Helter Skelter

416 12 8

Y/f/c - your favorite cereal (lucky charms, cinnamon toast crunch , etc.)

I woke up, unsure as to where I was at first. Then everything that had happened that night hit me all at once like a slap in the face. I looked over, and Y/n was gone, so I got up and walked to the kitchen. She was sitting at the counter and looked up at me.

"Hey, you're up. I didn't know what you wanted for breakfast so I just made you a bowl of cereal." She said, getting up and handing me a bowl of y/f/c she had in her hands. I smiled at her.

"Thanks." I said as we both sat at the counter and ate y/f/c in silence. I looked over at her. She seems to be doing better... I hope...

We both finished and she grabbed our bowls and set them in the sink. I followed her, "Hey so..." I began, I put my hand on the back of my head and she turned around to face me, "... um are you going to need a place to stay now?" I said, hoping she would.

"Uhh, yeah, I guess I will." She answered, not sure where I'm going with this. I should ask if she wants to stay with me...wait that might be weird, we haven't known each other for that long...

"Well...uhh... " I should at least try... 

"Umm...do you wanna maybe..." I put my hands in my pockets and looked down at the floor. What if she says no? That will be so awkward... 

"...stay with me? I mean...you don't have to if you don't want to... if you have somewhere else to go, or if you just don't want to, it's okay if you don't..." She laughed a little.

"Yeah, that sounds great..." She smiled at me,"I should probably start packing my stuff now. I really don't want to see what Pete will do if he still sees me here."

"Wait, really? You do? Oh uh, do you want help packing?" She smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, that'd be great." She showed me to the garage on the bottom floor that had a bunch of expensive cars in it, in the corner, was a pile of broken down boxes. "We shouldn't need too many, I don't have a lot of stuff. " She said, turning to me.

"Are all of these cars Pete's?" She chuckled a bit at my reaction to the cars.

"Yeah, they are." They look so cool...wait is that a bug?

"Except that one, Pete gave that to me for my birthday last year." She must've noticed me eyeing the cherry red bug in the corner.

"Do you like it?" She asked, as if she already knew the answer.

"Yeah," I answered, looking at her.

"We can take it with us." She said, starting to grab boxes and handing them to me.

"Good," I said, taking the boxes and heading upstairs taking one last look at it.

"Most of my stuff is just in the bedroom." She started to grab things from the closet and set them in the boxes. I followed her and started to do the same. After only two hours we had already gotten all her things packed. She really doesn't have much... 

I got up and saw a box in the corner of the room full of records... I should totally play something... 

Y/n had gotten up and started moving things near the entry way. As she did that I started to flip through the records and picked one up. The Beatles Abbey Road... Yes this one... 

I got up with the record in hands and put it on the record player in the living room.

Here comes the Sun began to play and she had walked over.
"Do you want to dance?" I asked, holding my hand out. She laughed a bit and grabbed my hand.

Here Comes the Sun (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now