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Gerard drove me home. The car ride was quiet. We got to the apartment, before I got out of the car I told Gee thank you and walked up the stairs. I opened the door to see a beaten up Ryan sitting on the couch, on the verge of tears.

I walked over and sat next to him, "Hey, let's get you cleaned up." I said with a sad smile. As I began to clean him up, he flinched as I put on the peroxide.

"I-I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking... he just wouldn't leave you alone." He said, looking down at his feet.

"It's okay I-"

He cut me off, "No Y/n, it's not okay. I made you cry, I never wanted to make you cry and I don't want it to happen again...unless it's because of my shitty jokes, that's it!"

I smiled at him, "Alright, just don't get into fights because of me, okay? I can handle some of it, and you might be out of a job. I mean, you did beat up the guy that runs the whole club. "

"Why don't we take the day off tomorrow and we can hang out. Just me and you?" He leaned in and kissed me after he asked. I pulled away and smiled staring at his lips

"That sounds great." He smiled and kissed me again. Then the phone rang, startling both of us.

I got up, "I'll get it." I walked over and picked up the phone. Ryan followed me and leaned against the wall to face me.


"Hey Y/n, it's Gee. Did you make it up to your apartment safe?"

"Yeah, I did and you where right, about Ryan..." Ryan perked his head up at the sound of his name like a dog, "...he was waiting for me, sad as hell." I said, looking up at Ryan.

"I'm happy you two are okay, also um, we finally got the pool ready and I was wondering if you and Ryan would like to come over on friday and swim with me and some friends?"

"Yeah, sounds fun!"

"Cool, you can come over at around one, if that's alright sugar?"

"Yeah, that should work, I gotta go see you later, Gee."


I hung up the phone, "Gerard just invited us to a pool party on Friday and I told him we're going so we might want to take the day off on Friday. I doubt Pete will just let me have Friday off like he used to." Ryan nodded. We both changed into comfy clothes and went to bed.

The rest of the week was fairly normal. Surprisingly, Pete let Ryan keep performing at the cantina, probably because the crowd goes bat shit crazy when Ryan performs. Both Pete and the day care let me take Friday off and Ryan doesn't really have a schedule so Friday was already open for him.

Friday rolled around and we were getting ready to go over to Gee's. I was getting out my swimsuit, but I couldn't find the bottoms. My swimsuit is red, it has a big bow on the front of the top and the bottoms are high waisted with buttons going down each side(above).

"Ryan, I can't find my swimsuit bottoms." I said, hoping he might've seen them.

"I haven't seen them, babe..." He said, walking into the bedroom, already in his swim shorts with a worn out band tee for a top, " ...if you can't find them, you can borrow mine, I have two pairs of swimsuits." Oh he would so love that...

"Um, alright." I said, walking over to him as he shuffled through his drawers to find a pair of plain black swim shorts that looked too small for him.

"These are too small for me, but they might fit you." He said, smiling and handing them to me.

"Thanks," I smiled back and walking to the bathroom to change, not before grabbing my plain black cover up with spaghetti straps. I quickly changed, grabbed our towels, and we left.

I drove since Ryan didn't know where Gee lived. It didn't take very long for us to get there. We got out of the bug and knocked on the door of the gigantic house. The door opened to a shirtless Gerard in his swimsuit. 

"Hey guys, come in..." He motioned for us to come inside and he led us to the pool area as he talked, " ...the pool was just finished last week, and this is the first time I'm having people in it so, congrats guys."

We went to the edge of the pool, it was huge, it had fountains and a hot tub connected to it, "I'm gonna get some drinks from inside, make yourself at home, sugar." Gerard turned around and left. As soon as Gee was inside and I had my cover off Ryan picked me up by the waist. I began laughing and play punching him to let me go

"Ryan let me go!" I laughed.

"Alright." He said dropping me into the pool.

I hit the water and opened my eyes, seconds later I saw Ryan jump in with a big splash. He opened his eyes as I swam over. I put my arms around his neck and kissed him as we floated back up to the surface. 

"Hey, lovebirds..." Gee started, setting a bowl of chips and two beers on the table while he had one in his hand. Behind him where two men, one tall, blonde, and had glasses. The other had a big fro with brown eyes.

" ...this is my brother, Mikey and my friend, Ray. I'm pretty sure you guys have already met Y/n." He said, walking to the hot tub.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure we have." Ray said, waving and following Gerard. Ryan and I got out of the pool, grabbed the beers from the table that Gee had left and joined them getting in the hot tub.

Gerard was about to get in, but stopped and pulled me aside and whispered in my ear so no one could hear, "Mikey's crushing on you." Before I could say anything, he pulled away and ran back to jump in the hot tub. I highly doubt that... 

I got in the hot tub, I sat in between Ryan and Gerard while Ray was next to Gerard and Mikey on the other side of Ryan. Ryan rested his arm on my shoulders as Gee began to speak, "So, how long have you two been together?"

"About a week." Ryan answered.

"Oh yeah, you two seem great..." I stopped paying attention and looked at Mikey. He's staring right at my tits oh my god...

How the heck did this sad excuse for a fic get over 100 reads??? That's insane. Have a joyful day~ peace out cheesebags

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