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"'s going to be okay..." I whispered. He began to calm down a bit, but then Brendon's pounds on the door got louder and louder. Ryan's hands shook more and more with each pound.

"Come on baby, I just wanna see ya!" Brendon yelled.

"Couldn't we call the police or something?"

"N-no, h-he's got the p-police wrapped around h-his f-finger." He stuttered out, still crying.

I got up and walked to the door, "Why don't you just leave us alone!?" I asked into the door.

"Oh sweetheart, this is for the men to discuss. Why don't you go and make me a sandwich, doll?" My eyes widened and without thinking I opened the door and punched Brendon in the face with all my force.

He fell to the ground clutching where I had hit, "Wow Ryan, you got yourself a feisty one!" He laughed still lying on the ground. Ryan had gotten up and was standing next to me laughing. It's good to see your alright now...

"Now, please leave Brendon, or I'll hit you again." I said, leaning against the door frame looking down at him.

"Ok, ok I'll leave it's just, Ryan, Jon's back in town and he's wanting to do a little young veins tour with ya. " He said getting up.

"That's it!? That's all you had to say!?" Ryan said, annoyed.

"Well yeah, I can't just tell you, I gotta have a story to tell." He smirked and began to walk out.

"That dick, there's no way that's all he had to say, he'll be back..."  Ryan said walking inside I followed and closed the door, "...and what does he mean a Young Veins tour? Barely anyone knew us!" He began to walk into the bedroom.

"Why don't we talk about this in the morning? A lot has happened today." I got into bed and he did too.

He kissed my forehead and whispered, "It was pretty bad ass when you hit Brendon in the face."

I smiled,"Yeah?"

We both laughed a bit, "Yeah..." I cuddled up close to him and felt my eyes get heavy as I fell asleep.

As I woke up, I was surprised to see Ryan still asleep next to me. I smiled to myself he's so cute... I love him... 

I decided to stay in bed, after a few minutes, Ryan woke up, "Good morning baby..." He had his morning groggy voice. "...why are you smilin' ?"

"You're really cute when you sleep."

He smiled,"You know you are too."

He leaned over and kissed my cheek,"We should probably get up, huh?" He continued to smile.

"Yeah, we probably should." I sighed. We both started to get up, he held his hand out and I grabbed it as we walked out into the kitchen to make breakfast.

He began to look in the fridge, then in the cabinets. He pulled out a box, "Pancakes?" He asked, looking at me.

I let go of his hand and leaned against the counter, "Yeah." I laughed. I walked over to him as he pulled out all the ingredients.

"Why don't you put on some music, and then we can start?" He began grabbing utensils and things. I walked over to the record player and began to look through the box.

I pulled one out the Beatles- Abbey Road... 

I put it on and it began to play come together. I walked back over to Ryan and he smiled at me, "Nice choice." I smiled back and we began to make the pancakes. As the music played we both hummed along until we both ended up singing.

"Come together right now over me..."

We finished making the pancakes just as Here Comes the Sun began, he grabbed my hand and we began to dance in the middle of our messy little kitchen. I never want this to end...

Here comes the sun (doo doo doo doo)
Here comes the sun, and I say
It's all right...

He spun me around, as he brought me back in, he kissed me, I leaned in a little as I kissed back. The song ended and so did our kiss as he pulled away and handed me a plate of pancakes. I smiled and took it from him. We both sat down, as we ate he turned to me,"Y/n?"

I turned to face him,"Yeah?"

"Um...are-are you really happy? With me I mean?"

I got curious,"Yeah, of course, why?" I looked up at him.

"It's just that, Pete... Pete was able to get anything you wanted whenever you wanted. I can't do that, he's got fancy cars and expensive art. I don't even know why you turned him down the other night..."

I smiled a bit,"Because I love you, I don't need all those fancy things. I know it's cliche, but I have you and that's all I need. Besides, I didn't really care for all the fancy things he had, the pent house always felt cluttered with all those things."

He smiled, "You really love me?"


I got up and put our plates in the sink. Besides, Pete's a dick anyways, and Ryan can beat him up... Pete can't even beat up Patrick... 

My thoughts where cut off by a pair of arms wrapping themselves around my waist.

"What do you wanna do now, babe?" Ryan asked, resting his head on my shoulder, "I'm not sure, maybe-" the phone rang, interrupting me. He let go and picked up the phone.

Ryan's pov


"Hey Ryan, it's Jon I got some news... "
Fuck, he was right..."...the Young Veins got a tour! Isn't that exciting?"

"How did we get a tour? Nobody knows us..."

"Its only for a week, we'll just be doing shows along the coast of California..." I sighed, ", are you in?"

"No, I'm not going I have better things to do." Y/n walked over, leaned against the wall, and looked at her feet.

"Come on Ryan, we both know you could use the money, and besides, I already said you would."

"What? No, why?"

"Because it'll be fun, you're going you can't disappoint the fans."

"What fans? We have no fans!"

"We're leaving next Monday, and you're coming!"

"No I'm not..."

"See you then!"

"No you won't..."

I hung up the phone, "What was that about?" She looked up from her feet. I don't want to leave her ughhhh...

"One of my old bands, the Young Veins is going on tour I guess and Jon already said yes to it without even talking to me." I walked over to the couch.

"Wait, what? How long will you be gone? And when are you leaving?" she asked, following and sitting next to me.

"I'll be gone for a week and will leave next monday." I looked over at her, she was staring at the floor, "Hey, it's only going to be a week, okay? I'll be back and we still have a little over a week until I leave." I wrapped my arm around her and kissed her cheek. She looked at me and then rested her head on my shoulder.

I don't think I've talked about this on here but I have a one shot book up! It's for many bands and I take requests over there! Take care of yourselves!~Peace out cheesebags

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