She's so Pretty

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R/A - random address
F/c/f - favorite Chinese food (dumplings, butter chicken, etc)

Ryan's pov

I was sitting on the couch, playing a couple of chords on my guitar when I heard the phone ring. I set down my guitar and got up to answer it.
"Hello?" I asked, half hoping it was Y/n.

"R-ryan?" It's her, is she okay? 

"Y/n? Are you okay?" I asked worried.

"N-not really... can y-you co-ome over p-p-please?" huh????

"Uhh alright, what's going on?" I was scared for her.

"I-I'll tell y-you w-w-when you get h-here my a-adre-ess is r/a..." I should head over, I hope she's okay...

I sighed, "Alright, I'll be there soon..." I hung up the phone, grabbed my jacket, and started to walk over.

Time skip to ten minutes later when he arrived

I knocked on the door, and almost immediately I was met with a sobbing Y/n and a hug. She put her hands around my neck and had her head in my chest. I looked down at her and put my hands on her back with one hand rubbing circles. I put my chin on her head and leaned my head to where my mouth was almost touching her head.

I whispered, "Shhh, shhhh, it's okay, everything will be alright in the end shhh..." I actually have no idea if it's going to be okay... 

After a few minutes of this, she let go and grabbed my hand. She walked into the penthouse, and I followed. I looked around a bit as we walked to where ever she was taking me. Wow, Pete really is rich geez...wait, where is Pete??

She led me into the living room and we sat down on the sofa; she kept crying, she had let go of my hand. She looked up at me.

"I-I c-came home a-and I..." I grabbed her hand, waiting patiently for her to finish. "...I h-heard a noise c-coming f-from t-the bedroom, a-and I caught P-Pete ch-cheating..." She pointed to the bedroom, "I k-kicked h-him out a-and I d-don't know what t-to do n-now..." I could barely tell what she said through her sobs.

She kicked Pete out of his own home?? That's so funny... 

I chuckled at this, and then realized that probably wasn't a good idea. 

"W-what?" She asked through her tears.

"Its just..." I hesitated to go through with my answer. " kicked Pete out of his own home, I think that's really funny, and pretty bad ass." I was waiting for her to yell at me for that. But she just chuckled a bit.

"I guess that is pretty funny, huh?" She smiled. Her smile, it's so pretty... 

I nodded and wiped the tears from her eyes with my sleeve.

"Why don't we get some food? I was going to order Chinese food for myself tonight, if that's okay with you..." I wanted her to stop crying and get her mind off of Pete.

"Yeah, that sounds good." She said, wiping her tears some more. Good, I need you smiling again... 

There was a phone sitting on the side table next to the sofa.

"What do you want?" I asked as I started to dial the number.

"F/c/f" She said, her tears finally stopped.

"Sounds good." I said and finished dialing the number.

Time skip to the food getting there

I heard a knock at the door and sprang up with my wallet in my hand, as I started towards the door I felt a hand on my arm pull me back. I looked and Y/n was handing me money. No you're not paying, I'll do it... 

I pushed her money away and opened the door. As I grabbed the food I handed the man my money and thanked him. I closed the door. Y/n had gotten up and grabbed the food from me and took it to a counter off the kitchen. We sat down and started to eat.

"How long do you think he was cheating on me?" She was looking down at her food when she asked this.

"I'm not sure..." I could see the tears forming around her eyes again. They rolled down her cheeks slowly as she ate. I hate this, how could Pete do this to her...

"Hey, fortune cookies!" I said, handing her one, trying to get her mind off of him. She smiled a bit through her tears. We both opened them and I read mine first, "You're going to get new clothes soon... Alright!" I said, looking over at her.

"I will sleep well tonight? Okay then..." We both laughed at these and threw away our trash before sitting on the sofa. She turned on the tv and Gilligans island was on. She snuggled close to me and I put my arm around her. This is so nice... 

After sitting there for about twenty minutes, I looked over and she had fallen asleep. I picked her up bridal style and she put her hands around my neck. 

She buried her head into my chest. This made me smile. I remembered where she said the bedroom was. I took her in there and laid her on the bed. She's so pretty... 

I started to leave, but then, I felt a hand grab my arm and slide down to my hand, I looked over.

"Please stay..." She barely had her eyes open.

"I really shouldn't..." But I want to...

"Please?" She said softly, I smiled a bit and sighed.

"Okay, I will." I heard her let out a soft yes and laid down in the bed next to her. I was on my side facing her and she was facing me. She's so pretty... oh no, am I really falling for her? 

I moved a few stray hairs  out of her face and then fell asleep.

Hey guys I hope you liked this chapter! I really wanted to write in Ryan's perspective for a bit, I might do it again for the next chapter, but we'll see ~ peace out cheesebags

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