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Your pov
I was finishing up my last shift to go home with Ryan. He was sitting at the bar, watching me,  fascinated like a little kid hearing about dinosaurs for the first time. He's so cute... 

I smiled at him and he smiled back.

"Hey, sugar!" I turned around.

"Hey, Gee!" I said, seeing Gerard's long black hair, messy as ever.

"I feel like I haven't talked to you in awhile, I heard you and Pete are done. What happened?" He asked, sitting down next to Ryan.

"He cheated on me." I told him, pouring a drink for someone on the other side of the bar.

"That's so sad. How are you holding up, hun?" I'm assuming Frank didn't tell him what went down the other day then...

"I'm doing great, I have a new boyfriend..." I nodded to Ryan. Gerard turned to him and waved.

"Hey, I'm Ryan."

"Gerard, my friends call me Gee." Gee turned back over to me as I began to speak.

" ...so I'm assuming Frank never told you what happened at the diner. " I said, handing a waitress a tray of drinks.

"What? Oh no, what did he do now?" Gerard looked pissed already. We told him what had happened in the diner the other day. It was like his face got redder and redder with each sentence.

"Fuckin' Frank, I'm very sorry about that Y/n. I'll go out and talk to him right..." His eyes went wide. What is he doing? 

"Whoa, who's that?" He pointed to the waitress that just walked into the bar area.

"Oh, that's Lindsey she's new... "

He immediately got up and started to walk over, "Okay, I'll talk to him after I talk to her, mkay sugar?" Gee said looking back over his shoulder at us.

"Okay Gee." He turned his head back towards Lindsey and walked off.

I went over to Ryan and leaned forward on the bar to be at his level, "My shifts over in two minutes babe." He smiled and kissed my cheek.

"I can't wait." He said staring into my eyes. Wow his eyes are so pretty... 

I stood back up putting, some alcohol bottles away and I walked out of the bar over to Ryan. He kissed my lips and grabbed my hand as we walked out to the car. Ryan opened the door for me, I thanked him and he ran over and got in the drivers seat, not before putting his guitar in the back.

The roof was still down from the other day. He started the car and we drove off. We talked about our day and funny things that happened at work. 

We made it home, I set my purse down, and sat on the couch. Ryan sat next to me, he wrapped his arm around me and kissed my cheek. I couldn't help smiling at him. I kissed him back and it turned into a heated make out session. Ryan's hands wandered up my waist and to my bra. He pulled my shirt off. Is this what I want... Again you haven't known him for that long... 

He kissed my stomach and went up to my neck and whispered "Y/n, you're so beautiful." I smiled and kissed the top of his head.

As things started to get really heated, the phone rang. He kept kissing me as the phone kept ringing, finally I pushed him off and walked over to the phone, "Don't worry babe, I'll be back." I winked at him. I grabbed the phone from the wall and put it up to my ear, "Hello?" I asked, as Ryan got up and leaned his back against the wall next to the phone box.

"Y/n?" My eyes widened.

"Mom? Why are you calling? How did you get this number? I haven't given it to you yet." Ryan looked confused.

"Sweety, I heard you and Pete broke up and I wanted to check up on you, and I got your number from Pete." Why the hell is she talking to Pete?

"Mom, I'm fine and don't talk to Pete, okay?" I was about to say good bye and hang up, but she kept talking.

"Also, me and your father have decided we are going to come down and visit you next weekend! See you then, sweetheart." My eyes went wide again and she hung up before I could say no.

"So, where were we?" Ryan asked, seductively.

"I'm sorry Ryan, I'm just not in the mood anymore, my mom said they're going to come down and visit me next weekend, and I'm already stressed." I said walking over to put my shirt back on.

"Wait, what?" He looked really confused.

"Yeah, my parents just kind of invite themselves to visit me because they know I'll just tell them no." I walked into the bedroom to grab comfy clothes.

"That's really weird," He said following me.

"Yeah, I know." I sighed and changed in the bathroom. I walked out and Ryan was standing in his room already changed into his white t-shirt and cotton plaid pants. We got into bed and I quickly fell asleep.

Ryan's pov

It was around 1:00am, I couldn't fall back asleep. I quietly got up, trying not to wake up Y/n and being successful. I walked over to my dresser and quietly opened my sock drawer and grabbing my brown bag of weed and headed to the bathroom. I walked in and locked the door. 

I sat on the floor leaning my back against the wall and grabbed a joint from my bag. I lit it with the lighter I keep in there and began to smoke.

Y/n will kill me if she finds this...fuck I love her so much...I don't even know how, we've only been together for less than a day...and her parents??? Oh yeah, they'll be totally okay with their daughter dating a failing musician... 

I started to freak out. I took another hit and almost immediately felt better.

How bad can it actually be? I mean, it was going to have to happen eventually, isn't it better to just get it over with?? I'm going to make a total fool of myself... They're going to be here next week, next week, what am I going to do!? I love her too much to mess this up for her...

Suddenly, the memory of earlier today in the men's bathroom crept into my mind. I started to shiver at the thought. What the fuck does Brendon want from me??? Why can't we just be cool... what did he mean he missed me?? He has so many other people he's fucking... 

I smoked for a few more minutes until the flame went out. I felt my eyes get heavy and I slowly fell asleep.

Hello everyone, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, while I write this it's the anniversary of the split so I'm going to go listen to pretty odd on repeat and cry in a corner. Have an amazing day~ peace out cheesebags

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