It Won't Happen Again

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"What the hell are you doing here?" The venom seeps through my words as I fail to contain my voice low.

As I stay rooted in my spot after getting off of the elevator I begin to wonder how he found out where I worked.

"Well you wouldn't listen to Mia when she told you I had changed, so I've decided to take matters into my own hands and show you how much of a changed man I am." His words sent a cold shiver down my spine as he dragged the words "show you."

As I straighten up realizing that I am still at my work place I decide that I do not want to make a show, because I've never been one to like problems at my job.

As I take a step forward he decided to flash a megawatt smile as if he thinks he's won.

"What will it take for you to leave right now without making any commotion?" I say to him still trying to remain calm, while hoping he takes the bait.

He too takes a few steps forward, close enough for me to gag with how close he was to me. He smiles again and begins with:

"Ohh, a negotiation?" He sounds out the word, clearly testing my patience.

"Julian-" I start but immediately get cut off by him.

"Oh don't worry I don't want to be here any longer than I have to. I only came to show you that you hiding behind this fancy building won't stop me from finding you. Meet me tonight at your place so we can talk around 8pm." He says to me while feigning a light hearted chuckle and walks away with clear satisfaction plastered on his face.

I start to feel something warm slide down my check and when I try to wipe it away only then do I realize that I am crying.

As I forcibly wipe my tears away I begin to walk back towards the elevator, and contemplate what it is he wants to discuss tonight and whether or not I'd actually go.

I have a mental debate on going or not and quickly rule out the final answer.

I'm not going, I wanted him to leave and now he's gone.

As I head back upstairs contemplating whether or not I should tell Mia about this.

I shake my head as I come to the conclusion that she'll hear me out but she really won't listen to me.


Damon's POV:

My chest is heaving up and down with anger by the time I get off the phone, that I when I slam down the office phone I don't realize my strength and cause it to almost break.

I try to remain calm knowing it isn't my place to know her personal life.

She isn't mine to claim.

Fuck. I think to myself as I push myself away from my desk and off to my feet.

Before I even realize what I am doing I am out of the office and set on finding her.

I find her getting off of the elevator and walk over to her, and before I know it I'm right in front of her face.

She must think she's in my way because she quickly mumbles an apology while trying to get around.

I sidestep in front of her with her head still down and I quickly snap with annoyance on how she still hasn't made eye contact with me yet.

"My office. Now." I snap immediately, my words coming out a bit harsher than intended too.

I head for my office while noticing she's close behind and my anger boils to my head as I try to remain calm.

I finally reach my desk and I take notice of her closing the door behind her.

"Take a seat." I respond to her.

She quickly does yet her face is still hidden from me, by looking down.

My anger continues to boil as she still has not made eye contact with me.

"I was told by the front desk that you received a visitor."


"There was quite a bit of commotion." I respond once again wondering whether I meant it in the form of a question or a statement. I knew there wasn't any commotion in fact Janet told me herself except she noticed something was off.


"If he is your..." I pause to find the correct term for what he is, " Boyfriend, then you-" I begin to say and am cut off by her words.

"Do NOT call him that." She begins to say and for the first time my eyes meet hers and I can tell she's been crying.

"He is not my boyfriend and do not worry Mr. Anderson I guarantee you it will never happen again. My apologies for the inconvenience but please don't ever say that again." As she says her final words I know that she is referring to me regarding that man as her boyfriend.

It is only then that I truly see the fear in her eyes.

A sudden urge to break that guys face washes over me, and true anger displays upon my face.

I want to destroy whoever hurt her.

What sick bastard could hurt women.

My anger continues to grow, and I can't help but feel like I might lose it.

As I am stuck on thinking about the anger boiling inside of me she stands up and says her final words.

"I truly am sorry for what happened downstairs, and it won't happen again. Now if you'll excuse me I have to get back to work." She says to me while tears still evident, threaten to spill.

As she turns to walk away, I want to reach out to her and ask her who that man was and why did she seem so afraid of him, or maybe even to ask if she was okay.

But I can't, because she isn't mine.

Yet all that came out of my mouth was a simple monotonic answer that makes me hate myself more than I hate that guy right now; because I can't be the one there to comfort her.

"Make sure it doesn't happen again, Amelia."

Hey Lovlies,

Here it is! The next chapter! I hope you guys enjoy it! Also I wanted to give one huge and special shout out to reader "AllisonDavis7." I genuinely appreciate your comment telling me to update, it meant the world to me because you were the first actual reader to actually comment besides my friends lol who support me! I wish I could describe with words how much that comment meant to me especially since I didn't feel extremely confident that the book would make it! But either thank you very much, it melts my heart and this chapter is for you! Once again thank you all and don't forget to give this chapter a star and a comment!!!!



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