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Your pov

I drove to work and got there right on time. I walked in, my mind still spinning. I quickly looked around, thankfully Gerard wasn't there, or at least, not yet. I walked behind the bar and began working, trying to push all thoughts of Gee away.

Work was going smoothly, I had managed to get Gerard out of my head for quite awhile, until I heard him speak, "Y/n! Hey!" He was wearing sunglasses, probably still hung over...

"Hi Gee!" Does he not remember? He walked over to the bar and took a seat.

"Um, can I talk to you? When you're done working, I mean." Fuck, he remembers...

"Uh, y-yeah sure." I smiled sweetly.

"Thanks, sugar," he walked off and sat with the boys. Oh god oh fuck oh god oh fuck... was all that I thought until my shift finally ended. As soon as I had left the bar, Gerard made his way towards me, "Hey um, is there somewhere we can talk privately?"

"Yeah s-sure..." I led him outside through the back.

"So um, I don't remember much from last night. All I can remember is you and barfing." He laughed, "Did anything happen?" Oh geez... do I tell him? He's the one that asked...

"Yeah uh, after I took you home you uh...kissed me." His eyes widened, "B-but it's okay, you apologized right after and then went inside."

"Sugar, I am so sorry! I didn't mean it! I promise I don't see you like that, we're friends!" He's lying! His voice! His tone! He's hiding something...

"Really? It doesn't sound like that's true."

"W-what? I swear, I-I have no feelings for you!" His face began to turn pink.

"Gerard..." Just say it, I already know you're lying...

"Okay..." Now we're getting somewhere... 

"I kind of used to have a thing for you. But it's gone! I swear, Y/n, you're one of my closest friends and I know how much that means to you. I couldn't just, ruin it!" I hugged him. Oh Gee...

"Thanks for telling me. I know how hard it must be to see me with other guys but, I just don't see you like that. I'm sorry and I want to stay friends."

"That's alright sugar, let's head back inside." He let go and led me back in. That was easier than I thought it would be, wow...

I decided to just head home for the night so I walked through the building out through the front and drove home. I can't believe that actually happened... I wonder what it would have been like if Gerard had been home that night... 

As my mind wandered, I hadn't even realized I had made it home. I got inside and flopped down onto the couch. That was when, the phone rang.

I took a deep breath, got up, and answered it, please be Ryan, please be Ryan, please be Ryan...


"Hey sugar!" Gerard slurred, clearly drunk out of his mind.

"H-hey Gee I-"

"Look sugar..." He burped and then laughed, it made me cringe picturing him this way, "... since little what's his name is out of town, why don't we get a little...down and dirty...?" He whispered the last part and laughed. My eyes widened, what the fuck!?

"Gerard, you're drunk! You don't know what you're saying!" I tried to reason.

"Oh I know I'm drunk, you don't have to tell me, hon. What I need to know is if I should head over now, or later!?" Gross...

"Don't come over!"

"You want me to come over?" Ahhhh...


"Well there seems to be a problem because, I'm on my way right now!" Dumb ass!!

"No you're not, you're still on the-" He hung up. Oh no...

I sat on the couch, unsure of what to do. Door is locked, that's all I really can do... 

I began to freak out. What if he hurts himself coming over? What will he try to do? What if- 

That's when, I heard a knock at the door, "Y/nnnnn! I know you're in therrrrre!" He slurred. Oh boy, what do I do? 

"Y/n, sugar, just open the door! Pleassse!"

I got up and stood in front of the door, I can't just leave him out there? Right? But what if he tries something on me? What- 

That's when, I heard the lock click, "Never mind, sugar! I picked the lock!" What the fuck!? 

He opened the door, just as I zoomed into the bedroom and shut the door, sliding down the door and bringing my knees to my chest. Am I a bad person for this? He's drunk, he doesn't know what he's doing, should I help him? I don't even know...

"Gerard?" I called from behind the door.

"Sugar?" I heard him walk towards the door and put his ear against it.

"Are you drunk or high?"

"Mmmyeah..." He slurred out. Damn it, Gerard! "Sugar, can I see you?" Oh geez...

"Are you gonna hurt me?"

"No..." I got up and slowly opened the door to see one of my best friends, in a total mess.

"Gerard, what did you do to yourself?"

"Everythinggg..." He almost fell over, but I caught him before he could hit the floor, "Thanks, Y/n..." He smiled at me for a moment and then hugged me tight, "... I think you're my best friend." I smiled.

"You might be my best friend too."

"Really!? Wowwwww, I think I might throw up again..." I quickly dragged him into the bathroom, holding his hair back so he wouldn't get bits of whatever he ate earlier in it. He sat up against the wall before running a hand through his greasy black hair, "Y/nnnnn?"


"Can I stay here tonight? I don't think I'll make it hommmme..." I smiled, he'd probably end up in some strangers bed if I said no...

"Of course," we walked out of the bathroom and into the living room.

"Yay, sleepover!!" He said excitedly, diving onto the couch, and falling asleep almost instantly. Why does he always do this to himself? He looks so... sad...

The phone rang, causing me to jump, and quickly answer it to not wake up Gee. Surprisingly, he was still fast asleep.


"Hey darling! How are things going?" Ryan! My love...

"Things are..." I looked over at Gerard, his mouth wide open with drool hanging out, "...fine, what about you?"

"Its alright, I miss you a lot." I smiled.

"I miss you too, love."

"What was that thing you wanted to tell me earlier?" Thing? What? Oh wait, duh... well I can't tell him now, he'll beat the shit out of him...

"Oh uh, it was nothing." Please don't ask, please don't ask...

"Okay cool, well I gotta go darling. See you soon. I love you."

"Yeah, see you soon and I love you too." After he hung up, I draped a blanket over Gerard's body and went to bed.

Look who's finally putting this dude out! Been working on it for awhile and finally figured out what was gonna happen! Go me! Ahahaha anyways happy birthday Ryan I hope he has an epic sick nasty awesome sauce day today. Have an ecstatic day~peace out cheesebags

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