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y/f/c- Your favorite cereal
F/c- favorite color

Your pov

I woke up at around 7am. I looked over and Ryan was gone, again. I got out of bed and walked out of the bedroom. The light was on in the bathroom so I decided to just get ready. I had a bowl of y/f/c for breakfast and went into the bedroom to change.

I put on f/c sweater, some bell bottoms, and black and white converse. I walked out of the bedroom and Ryan was still in the bathroom. What the hell is he doing in there? 

I softly knocked on the bathroom door, "Ryan? Are you in there?" I heard some shuffling and the door opened. He was still in his pajamas and he looked tired.

"Ryan, what the hell where you doing in there?" I walked in and immediately smelled it. Weed... He smokes weed too?

"Um...nothing" He murmured scratching his back.

"Ryan, I know what you where doing in there, don't lie..." I said, applying my makeup. I walked out and put my arms around his waist, "... I do it too." He smiled and hugged me back.

"I love you, Y/n." Wow that was fast, we haven't even been together for a day... I do love him back though...

"I love you too, babe." I said, letting go and finishing getting ready.

We walked to the door and left hand in hand until we fully left the building. He kissed my cheek and said goodbye. I said goodbye back and walked off.

Time skip to around 7pm

I was at the bar, working while Ryan was up on stage performing, his voice is so pretty. I can't help but smile when I hear it. No one's at the bar at the moment so I lean forwards on the bar and listen to him perform Black Bird by the Beatles. I really do love him... 

"Y/n?" I hear a man say. I look up and Pete is standing there. Fuck...

"Oh, I'm sorry, what would you like?" I asked him, fake smiling and standing back up.

"I would like to have you..." I wanted to laugh at how cheesy that was, but I held back, knowing he could fire me in a second, "... I-I fucked up, I-I don't know what I was thinking. I can't get you out of my head... I still love you so much...and I'm so sorry... " I could see tears forming.

"Geez, Pete, calm down, I'm not taking you back, okay? Yeah, you messed up. You messed up bad, and I'm not just going to let you back into my life. I have a boyfriend now, I-"

He interrupted me, "Wait, you have a boyfriend? Who?" He asked angrily.

"I'm not telling you." I said, handing some people some drinks.

"Come on, babe it's not that hard..." He leaned over the bar to where our faces were almost touching, he leaned close to my ear, "...unless you want something from me." He whispered seductively.

"Pete, stay away from me." I said, sternly.

"Mmmmm, how about no." He said, smiling sweetly.

"Hey Pete, it's not that hard, just leave her alone, why don't ya? We don't need any trouble." I looked up, and Ryan was sitting next to Pete.

"Why don't you leave us alone, scum bag?" Pete said, coldly turning to Ryan.

"Oh, no need for the names, Pete. I'm going to ask you one more time. Pete, can you please leave this lovely lady alone?" Ryan asked, still trying to be civil.

"No, I will not leave her alone, fuck face." Pete said, snickering. In an instant, Pete was laying on the floor with a bloody nose, "You wanna fight me, dick head!?" Pete yelled, jumping up.

"Not really, I just wanted you to leave-" Ryan was cut off by Pete punching him in the face. Oh god, this isn't good... 

Ryan landed on the floor and I looked over the bar to get a better look at him.

"Ryan!?" I yelled, jumping over the bar to help him, but before I could do anything, Pete got to him first and threw punch after punch, giving Ryan no mercy.

I desperately tried pulling Pete off of him, "Get off of him!" I cried. Everyone in the club was staring at us, mostly cheering Pete on. Finally, Gee came out of nowhere, and helped me get Pete off.

"Hey sugar, lemme help ya." He said, pushing Pete off with ease. Right as Pete stood up, he shot a fist up in victory. Everyone watching cheered him on. Almost instantly, Ryan ran up behind him and swung his fists hard.

"Ryan, no!" I screamed, tears started to form and I felt them stream down.

Gerard ran over and got between them. They finally stopped. "Alright, guys get off each other, no need to-" Pete hit Gerard so hard it knocked him out instantly.

A big, "Ooooohh!"came from the crowd.

"Gee!" I screamed, now sobbing. What the hell am I going to do now... 

Ryan looked over at me and stopped. Police sirens sounded in the distance. Everyone must've heard because everyone ran out. I took one more look at Ryan, turned around and walked out. 

"Y/n, wait I-" I don't want to hear what you have to say... 

I had nowhere to go, so I just stood out back, still crying. I leaned back against the wall, and slid down with my knees to my chest.

After a few minutes, someone walked out and sat next to me, I didn't bother to see who because I didn't care, "Sugar, you know Ryan loves you..." I looked up to see Gerard with a bloody lip, "...I'm sure he's sorry, he's probably at home waiting for you to come home... he's also worried as hell... " 

Gerard wrapped his arm around me and looked up at the sky as I rested my head on his shoulder.

" should probably get home and talk to him sugar, I've been in his position, it's not fun." He said, looking back down at me. He's right...

I sighed, "Yeah, I guess you're right, he was only trying to protect me." Gee kissed the top of my head and let go of me. We both stood up.

"Do you need a ride?" He asked, with a sad smile.

"Yeah," I told him, my tears stopped and he led me to his car.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I had no idea what I was going to do with it but as you can see I figured it out! I've been wanting to put Gee in it more but I had no idea where to until now. Have an awesome day ~peace out cheesebags

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