Happy Birthday, Ryan!

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I sat at home, putting together Ryan's present. His birthday is tomorrow. He's gonna love it... I know he will... tomorrow night will be great...

I was sitting criss cross, wrapping his present with newspapers, since being broke can't exactly get you pretty wrapping paper and what not. Okay, last piece of tape... now I must hide it and off to work I go!

I held the rectangular gift in my hands, getting up, and walking to the bedroom. I bent down and slid it under the dresser. I hope he doesn't somehow find it...

I grabbed my bag and walked to the car, driving to work. The work day went by fast and before I knew it, I was already in bed next to the love of my life, about to fall asleep, "Are you excited for your birthday, tomorrow?" I yawned.

"Yeah, I'm excited to have it with you this year. I won't have to deal with some maniac who can't go a minute without some sort of validation from me," He laughed, "Come here, darling." He pulled me close and kissed my head, "You're the best thing that's ever happened to me."

"Aww, you're the sweetest. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me too. I love you, George Ryan Ross III. I love you with all my heart, and nothing can change that." I said, barely keeping my eyes open.

"I love you too, Y/n M/n L/n. I love you more than anything in the world. You can't change my mind." He kissed my forehead, just before I gave in to my sleepiness, and fell asleep.

My eyes fluttered open. I smiled to see Ryan still asleep. He is so adorable, his messy brown hair, and boyish features... I love everything about him...

I forced myself out of bed, and out into the kitchen. Waking up at noon again is totally epic, I'll make pancakes, Ryan's favorite... 

I pulled the pancake mix out of the cupboard and began adding the ingredients. As I was mixing, I heard a pair of feet make their way into the kitchen, followed by a pair of arms wrapping around my waist from the side, along with a pair of lips, planting themselves on my cheek.

"Good Morning, birthday boy."

"Good morning, sunshine," He hummed, "What are you making?"

"Pancakes," he smiled and hummed happily, "Specially made for you," I kissed his head, he blushed, and smiled, "Aww, you're so cute, baby."

"No I'm not..."

"Yeah, you are. You're the cutest, here you go, love." I handed him a plate. He took it, keeping a hand in mine as he led me to the couch. We ate, talking about random things, "I'll take your plate, and then I'm gonna take a shower, and you need to get dressed." He sent a suspicious look my way.

"What are we doing?"

"Nothing much." I shrugged.

"Sure, where are we going?"

"I can't tell you, it's a surprise! Go get dressed, I'm gonna take a shower." I told him.

"Okay..." He sighed, walking to the bedroom. I grabbed some clothes, took them into the bathroom, and took a quick shower. I got out, now unsure of my outfit choice. It's a dress! But, it's for Ryan! He's only seen me in a dress once, and it was with Pete, icky... He'll like it, I know it... what if he doesn't!? 

I slipped on the only dress I had, it was long sleeve, black on top with a floral pattern on the skirt (pic below)

I slipped on the only dress I had, it was long sleeve, black on top with a floral pattern on the skirt (pic below)

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