The Cantina

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A/n- italics are thoughts
Y/l- your last name

"Hey baby, we're heading out to the cantina tonight, alright?" Pete said to me.

"Yeah, I know." we're sitting at his kitchen counter, not really speaking. I'm admiring the expensive art on the wall. We've been together for two years, yet his place still feels odd with all the expensive items everywhere. He owns all the club's around town, so we go out often, mostly to the cantina, his most popular one.

"Y/n... Y/n?" Pete's voice brought me back to reality.

I hummed still not fully out of it, "There's going to be some important people there tonight, alright? I need you to wear a nice dress tonight, mkay?" He said looking at me, already knowing the reaction he's going to get.

"I'm not wearing a dress, I hate wearing dresses and those boys always stare, I hate it!" I said angrily, thinking back to the anxiety I got from it.

"Look..." at this point he had gotten up from his chair and had his arms around me from behind, "... I know you hate it, but if you wear a dress, I'll dance with you tonight."

"What!? But you never want to dance!" I said to him, thinking back on every other time we've gone out to dance but him coming up with a lame excuse as to why he can't.

"Well..." he took a deep breath, while spinning my stool to face him, "if you wear a dress, I promise I'll dance with you." He said with a smirk on his face, he knew this would make me wear one.

"Alright then." I said as we brought our lips together, before running off to get ready.

Time skip to 8:00pm

My dress is black with a white collar with a hole in the front and a belt (a/n- There's a pic at the top)

Wow the club looks so packed, I wonder what's going on... 

Pete noticed me staring out the window before parking his car in 'his' spot.

"We have a new performer tonight, I'm not sure who, I forgot to look." Pete said as we exited the vehicle, heading to the back entrance. As we walked in, people were packed in, "See you in a bit, babe." he kissed my forehead and was off to see whoever it was he needed to see.

I tried to walk around to see if I could spot any friends, but it was useless. I couldn't even see the stage, "Penny lane is in my ears, and in my eyes..." The Beatles? Their doing a Beatles cover? No wonder they're so popular... their voice is so pretty...

I tried moving around a bit more, I got somewhat away from the wall. I stopped trying after a few minutes, I stood next to a bunch of drunk girls but then I felt a pair of hands bringing me into a hug from behind.

"Hey suga' haven't seen you in awhile." A voice said behind me. I squealed and turned around to see an all too familiar face.

"Gee! You startled me!" I playfully hit him. Gerard was one of Pete's partners, I often became friends with people he worked with, it helped business wise.

"Oh really? I couldn't tell." He said, sarcastically smiling. He let go of me and we started dancing, "Where's Petey at, doll?" Gee asked, I could barely hear him over the crowd.

"He's with some clients." I practically shouted at him.

"Alright, sug' sorry to leave you so soon, but I gotta go talk to him." He started to walk to Pete's office.

"Uhh...okay see you later then!"

Great, now I'm alone again, they always leave so soon... 

"Alright everyone, this was my first real show ever! You guys are totally groovy!..."Their done already? Damn... 

The crowd started cheering. They started playing music over the speakers, they did this in between performers to give them time to set up. The crowd cleared up a little bit, so I headed for the front of the stage. Their already off the stage!? Ahhhh

I looked up at the clock. Really, we've been here for two hours? Pete has to be done by now! 

I walked around more, the next performer was already on the stage ready to play. The crowd already getting rowdy. Oh god I think I just ran into someone! Fuck...  

I turned around to see who I hit.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry."

"Its alright, it happens." A man said. That voice... 

I looked up to see a skinny man with shaggy brown hair and pretty brown eyes looking at me, smiling with his hand behind his head, "I don't think we've met, I'm Ryan, Ryan Ross." He held out a hand for me to shake.

"I'm Y/n Y/l." I said, taking his hand to shake.

Wow okay this was a lot of fun to write, I have so many ideas for this one, I'm not sure how long updates will take, but I hope you guys like it!~ Peace out cheese bags

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