Are You Sure You're Okay?

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Y/f/l - your favorite lunch food(chicken sandwich, mac and cheese, etc.)

"So what do you do for a living?" He looked at me as he asked this. Oh my god, he's so cute...

"Oh uh, well in the mornings I work at a day care and in the afternoon I work at the cantina." Why am I so nervous talking to him?

"Oh yeah? How is that?" He stopped looking at me and started to look down at the ground.

"Its alright, I like working with kids so the day care is fun and at the cantina Pete always gives me Fridays off, so when I work it's usually not too bad...what do you do? I mean besides music, if you do anything else?" I asked, unsure if I should go through with the question.

"No, I don't really do much else." He brought his head up and looked forward.

"Do you just sing covers?" I asked, looking over at him.

"No, I have some originals, people just like..." I stopped paying attention at this point, well I was paying attention, just not really to what he was saying, I started to stare at his mouth. I like his voice I like his mouth, oh, oh... 

I felt my face get a little red and I stared at the ground.

"Well it looks like we're here... are you okay?" He looked over at me.

I looked up at him, "Oh yeah, I'm fine." I smiled at him.
We walked in and kept talking. We made jokes and puns about the food and different brands as I grabbed all the things I needed.

I bought all the items and we started to head back. "Hey, do you want to go get lunch? There's a restaurant right here." He asked me with his hand behind his head.

"Uh, yeah sure." No, what have I done, what about Pete!? Oh god no...

We walked in and got a booth next to a window. We sat down and started to look at the menu, "So, what kind of music are you into? Also, I like your shirt." He asked, looking over his menu at me.

"Oh uh, thanks I'm mostly into rock. I like the beatles, bowie, led zepplin and some other stuff..." I said, looking back at him.

He set his menu down and smiled, "That's what I like, that's really cool." I smiled at him and a waitress came over to take our orders.

"What will you have?" The waitress asked, as if she'd rather die than be here.

"I'll have y/f/l." I said and looked at Ryan.

"I'll have..." I started staring at his mouth again. What is wrong with me!? I barely know this guy and I'm already head over heals...and Pete... I totally forgot about Pete what the hell!?

"Y/n...Y/n??" Ryan's voice brought me back out of my thoughts.

"Oh, sorry, yeah?" I asked, bringing my hand to my chin and my elbow on the table.

"Are you sure you're okay?" He asked, concerned.

"Uhh, yeah I'm fine... " I said smiling at him.

"Uh, alright." He smiled back and the food came. We didn't talk much while we ate. We finished and the waitress came over with the bill.

We both started to pull out our wallets, "Oh no please, let me pay." He motioned for me to put away my money.

"Um, are you sure?" I asked him, unsure of his decision.

"Yeah, it's fine." He set the money down and we got up, I grabbed the groceries and we left. We talked a little bit more and then we had to split. I don't want him to leave ahh...

"Well, it's bean a pleasure, Y/n." I laughed at his terrible joke and waved at him, then walked off. As I walked I heard footsteps behind me and turned around. Ryan??? 

"Hey, uhh, I almost forgot, here's my number..." He handed me a piece of paper, "...If you ever need anything." He smiled at me and I smiled back. His eyes are so pretty ughhh...

"See you around!" He turned around and ran off with his guitar case hitting his back as he ran. I laughed at this and walked up to the penthouse. I couldn't stop smiling, I opened the door and walked in setting the groceries down. I heard a weird noise coming from the bedroom.

"Pete?" I whispered, walking over to the bedroom door, which was cracked open. I looked in. Pete? What is he doing home?

I saw someone else in there with him. I cracked the door open a little more. 

"Oh Pete..." My eyes grew wide at the sound of this, I could feel the tears about to fall from my eyes. I opened the door all the way hitting it against the wall and I fell to my knees sobbing. Pete looked over at me and quickly pulled his pants back up. He ran over.

"Hey baby, what are you doing here early?" Pete asked.

"What do you mean, early!? I don't have work today, what the hell are you doing with her!?" I screamed at him as I sat on the floor, sobbing.

"I...umm" He tried to answer, but I wouldn't let him.

"Get out of here!" I yelled at them.

"Me too? Babe, I live here... " Pete stood over me, I let him have it.

"Don't baby, me! And yes, you too!!!" I screamed. Pete quickly grabbed his shirt and they both ran out. I sat on the floor sobbing. What do I do now? I'll have to leave soon...this is Pete's long has he been cheating? What am I going to do now? 

I cried for a few hours, unsure of what to do now.

I got up, it was already five o'clock. I went over to the phone on the wall, I picked it up and dialed Gerard's number. As it rang I twisted my fingers around the cord connecting the phone to the wall. No answer... 

I tried calling Patrick... No answer. 

Then I realized... It's a Saturday night, everyone's out... 

I looked over to the counter, where I set Ryan's number. I grabbed it, but hesitated before dialing. You barely know him...should I even bother? 

I sighed and dialed his number. It rang for a few seconds.


Hey babies I hope you like this chapter, a lot went down wowie. As I write this I'm heading home from Disneyland but when I post I might already be home, which means more time to write! Have an amazing day guys~ peace out cheesebags

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