as she tried to sit up from the bed as I immediately rushed to her side.

"How are you feeling?" I say to her just as Mikayla mentions that she's going to get a nurse.

"Well I've had better days" She manages to smile. "But I am serious about you going to your Gala. You are not staying here at my bedside while you miss an important event for your job." She states.

"The hell I am!" I state as I get up and start pacing again. "I need to be here and be by your side; most importantly you need to tell me what happened to you?" I stop pacing as I am now at the foot of the bed and I am finally able to asses how badly the injuries are.

My heart throbs as I see her right eye blackened and swollen followed by a reddened cheek. The bruises continue down her arms and from what I remember earlier when she collapsed in my arms she had huge blackened bruises over her ribs.

I am so enveloped within my own thoughts that I do not notice the nurse and doctor walk in followed by three security men.

As the doctor evaluates Mia's prognosis I can only run through so many scenarios as to what happened to her due to Julian.

My eyes must be fuming because Mia happens to look away from the Doctor at the right moment to give me a reassuring smile except this time I shake my head at her. As I shook my head signaling no to her she understood that this situation has gotten out of hand and it is no longer under her control.

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