Heart of Mine

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Ryan's pov

I woke up to see my lovely girlfriend still fast asleep in my arms. I can't wait to show her the song... 

I gently kissed her head. She slowly opened her eyes and poked her head up to see me better. I smiled, she is so adorable...

"Good morning, sugarplum," I greeted.

"Morning, love," I kissed her cheek, causing her to blush and smile as she hid her face under the covers. This girl is gonna be the death of me... I pulled the covers away to see her pretty e/c eyes looking back at me.

"What are you doing, love?"

"Hiding," was all she said.

"Why are you hiding?"

"I don't want to get up." She explained, "I just want to be with you, but I have to go to work."

"Oh darling, you'll be with me afterwards. I think I'm going to stay home today, if that's okay with you. I'm just so tired from touring." I said, bringing my hand to her hair and gently playing with it.

"That's okay, I don't mind. Ugh, I don't want to get up." She complained.

"I'll get up if you get up." She just nodded and sighed. I slowly removed the covers and got out of bed. I held my hand out for her. She looked at me and sighed before pulling out her arm and taking my hand. She got out but tripped, I caught her before she hit the floor, "You okay?"

"Yeah," she laughed. We made our way to the kitchen where we made simple bowls of cereal and sat down at the counter, "So, how was the tour?"

"Awful, the van was uncomfortable, Andy wouldn't shut his mouth, I missed you so much, and on top of it all, my ex decided to tag along. She was insane. She..." I hesitated, what if she gets mad? About the kiss? "...she tried to get me back by uhh, well she um..."

"Yes?" Y/n was getting impatient.

"She kissed me, twice, actually." I brought my gaze to my cereal, "But I pushed her off! I hate her so much, Y/n I promise I'd never..." But she was laughing.

"Really!? Well that makes me feel so much better about what happened to me!" She exclaimed. I furrowed my brows.


"Gerard kissed me, while he was drunk. But he apologized and we're still friends."

"Really!? I can beat the shit out of him if you'd like." I told her.

"Please don't! I handled it, we're okay." She laughed. "I should get ready," she continued to laugh as she put her bowl in the sink. I followed close behind. 

She then walked into the bedroom and got ready for the day. I took a seat on the couch. A few minutes later, she walked out with her pretty h/c hair neat and brushed with the cutest black sweater and bell bottoms. She walked over and pecked my lips, "I'll be home in a few hours, don't get to bored."

"I'll try not to darling, bye."

"Bye," she waved and as soon as the door was shut I jumped up and went into the bedroom. I grabbed my guitar and notebook. What Y/n didn't know was that I was actually perfectly capable of going to work. I just needed some time to perfect her song. I had barely finished it before the first show, it still needed some work. 

Just a little bit though. The whole time she was gone, I played it over and over again until she came home. As soon as I heard the door knob, I quickly put my guitar and notebook away before rushing to the couch and switching on the tv.

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